Victim sacrifice в чем разница
Чем отличаются слова victim и sacrifice в английском языке?
Небольшое уточнение, как я это понимаю:
Оа слова переводятся как «жертва», но их значение немного отличается. «Victim» мы можем сказать о жертве преступления, катастрофы, то есть, о жертве, которая стала жертвой (извиняюсь за тавтологию) не по своей воле. «Sacrifice» же означает добровольную, благородную жертву.
Слово «рукавица» переводится на английский язык как mitten. Соответственно, слово «рукавички» по-английски будет звучать как mittens. Есть еще выражение knitted gloves, которое переводится как «варежки» (дословно вязаные перчатки).
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Из учебников могу посоветовать только Маркушевскую Л.П.
Кроме этого, можно заходить на иностранные сайты(версии сайтов) по интересующим Вам темам и самой переводить всё и запоминать. Сначала будет сложно, но потом Вы привыкнете.
Конечно можно сказать по разному, самый употребляемый вариант это: » I am not sure of that.», фразу можно усилить добавив (quite): » I am not quite sure of that.» Конечно можно немного разнообразить лексику: » I’m hazy on that point. » Можно и удлинить фразу, придав ей некий оттенок глубоких мыслительных процессов ): » I wouldn’t be so positive about it.» Вторую частью вопроса можно и упростить, но главное её разбодяжить такими словами как, so / quite / rather / more
И вот на выходе мы можем получить следующие: I am not quite sure of that. This case is more complicated.
Многие из нас путают употребление слов just и only, и это не удивительно, тем более, что в некоторых ситуациях они взаимозаменяемы. Например, слово only может употребляться в предложении как прилагательное, как наречие и даже как союзное слово. Когда only употребляется в предложении как наречие, то его легко, без какого-либо ущерба, можно заменить на слово just: Моцарту было всего лишь 5 лет, когда он начал сочинять музыку.
Mozart was only (just) five when he started composing. Или, вот-Я всего лишь хочу,чтобы ты меня выслушал.I only (just)expect you to listen to what I have to say.
Если only употребляется в качестве прилагательного, то оно означает «единственный».
This is the only photograph I have of my great grandfather.Это у меня единственная фотография прадеда. Only you can understand me. Ты единственный, кто меня понимает.
I think it is an advantage to be an only child.Думаю, что быть единственным ребёнком-это преимущество.
Иногда слово only употребляется как союзное слово и имеет значение but (но) или only if (если только).
We both live in the same city only I live closer to the sea. Мы оба живем в одном городе, только (но) я живу ближе к морю.
He’s got a great sense of humour only he drinks too much.У него классное чувство юмора, только (но) он сильно пьёт.
You may come with us only if you behave. Можешь пойти с нами, если только хорошо будешь вести себя.
Слово just означает недавно, буквально, только что. Они только, что приехали. They have just arrived. Я только, что поговорил с ней о свадьбе. I’ve iust spoken to her about the wedding.Совершенно очевидно, что в этих предложениях нельзя сказать only вместо just.
А еще слово just означает exactly» именно то»,»как раз»,» точно это». This is just (exactly) what I wanted to do. Это именно то, что я хотел сделать.А ещё just встречается в устойчивых словосочетаниях, just a minute, например.
Вот другие примеры: 1. Он только, что вышел из офиса (конечно, just)
Victim sacrifice в чем разница
Sacrifice is something you give up because you feel you must. In ancient cultures they often would sacrifice an animal to appease the gods. The animal is both sacrificed and the victim. Victim Means the animal has no choice in the sacrifice.
Maria sacrificed herself to run a marathon
John was the victim of a serial killer
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( 30 698 )
Victim sacrifice в чем разница
a victim is someone who has been hurt, but they didn’t want it. example: «jake is always the victim of bullying»
sacrifice is hard to explain in a simple way. but I’ll try.
sacrifice would be to let yourself be hurt so that others won’t have to be. example: «i will sacrifice myself to the bully so that my friends can get away»
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( 30 698 )
Victim sacrifice в чем разница
They have almost they same meaning but the word prey is used in animals hunting other animals to eat. The animal that is targeted is the prey
Victim is like «She was a victim of assault.»
Prey is like «The lion carefully studied his prey before attacking it.»
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( 30 698 )
Victim, sacrifice
We use the word ‘korban’ in Indonesian to denote:
(1) victim as in victim of accident, victim of crime, victim of natural disaster etc.
(2) as part of offering, sacrifice as in ‘sacrifice’ during Ied Al-Adha, the hero did sacrifice himself to protect the kid.
The word ‘korban’ is adopted from the Semitic language and most likely Hebrew.
We don’t understand why one word ‘korban’ can have two different meaning. We understand that ‘korban’ comes from a meaning of ‘being closed or getting closed’, and hence offering or sacrifice does make sense. But, what ‘being a victim’?
a. What’s the Hebrew word for victim as in victim of crime?
b. What’s the Hebrew word for sacrifce as in sacrificing animal for the offering?
Interestingly, in Saudi, they use the word «da-he-yah», but not «qurban» or «korban», which may be similar to «zevah» in Hebrew.
We use the word ‘korban’ in Indonesian to denote:
(1) victim as in victim of accident, victim of crime, victim of natural disaster etc.
(2) as part of offering, sacrifice as in ‘sacrifice’ during Ied Al-Adha, the hero did sacrifice himself to protect the kid.
The word ‘korban’ is adopted from the Semitic language and most likely Hebrew.
We don’t understand why one word ‘korban’ can have two different meaning. We understand that ‘korban’ comes from a meaning of ‘being closed or getting closed’, and hence offering or sacrifice does make sense. But, what ‘being a victim’?
a. What’s the Hebrew word for victim as in victim of crime?
b. What’s the Hebrew word for sacrifce as in sacrificing animal for the offering?
Interestingly, in Saudi, they use the word «da-he-yah», but not «qurban» or «korban», which may be similar to «zevah» in Hebrew.
The meaning in Hebrew is exactly as you describe for Indonesian, both (1) and (2).
Arabic sounds like a more likely origin, I guess that for languages where q = k, korban (modern Hebrew), qorban (biblical Hebrew), qurban (Arabic) — sound almost the same.
We use the word ‘korban’ in Indonesian to denote:
(1) victim as in victim of accident, victim of crime, victim of natural disaster etc.
(2) as part of offering, sacrifice as in ‘sacrifice’ during Ied Al-Adha, the hero did sacrifice himself to protect the kid.
The word ‘korban’ is adopted from the Semitic language and most likely Hebrew.
We don’t understand why one word ‘korban’ can have two different meaning. We understand that ‘korban’ comes from a meaning of ‘being closed or getting closed’, and hence offering or sacrifice does make sense. But, what ‘being a victim’?
a. What’s the Hebrew word for victim as in victim of crime?
b. What’s the Hebrew word for sacrifce as in sacrificing animal for the offering?
Interestingly, in Saudi, they use the word «da-he-yah», but not «qurban» or «korban», which may be similar to «zevah» in Hebrew.
The Arabic ضحية is not to זבח. The only common letter here is حח, if anything it’s to the Hebrew צח which means «clean».
We use the word ‘korban’ in Indonesian to denote:
(1) victim as in victim of accident, victim of crime, victim of natural disaster etc.
(2) as part of offering, sacrifice as in ‘sacrifice’ during Ied Al-Adha, the hero did sacrifice himself to protect the kid.
The word ‘korban’ is adopted from the Semitic language and most likely Hebrew.
We don’t understand why one word ‘korban’ can have two different meaning. We understand that ‘korban’ comes from a meaning of ‘being closed or getting closed’, and hence offering or sacrifice does make sense. But, what ‘being a victim’?
a. What’s the Hebrew word for victim as in victim of crime?
b. What’s the Hebrew word for sacrifce as in sacrificing animal for the offering?
Interestingly, in Saudi, they use the word «da-he-yah», but not «qurban» or «korban», which may be similar to «zevah» in Hebrew.
Thats just the way it is in hebrew, words have many meanings because of its density.
We don’t understand why one word ‘korban’ can have two different meaning. We understand that ‘korban’ comes from a meaning of ‘being closed or getting closed’, and hence offering or sacrifice does make sense. But, what ‘being a victim’?
That’s stretching it a bit, but a sacrifice which is usually an animal (there’s evidence of human sacrifice in the bible, but it’s disputed) is offered and killed (hurt) against his will. You can see how that connects with being a victim of a crime.
From a quick online, the English «victim» comes from the Latin «victima» which actually means «an animal or a human being offered as sacrifice».
«Sacrifice» is also Latin for «performing priestly s/sacrifices». It’s constructed of «sacer» (as in «sacred») + facere («to do»).
So it seems that both words come from the same idea, not only in Hebrew.
Thanks all for the response.
And regarding the explaination on how «korban» can mean victim, it does make sense, as «korban» has root of «being close» which is somehow to «act to sacrifice» to get close, and doing sacrifice, an animal is needed and it is the result of situation not at animal’s will, and the animal is the victim. But, as I found in the internet, the animal for sacrifice is called «zevah». Hence, my opinion, you don’t call «zevah» for victim as it may refer to animal. And there is dynamic in the laguage, to use «korban» for victim for human that suffers or be maltreated not at his will.
Language is always interesting. It repesents the snapshot of human history.
Not to mention (if wasnt already) q-r-v is to get close (either yourself, or someone else to someone)