Vox pops что это
vox pop
Смотреть что такое «vox pop» в других словарях:
vox pop — ► NOUN Brit. informal ▪ popular opinion as represented by informal comments from members of the public. ORIGIN abbreviation of VOX POPULI(Cf. ↑vox populi) … English terms dictionary
vox pop — [ˌvɔks ˈpɔp US ˌva:ks ˈpa:p] n [U and C] BrE informal opinions expressed by ordinary people when they are asked questions about a particular subject during a television, radio, or newspaper report … Dictionary of contemporary English
Vox pop — Ein Vox pop Interview Eine Vox Pop (Kurzform von lat. Vox populi, dt. Stimme des Volkes) ist ein journalistischer Beitrag in Form einer Meinungsumfrage. Dabei werden meist Passanten zu ihrer Meinung über ein bestimmtes Thema interviewt. Die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
vox pop — [[t]vɒ̱ks pɒ̱p[/t]] vox pops N VAR In a radio or television programme, a vox pop is an item consisting of a series of short interviews with ordinary members of the public. [mainly BRIT, JOURNALISM] The film also made use of newsreel footage and… … English dictionary
vox pop — UK [ˌvɒks ˈpɒp] / US [ˌvɑks ˈpɑp] noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms vox pop : singular vox pop plural vox pops mainly journalism the ideas and opinions of ordinary people on a particular subject, collected by people who make radio and… … English dictionary
vox pop. — vox populi. * * * … Universalium
vox pop. — vox populi voice of the people … Latin abbreviations
vox pop. — vox populi … From formal English to slang
vox pop. — vox populi … Useful english dictionary
vox pop — /vɒks ˈpɒp/ (say voks pop) noun Media a series of brief statements from a number of people, which are tightly edited and designed to give an indication of public opinion on a current issue, event, etc.
Vox Pop на радио: секреты и современные формы
Vox Pop – это радийный элемент, которым незаслуженно мало пользуются в Fm-пространстве. Зря. Когда я закончила работу в качестве члена жюри премии «Хрустальный микрофон», я поняла, что новости, репортажи и масса программ во всей России сделаны по клише, в них мало эксперимента, в них мало живых эмоций. Сегодня я хочу уделить внимание деталям. Vox Pop: секреты и новый взгляд.
Как использовать
1. В сложном интервью
Если в гости приходит политик или сложный интервьюер, старайтесь делать так, чтобы весь праведный гнев гостя не выливался на ведущего. Тактика вопросов «Многие считают, что вы … », то есть тактика вопросов, заданных не от себя, а с позиции большинства, отлично дополняется вокс попами. Услышав неопровержимое мнение этого самого большинства, интервьюер будет пригвождён к стене и не сможет заменить ответ возмущением.
2. В новостях
3. В оформлении эфира
Самый показательный пример – Love Radio. Работая над эфирным оформлением, они использовали Vox Pop, в котором слушатели говорили о том, что они любят Love Radio и почему. Голоса отражали целевую аудиторию, а эмоциональные высказывания – формировали положительный имидж станции.
Как задавать вопрос для Vox Pop?
1. Не задавайте закрытых вопросов – вопросов, на которые собеседник может ответить только «да» или «нет». Это сразу повлечет за собой необходимость дополнительных вопросов.
Вопрос закрытый: Вы согласны с тем, что запретили продавать путевки в Турцию?
Ответ: Да согласен
Вопрос открытый: Что вы скажете на то, что запретили продавать путевки в Турцию?
Ответ: Я считаю, что это правильное решение властей, есть масса стран более дружелюбных к нам, где можно прекрасно провести отпуск. Сочи тоже хороший курорт.
2. Важно все время задавать один и тот же вопрос, как можно более краткий и понятный
3. Вопрос должен быть интересен большей части ваших радиослушателей. На Vox Pop отбираются только самые актуальные и спорные темы.
Правила монтажа Vox Pop
Современные формы Vox Pop
Если вывести на передний план не форму, а смысл вокс попа, то останется задача интегрировать слушателя в эфир. Если заставить слушателя при этом еще и генерировать контент для радиостанции, будет совсем интересный ход.
Делюсь идеями зарубежных радиостанций. На сайте chiktv.com есть раздел под название Сhik Ups. Его смысл в том, что слушатели, находясь в интересных местах планеты, записывают для радио минивизитки, лучшие из которых звучат в эфире. Иметь в штате репортера, который будет и в Милане на неделе моды, и на закрытой вечеринке в Нью – Йорке очень дорого, а через слушателей это становится доступно и эксклюзивно. Вот, что в свое время заявил Сьюзен Воджиски после покупки Google сервиса YouTube: «Люди во всём мире могут создавать контент, и для этого им совершенно не нужна профессиональная студия».
Ссылка: Пособие для радиожурналистов Петер Хюллен. Торстэн Карг
1 vox pop
2 vox pop
3 vox pop
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6 vox populi
См. также в других словарях:
vox pop — ► NOUN Brit. informal ▪ popular opinion as represented by informal comments from members of the public. ORIGIN abbreviation of VOX POPULI(Cf. ↑vox populi) … English terms dictionary
vox pop — [ˌvɔks ˈpɔp US ˌva:ks ˈpa:p] n [U and C] BrE informal opinions expressed by ordinary people when they are asked questions about a particular subject during a television, radio, or newspaper report … Dictionary of contemporary English
Vox pop — Ein Vox pop Interview Eine Vox Pop (Kurzform von lat. Vox populi, dt. Stimme des Volkes) ist ein journalistischer Beitrag in Form einer Meinungsumfrage. Dabei werden meist Passanten zu ihrer Meinung über ein bestimmtes Thema interviewt. Die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
vox pop — [[t]vɒ̱ks pɒ̱p[/t]] vox pops N VAR In a radio or television programme, a vox pop is an item consisting of a series of short interviews with ordinary members of the public. [mainly BRIT, JOURNALISM] The film also made use of newsreel footage and… … English dictionary
vox pop — UK [ˌvɒks ˈpɒp] / US [ˌvɑks ˈpɑp] noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms vox pop : singular vox pop plural vox pops mainly journalism the ideas and opinions of ordinary people on a particular subject, collected by people who make radio and… … English dictionary
vox pop. — vox populi. * * * … Universalium
vox pop. — vox populi voice of the people … Latin abbreviations
vox pop. — vox populi … From formal English to slang
vox pop. — vox populi … Useful english dictionary
vox pop — /vɒks ˈpɒp/ (say voks pop) noun Media a series of brief statements from a number of people, which are tightly edited and designed to give an indication of public opinion on a current issue, event, etc.
Vox pops in English language teaching
According to Cambridge dictionary definition vox pops are the opinions of people recorded talking informally in public places. ‘ Vox populi’ is a Latin phrase that literally means ‘voice of the people’ ( wikipedia ). These short interviews are valuable material in ELT since they offer a number of considerable advantages.
Benefits of vox pops
How to use vox pops in the lesson?
Almost all books of the latest editions contain sections with vox pops. These videos are usually accompanied by elaborate worksheets.
Typical stages of using vox pops in the lesson are the following:
To bring some variety add more activities. For instance, listening for specific information (complete the gaps with numbers) or listening for inferring (Why do you think Bill quit his job?). Draw students’ attention to the most useful collocations in the video and do some vocabulary work. If you are pressed for time in the lesson, ask learners to answer the questions in writing at home.
Vox pops are really challenging tasks as they contain all features of connected speech and your students should be good at decoding them. Remind learners that they don’t have to understand all the words. For lower levels it is a good idea to explain that students need to be exposed to real language and gradually get used to it.
Inspired by what they see, students can make their own vox pops in the lesson by interviewing several people and recording them with their gadgets. Watch the videos together with a whole group and vote for the best variant.
What is a vox pop?
Vox Pops Pool
What does vox pops mean?
You only have to look at the Google search trends to see how common this question is. Vox pox and vox props also popular searches that demonstrate the same intrigue into the phrase that named our company.
So what is a vox pop? The phrase itself comes from Latin and it translates to mean ‘voice of the people’. Today, a vox pop is a short video made up of clips taken from interviews with members of the public. These video interviews investigate public opinion towards widely known topics, brands or products and are commonly used for market research. These videos are nowadays created in a variety of different ways. From on-the-street style, to in-home interviews and even mobile video diaries. Traditionally, however, a vox pop video refers to an on-the-street intercept interview.
Vox pops videos are shot on-location
A distinct feature of vox pops videos is the setting for where the interviews take place. Because these videos usually investigate opinions of the general public, often anyone can qualify to share their views. As a result, crews will set up their cameras on the street or in public places and ask passers-by if they would be willing to take part. This type of interview is known as an intercept interview.
Creating an effective vox pop questionnaire is something that all aspiring vox poppers need to do and it’s covered in another blog – https://www.voxpops.com/how-to-write-a-vox-pop-questionnaire/
Vox pops videos may also target slightly more specific groups of people. For example, over 50s or Millennials. But the group is never so niche that you couldn’t easily recruit people on the street. Additionally, interviews will often take place in locations relevant to the discussion topic. So for example, if the video was investigating people’s opinions towards public transport, the interviews may be more likely to take place in a train station. Not only does this help to make recruitment easier, by ensuring the crew is surrounded by people who use (and are therefore more likely to have an opinion towards) public transport. Setting up in a location relevant to the topic will also help contextualise the responses and opinions of the interviewees.
Vox pops videos are always produced by compiling clips from these intercept interviews. This means the final videos have a very distinct style. Interviewees aren’t airbrushed and wearing make-up. Instead, they are often windswept and carrying shopping. Passers-by in the background also make it obvious that the respondent hasn’t been pre-recruited or vetted on what to say, which is particularly important if the video is being used for market research. This lack of pre-recruitment or set-up interviews means vox pops videos really do represent the honest voice of the people, so the Latin definition quite aptly suits the modern video interpretation.
VPI have been conducting vox pops for nearly 30 years, our first interviews taking place at ferry terminals before the Eurotunnel was opened. We still think of ourselves as a company that represents the voices of the individuals we interview. Today, we continue to conduct vox pops interviews with members of the public, often purely for investigative purposes. We regularly send out these videos as free qualitative research, which you can sign up to receive by entering your email address in the form to the right of this page (or below on mobile).