Vampire the masquerade bloodlines true patch gold что это
Vampire the masquerade bloodlines true patch gold что это
True Patch Gold hasn’t been updated by the creator in many years and it’s out of date on bug fixes. The Unofficial Patch actually has two versions you can install. The first is UP Basic, which is ONLY bug fixes. It does not alter any content, stats, item locations, etc. All it does is make the game work without issues. UP Plus is the version that restores, alters, and tweaks content. It’s also still supported and updated by its creator, even now over a decade later.
Get the UP, install UP Basic, play the game once or twice, then install UP Plus and check out all the changes and restorations. ALso don’t play Nosferatu or Malkavian your first couple of playthroughs.
Unfortunately the True Patch Gold is not an option if you’re running windows 10.
I can happily say running the basic version of the unofficial patch I have no noteworthy regrets, although I can’t personally recommend anything in the plus content. Apparently I’m boring for liking the game relatively the same as intended, so to speak.
Also to agree with above on Clans. Malkavian in paticular is a bit hard to run the first time through. You basically have to decode your own conversation options, on top of everything else.
Avoiding being seen as a Nosferatu isn’t really an issue imo, but the way it affects dialogue could be a pretty big hinderance to getting the ‘full’ experience.
Apparently I’m boring for liking the game relatively the same as intended, so to speak.
Not «as intended», but rather «as released». Tim Cain wrote the following ( «Activision had us work on the game until a certain point, and then they froze the project. We’d have continued to improve the game, especially by fixing bugs and finishing incomplete areas, but they didn’t let that happen.» and «Activision had become impatient and wanted the game shipped as soon as possible. They wanted to cut areas of complexity, we wanted to maintain quality, and the game was caught in a lopsided tug-of-war. In the end, Activision “won”, and the game was shipped with many bugs, cinematic cutscene issues, and incomplete areas.»
Just one last thing, after I installed the UP, I read this guide and it says «The way the patch installs has changed. Now you must launch the game from the desktop icon added during install. The patch is now installed as a separate folder which will allow you to run different mods. Running the normal vampire.exe will run the vanilla game.» And right below that, «Manual method:
Right click on the game in Steam and select «Properties», click «Set launch options. «, type in: «-game Unofficial_Patch» (including dash, exclude quotes), then click «OK».» If I do the manual method, does that mean that I’ll run the UP, have the steam cloud and count how many hours I’ve put into the game? Sorry for the wall of text!
Just one last thing, after I installed the UP, I read this guide and it says «The way the patch installs has changed. Now you must launch the game from the desktop icon added during install. The patch is now installed as a separate folder which will allow you to run different mods. Running the normal vampire.exe will run the vanilla game.» And right below that, «Manual method:
Right click on the game in Steam and select «Properties», click «Set launch options. «, type in: «-game Unofficial_Patch» (including dash, exclude quotes), then click «OK».» If I do the manual method, does that mean that I’ll run the UP, have the steam cloud and count how many hours I’ve put into the game? Sorry for the wall of text!
True Patch Gold hasn’t been updated by the creator in many years and it’s out of date on bug fixes.
As a user of the True Patch I must protest. It received a hotfix earlier this year IIRC. It hasn’t need many updates because it fixed all the fixable bugs years ago.
That may come as a surprise but it’s true. I don’t know why the UP releases an update every month and I don’t want to argue about Bloodlines somehow having infinite bugs or the UP introducing new bugs or whatever.
I used TP and found the experience bug free. It is a perfectly valid option. If VTMB doesn’t work on WIndows 10 then that’s an issue with Microsoft since they have no impetus to maintain backwards compatibility.
Of course if Paradox remasters this game we won’t need to worry about unofficial or true or whatever patchers ever again. So please tell Paradox how much you love this game and want to see it remastered. Considering how positively it is received I can’t imagine why they would let the potential money from a remaster go to waste. A DLC that rewrites the script for the last third of the game (Chinatown and beyond) so that it matches the quality of the previous 2/3 would sell like hotcakes.
The True VTMB Patch
Немного истории
Что ж, так называемый «патч» Веспа мы все тут знаем и про него есть отдельный пост, но мало кто знает, что параллельно с ним и на его основе некоторое время существовал и развивался, а потом и совсем от него отделился, The True VTMB Patch. Отделился он в том смысле, что все пересечения с патчем Веспа были переписаны с нуля, так как Весп очень много ныл, плевался и матерился по поводу этого патча. А всё потому, что патч ставился поверх патча Веспа и откатывал большинство ЕГО изменений. В конце-концов разработчиков это достало и они сделали свой собственный. Относительно недавно был инцидент, когда Весп снова начал громко вонять и ругаться, но на сей раз уже без реальных оснований. Его быстро послали, а патч временно убрали из публичного доступа, так как авторы были обижены на толпу народа которая предпочитает играть с Весповским модом и поносит их патч вместе с Веспом. Судя по всему на данный момент разработчиков уговорили снова открыть патч в публичный доступ и, даже, внести пару поправок. Разработкой занимаются Tessera и Acrimonious с сайта (в основном содержит гору nude-модов их же разработки для разных игр). На данный момент разработка практически прекращена, но всё ещё изредка выходят хотфиксы для исправления мелких ошибок.
54 Мб). По этой же ссылке будут доступны и все последующие хотфиксы если таковые выйдут. Конечно можно сходить прямо на их сайт и найти в разделе Downloads секцию об этом патче, но придётся лицезреть горы скриншотов из их nude-модов (хм. а ведь там есть на что посмотреть).
Отличия от патча Веспа
Пожалуй тут я процитирую самих разработчиков в моём переводе на русский язык (взял с их сайта):
Патч не делает ни чего кроме исправления багов и приведение ощущения от игры к тому состоянию, к которому стремились в Troika games. Если Вы ролевик и/или «пурист», который предпочитает играть в Bloodlines так, как его видели разработчики и, при этом, желаете избавиться от мерзких багов с которыми VTMB был издан, то этот патч для Вас. На столько, на сколько это возможно, весь оригинальный контент, игровой баланс и способности были аккуратно сохранены. Небольшая часть утерянного/не доделанного контента была аккуратно восстановлена. Обзор патча (на английском языке из файла описания к моду)
Обзор патча
RPG created by the Troika studio and published in 2004 by ActiVision. This patch is intended to do nothing but fix bugs that were still present within the game, following its release. This patch will not change any other aspects of the original VTMB, other than to restore any broken (but intended by Troika) content that the official patch from ActiVision failed to repair.
It is the author’s intention to change absolutely nothing about the way VTMB plays, aside from repairing and restoring broken parts of the game’s code. To the best of our knowledge, nothing else has been altered from the way that Troika had originally intended for the game to be experienced. In short: if you would prefer to play an unbroken version of the original game, then this patch is definitely for you.
The True VTMB Patch was constructed entirely from scratch by Acrimonious and Tessera. It is not based upon *any* previous works which may have been created by other parties. Not even a little bit. as the beta testers from can definitely attest to. We began with a clean, unmodified version of Bloodlines and then proceeded to uncover and repair as many critical bugs and glitches as we could find within the original game. In fact, the entire procedure of unpacking and repairing VTMB was very well chronicled on the Forums during the painstaking development of the True VTMB Patch version 5.04AT and those threads have been archived. Let us reassure you that no packets of code or snippets of data have been copied or «borrowed»
from anyone else’s work. That is a guaranteed fact. In every sense, this patch represents a truly original work by Acrimonious and Tessera. It is in fact the most stable, reliable and bug-free third-party patch available for Bloodlines to date.
Where as other third-party «patches» have managed to introduce almost as many new bugs as they have fixed, along with a slew of arbitrary, unwarranted and highly questionable changes to items, gameplay and quests, the True Patch is entirely free of such controversial issues. Our patch will do nothing except fix what was broken and/or missing from the original game. No other changes have been made, primarily because no other changes are warranted. This is why the True VTMB Patch is so compact in its overall size: it just fixes critical bugs in VTMB, period. and nothing else.
It is recommended that you not install this version on top of any other «unofficial patches» or mods. Also, this version of the True VTMB Patch does not support any previous versions of our patch prior to version 4.04AT. This is a self-contained, stand-alone patch and it must be installed into a fresh copy of VTMB. This is critical. You can not just drop version 5.04AT into a pre-existing installation of VTMB and expect it to function properly. New users of the True Patch absolutely MUST completely remove and then re-install VTMB, from its original installation CD’s. This point can not be stressed enough, so please be sure that you fully understand this issue, before proceeding any further.
This version of the True VTMB Patch has been updated to include several minor fixes. Also, we have included within this hotfix a few *optional* files in a new folder named «Utility.» Those files can be used to update the Bloodlines engine, so that it functions properly with Windows Vista (x32 and x64 versions), as well as enabling the engine’s Dx9 shader API’s to work properly on systems which have greater than 2 GB of system RAM installed.
Lastly, we have also included a copy of the «VTMB Res Patcher» utility, which will allow VTMB to display properly at high resolutions on widescreen monitors (such as HDTV monitors).
Full instructions regarding these new optional files can be found within the «Utility» folder, contained within this True VTMB Patch package. Please refer to those instructions for further information on their use («ReadeMe_NOW_Utility.txt»).
Список внесённых изменений
Player histories are disabled by default. To «permanently» turn them on, edit the autoexec.cfg file (open with Notepad)in Vamire\CFG and add the following line:
Some effects in player histories have been modified to avoid known buggy behavior.
Added short and penalty descriptions to all histories in use.
* Restored some missing lines from Heather’s opening dialogue, including Malkavian lines where appropriate
* Restored dialogue and missing xp for finding Bertrum Tung
* Fixed an inconsistency in Jeanette’s dialogue that caused the Jeanette boink relay to fire when it shouldn’t
* Changed some conditions in Therese’s dialogue to make sure the Spritual Release quest properly updates when the pendant is given to Jeanette
* Fixed some typos in Therese’s dialogue
* Fixed some typos in Knox’s dialogue
* Fixed some typos in Tourette’s dialogue
* Fixed a starting condition in E’s dialogue that checked to see if the player is Nosferatu
* Restored missing xp for entering the gallery without killing Chunk and added an appropriate quest state
* Restored Jeanette’s e-mail and associated dialogue option
* Changed Malcolm’s dialogue so that players no longer say they want a «few hundred bucks» and then only ask for 75
* Made sure Knox will no longer appear in the Santa Monica hub if the player has killed him.
* Restored correct sound scheme for Carson’s laptop and the Keui-Jin’s
* Added some conditions to clean up sloppy code in Santa Monica scripts
* Added some spoken lines to Mercurio’s subtitles
* Fixed some subtitles in Arthur’s dialogue
* Repaired an interesting place conversation node inside the Asylum.
* Fixed bail bond entry in Kalptrick’s computer for Rolf. Should display his license plate correctly now.
* Fixed Regent dialogue so Tremere players who have met all requirements won’t miss out on their haven (not tested)
* Made sewer map available to Nosferatu only.
* Restored use of social and psychic abilites to deal with Milligan for Pisha.
* Fixed a bug with Kanker not properly updating quest status on death under certain circumstances.
* Fixed Mudd Hunt quest so players can’t get stuck by doing things out of order.
* Made abandoned building always show the murder scene when it should.
* Restored parking garage briefcase exchange sequence.
* Corrected a conditional error in Venus’ dialogue that could result in getting her quests twice
* Fixed some typos in Damsel’s dialogue
* Fixed some tyops in the blood doll’s dialogue
* Made subtitles match the voice over for the bum in the abandoned building
* Removed some duplicate lines from Venus’ dialogue
* sharks will no longer try to hate Jets that don’t exist, and vice versa
* Corrected a condition resulting in duplicate lines in LaCroix’s endgame dialogue
* Fixed some conditions in LaCroix’s dialogue regarding Masquerade violations.
* Removed a duplicate line from the abandoned building bum’s dialogue and ensured that he leaves when he’s supposed to.
* Fixed some sloppy code in Vesuvius scripts
* Corrected some conditional errors in VV’s dialogue
* Made Imalia’s newspaper and inspection node only appear when they should
* Fixed a starting condition that could lead to inconsistency in Imalia’s dialogue.
* Hid Bertrum’s CD from non Nosferatu
* Fixed dates in Warrens ledgers
* Added some conditions to Isaac’s dialogue so you don’t tell him about the Gargoyle every time you speak to him.
* Hid Yukie until after you meet Ming Xiao
* Removed some unspoken lines from Ming Xiao’s subtitles
* Restored some Ji Wen Ja/Lu Fang reconciliation lines and added appropriate quest states
* Added some conditions to Tseng dialogue to prevent some options from showing up before they should
* Restored sound to Mira’s dialogue, lines 81, 221, 231, 241, 251, 261, 271, 281, 291, 301, 311
* Nadia’s «They’re after us» line no longer plays when Nadia isn’t present. NOTE: It no longer plays at all, now. Will try to make it play only when she’s present in the future.
* Gave roof guards sniper and assault rifles instead of shotguns and uzis
* Corrected a python script check on the escape route
* Fixed some subtitles for Johansen
* Prevented Lasombra_dead_relay from triggering too soon.
* Made flamethrower a tad easier to find
* Prevented Heather from showing up if she’s already dead.
* Cleared the theatre after the player’s opening movie trial
* Restored some missing sounds, including missing feeding sounds for female characters.
* Made VV’s e-mails appear at the correct times.
* Made LaCroix’s payment for Tommy Flayton’s review appear in mailbox when it should.
* Added zoom sway effect to SWAT sniper rifle, and adjusted its base damage
* Restored Cabbie’s alternative greetings.
* Changed conditions and text for Mercurio’s «Repaid Favors» email
* Fixed some subtitles in Heather’s dialogue
* Moved Beckett’s downtown spawn point to (hopefully) fix the infamous Beckett wait bug.
* Fixed some subtitles in Jack’s tutorial dialogue.
* Additional Malkavian dialogue restored/rewritten in the few cases where it was absolutely necessary.
* Several missing textures have been recreated/restored with custom-made textures by Tessera.
* The restored lockpicking sound effect has been altered by Tessera, after carefully considering complaints from users that it was «unrealistically loud.» It has therefore been softened quite a bit.
* Several texture «stamps» have been added to certain graphics in the game, as a means of positively identifying our patch from any mods made by others. These stamps are *very* well-hidden, so have fun trying to find them all. 😉
* Several additonal and minor issues have been repaired in the form of a half-dozen «hotfixes» which are included within this version of the True VTMB Patch. These include the restoration of a few missing sound effects, as well as a couple of minor glitches which have likewise been tracked down since the initial release of this patch.
Приятной игры в Вампиров.
Такой игры, какой она должна была быть изначально.
Vampire the masquerade bloodlines true patch gold что это
I really don’t want bad blood in the fandom. I’m willing to see what has changed in the latest build, but I do think choice is a good thing to have. My apologizes if anyone took offense.
First and foremost, I am not looking to get into an argument over patches here. I do not wish to derail this thread with debates that could lead to it being locked. We all know that there are strong opinions on both sides. However, I feel the need to make people aware of their choices.
The True Patch Gold basically does nothing but bugfixes. If you want extra content, added sounds, new features that weren’t part of the original game, and other modifications, I direct you to the Wesp patch. I will grant there are some interesting restorations in there, but it isn’t my cop of tea.
If, however, you want to get as close as possible to the retail version as you can without anything else, the True Patch is your ticket. I highly recommend first-time players to give the game a run with it.
Depending on your operating system, you might need a patched vampire.dll file since Windows 10 and some versions of 7 and 8 have issues with the game’s copy protection. I found one that works with Windows 10 at tinyurl dot com slash vampiredll and take no credit for it.
Another thing is that you might want to move the game files out of the steam folder, as the two programs don’t always play nice.
Please give the patch a shot, if you are new to the series.
If, however, you want to get as close as possible to the retail version as you can without anything else, the True Patch is your ticket.
. I don’t want to get into a long drawn out debate over it, just that to my knowlege, the true patch is more in line with the original game then the minimum version of the unofficial patch.
All I want is to make sure people know about their options.
The simple fact is there are so many versions because oftentimes your own work breaks something that you’ve had to patch in a future release. You’ve added extra code and script that doesn’t always play nice.
The Unofficial patch, even in basic mode, still has extras floating around and a few fiddly bits of code.
. everything fished from the coding garbage bin, little player balance, and totally new things invented just for the sake of adding them.
The plus version adding music to what was originally an atmospheric area, restoring sections that were removed as design decisions, and in many cases inventing content out of nothing.
The new music the plus version restores is unused work from Rik Schaffer who wanted it to be heard and it is only used instead of pieces you already hear dozends of times during the game. I doubt Troika had much time to remove sections and I’ll cite Troika developer Tim Cain on this from his part of the book «Gamers at work»: «Activision had us work on the game until a certain point, and then they froze the project. We’d have continued to improve the game, especially by fixing bugs and finishing incomplete areas, but they didn’t let that happen.» and «They wanted to cut areas of complexity, we wanted to maintain quality, and the game was caught in a lopsided tug-of-war. In the end, Activision “won”, and the game was shipped with many bugs, cinematic cutscene issues, and incomplete areas.»
. case in point, the Sabbat «ending» which breaks game plot completely.
The Sabbat ending does not break the game plot at all. But I agree it’s an rather ugly hack supposed to get other modders to work on it. Because Leonard Boyarsky wrote in an interview on RPGCodex Wed 30 June 2004: «For us specifically, we would have loved to have given the player the opportunity to play one of the independent clans, or even go over to the sabbat side, but that would have necessitated making at least three different games in one.»
It’s at the point that I doubt many people know what a pure run is like because of the various changes introduced at various points of development by the unofficial mod.
The purest bug-fixed run you can get right now is with the basic Unofficial Patch, now that the True Patch has started modding the game on its own, see my last posting.
If you want to play a modded game with over powered characters, then load up the Unofficial Patch.
This is probably not true, I guess with the UP the game is harder than the original game, not easier.
VtMB is buggy in its original state (un-patched), but it should not need 70+ (and counting) patches to fix it.
How would you know? Maybe for a professional team of programmers, but I only do this as a hobby in my spare time. When somebody reports a bug, I try to fix it, nothing more!
Also, what is being called «restored content» is actually buggy, broken content that was left on the disks that he and others found, tried to fix, then put into the UP.
See the comment of Tim Cain cited above.
As for changes left over in Unofficial. we kinda lost count of all the changes being made.
Well maybe you should compare it to the original game then and not a last patch version.
There’s minor adjustments like text size and color done for no clear reason.
Sometimes tinkering in the basic patch broke full quest lines or dialog paths.
Please show me one valid example of this in the current patch!
Skill checks have been modified for. well, reasons.
Again, show me all of these skill checks and I will look into it!
I’m not a coding expert, but someone else went though the changes up to version 7.6b.
Yeah, I think I remember that thread on the TessMage boards where people tried to understand what was done and most of the time just didn’t get it! Like with the bobcat.
The True Patch, on the other hand, only attempts to fix things that were legitimately malfunctioning within the original game.
Until recently. You still ignored my prove above that it doesn’t do this anymore.
The Unofficial patch, even in basic mode, still has extras floating around and a few fiddly bits of code. It’s been a few years. last I checked you were working on a library level or something.
so it’s hard for you to say the Unofficial Patch as of today is representative of what you played years ago. It’s no secret that the Unofficial Patch essentially started out in much the same way as the KOTOR 2 restoration mod but time and time again, Wesp has kindly responded to feedback and aimed to cut down on the fat that was partly a result of initially having just one patch to choose from all those years ago.
VTMB’s one of the buggiest games out there, and while 9.9 patches might seem excessive to some, there are still bugs reported to this day that the True Patch doesn’t address.
But let’s be honest, you’ve already won the branding war. Your patch has been featured in magazines, web sites, and hell, even has a sticky right here. There’s really no contest when it comes to the war of popularity.
Let me put it this way: do you really think GOG (Good Old Games) would’ve chosen to pre-patch VTMB on their platform with Wesp’s basic Unofficial Patch if it wasn’t any good? Do you think other mods would’ve incorporated Wesp’s patch if it was unstable or hard to work with? The answer is pretty obvious.
However, I STRONGLY believe people deserve a choice. If they want to play the «plus» version with everything fished from the coding garbage bin, little player balance, and totally new things invented just for the sake of adding them. by all means, as long as they know that it’s a MOD.
And no one’s saying otherwise. I do have a problem with misinformation though, which some of your post is guilty of IMHO.
Look. I’m well aware that there is bad blood on both sides here. All I want is to make sure people know about their options. It obviously takes work to do what you’ve done, so don’t consider my opinions an attack.