W391 blank line at end of file python что делать
ghost commented Dec 31, 2014
Seems like a contradiction, fixing W391 introduces W292
Maybe there is an issue with the way I resolved W391
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
sigmavirus24 commented Dec 31, 2014
A newline at the end of a file does not mean that there needs to be an empty line. Your editor may not show this to you but the raw bytes would look like:
If you don’t have the last \n there then you will see W391. You seem to be doing
Edited to fix the last example.
IanLee1521 commented Jan 3, 2015
Could you provide some sample code where this is an issue? Thanks.
jkterry1 commented Mar 15, 2018
Hey, I seem to be having this issue as well, with this sample code:
FichteFoll commented Mar 15, 2018 •
Since this error is highly whitespace-sensitive, I don’t think it can be reproduced with simple code blocks as those are stripped. Please upload files.
That said, I suspect that the initial problem was that the end of the file looked as follows:
Note that the last line here is not empty but has 4 spaces. This should raise W391. It was then attempted to fix the error by removing the last newline, but that left the four spaces in the now last line, which caused W292 to be raised.
hoylemd commented Mar 16, 2018 •
As a workaround in the meantime, I have a bit in my editor(vim) config(.vimrc) that strips trailing whitespace whenever a buffer is saved. That might help you (@justinkterry) in the short term, if you use vim and are ok with your editor cleaning whitespace up for you:
bsmoliak commented Jan 4, 2019
W391 appears to supercede W292.
Seems like W292 should be raised first.
codypiersall commented Jan 16, 2019
Hmmm, for what it’s worth, it seems like Vim inserts the newline at the end of the file, but it doesn’t look like there is a newline. I wonder if this is what was happening with the OP?
kierun commented Mar 7, 2019
This is the file I use:
The last line does have a [W292] warning on it. Flake8 passes fine.
Running hexdump, get:
This is what I see on screen:
OS: Centos (7.6.1810), neovim (0.3.2), and neovim-qt (master)…
FichteFoll commented Mar 7, 2019
What happens when you run pycodestyle sanitise.py from the command line? This could be a problem in the vim intergation.
kierun commented Mar 7, 2019
What happens when you run pycodestyle sanitise.py from the command line? This could be a problem in the vim intergation.
blank line at end of file #40
DXist commented Nov 2, 2011
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
florentx commented Mar 25, 2012
pep8.py correctly detects ‘\n\n’ at end of file with warning W391.
It does not find any error if the file ends with ‘\n’ only.
I don’t see any misbehaviour here.
DXist commented Mar 26, 2012
I’ve installed pep8 0.7.0 from PyPI.
So pep8 from PyPI still has this problem
florentx commented Mar 26, 2012
You did not do the right test.
DXist commented Mar 26, 2012
Right. So I close the issue.
techtonik commented May 22, 2012
DXist commented May 22, 2012
techtonik commented May 22, 2012
Actually it is more typing, because without \n\n in Vim you can not just go to the end of file an press enter. You enter will at the start of the last line. It suxx that PEP8 validator forces everybody to this annoyance.
DXist commented May 22, 2012
You can type o command to start new line after you go to the end of file
techtonik commented May 22, 2012
Yes, I can, but I forget all the time.
techtonik commented May 22, 2012
And still PEP8 doesn’t require that files should not end with blank lines.
florentx commented May 23, 2012
I understand each developer has its habits.
I use Vim, and I regularly check my code with pep8.py. I don’t see a problem with the default settings.
techtonik commented May 23, 2012
Of course developers have habits. Why make it more harder for other people if doesn’t make any difference for yourself? Will the presence of \n\n endspace instead of \n bug you more than absence of \n\n bugs me, DXist and other people? You still can apply your rule to count(‘\n’) > 2
jorgesumle commented Sep 6, 2016
The-Compiler commented Sep 7, 2016
@jorgesumle So turn it off? I find it useful.
techtonik commented Sep 7, 2016
I remember there was some unix story about those linefeeds at the end of file, so this must be some unix kludge from the past and now is a cargo ritual. =)
DXist commented Sep 7, 2016 •
So the last new line is important for diff tools (including Github) and must have for C/C++. I guess early C development toolchain incorrectly handled the last line without line terminator symbols.
I think new line at the end of file is a part of best practices and I dislike editors/IDEs that don’t put last new line by default. Rituals support common and clear coding style.
W391 blank line at end of file python что делать
indentation contains mixed spaces and tabs
indentation is not a multiple of four
expected an indented block
indentation is not a multiple of four (comment)
expected an indented block (comment)
unexpected indentation (comment)
continuation line under-indented for hanging indent
continuation line missing indentation or outdented
closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket’s line
closing bracket does not match visual indentation
continuation line with same indent as next logical line
continuation line over-indented for hanging indent
continuation line over-indented for visual indent
continuation line under-indented for visual indent
visually indented line with same indent as next logical line
continuation line unaligned for hanging indent
closing bracket is missing indentation
multiple spaces before operator
multiple spaces after operator
tab before operator
tab after operator
missing whitespace around operator
missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
missing whitespace around bitwise or shift operator
missing whitespace around modulo operator
missing whitespace after ‘,’, ‘;’, or ‘:’
multiple spaces after ‘,’
unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter equals
at least two spaces before inline comment
inline comment should start with ‘# ‘
block comment should start with ‘# ‘
too many leading ‘#’ for block comment
multiple spaces after keyword
multiple spaces before keyword
tab before keyword
missing whitespace after keyword E3 Blank line*
expected 1 blank line, found 0
expected 2 blank lines, found 0
too many blank lines (3)
blank lines found after function decorator E4 Import*
multiple imports on one line
module level import not at top of file E5 Line length*
line too long (82 > 79 characters)
the backslash is redundant between brackets E7 Statement*
multiple statements on one line (colon)
multiple statements on one line (semicolon)
statement ends with a semicolon
multiple statements on one line (def)
comparison to None should be ‘if cond is None:’
comparison to True should be ‘if cond is True:’ or ‘if cond:’
test for membership should be ‘not in’
test for object identity should be ‘is not’
do not compare types, use ‘isinstance()’
do not assign a lambda expression, use a def
SyntaxError or IndentationError
indentation contains tabs
no newline at end of file
blank line contains whitespace W3 Blank line warning*
blank line at end of file W5 Line break warning*
line break occurred before a binary operator
.has_key() is deprecated, use ‘in’
deprecated form of raising exception
backticks are deprecated, use ‘repr()’
You can’t perform that action at this time.
You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.
Русские Блоги
PyCharm выборочно игнорирует предупреждающие сообщения в стиле кода PEP8
Персональная классификация:Инструменты разработки
Заявление об авторском праве: эта статья является оригинальной статьей блоггеров и не может быть воспроизведена без разрешения блоггеров. https://blog.csdn.net/zgljl2012/article/details/51907663
После использования PyCharm в течение нескольких дней я обнаружил, что он действительно очень полезен при написании кода Python, но один опыт не очень хорош, то есть код должен быть написан в соответствии со стилем кода PEP8, в противном случае появится волнообразное предупреждающее сообщение. Решение заключается в следующем:
Способ первый:
Подведите мышь к подсказке и нажмитеalt+Enter, Выберите, чтобы игнорировать (игнорировать) эту ошибку хорошо.
Способ второй
Найдено под питономPEP8 coding style violation, Игнорировать предупреждающее сообщение ID можно добавить в Игнорировать ошибки справа ниже, как показано ниже:
Например, E302 игнорирует предупреждение «ожидается 2 пустых строки, найдено 0» (появляется, когда я хочу добавить комментарий к методу).
Идентификатор, соответствующий предупреждению, находится по адресуhttp://pep8.readthedocs.io/en/latest/intro.html#configurationМожно найти в.
Приложение выглядит следующим образом:
code | sample message |
E1 | Indentation |
E101 | indentation contains mixed spaces and tabs |
E111 | indentation is not a multiple of four |
E112 | expected an indented block |
E113 | unexpected indentation |
E114 | indentation is not a multiple of four (comment) |
E115 | expected an indented block (comment) |
E116 | unexpected indentation (comment) |
E121 (*^) | continuation line under-indented for hanging indent |
E122 (^) | continuation line missing indentation or outdented |
E123 (*) | closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket’s line |
E124 (^) | closing bracket does not match visual indentation |
E125 (^) | continuation line with same indent as next logical line |
E126 (*^) | continuation line over-indented for hanging indent |
E127 (^) | continuation line over-indented for visual indent |
E128 (^) | continuation line under-indented for visual indent |
E129 (^) | visually indented line with same indent as next logical line |
E131 (^) | continuation line unaligned for hanging indent |
E133 (*) | closing bracket is missing indentation |
E2 | Whitespace |
E201 | whitespace after ‘(‘ |
E202 | whitespace before ‘)’ |
E203 | whitespace before ‘:’ |
E211 | whitespace before ‘(‘ |
E221 | multiple spaces before operator |
E222 | multiple spaces after operator |
E223 | tab before operator |
E224 | tab after operator |
E225 | missing whitespace around operator |
E226 (*) | missing whitespace around arithmetic operator |
E227 | missing whitespace around bitwise or shift operator |
E228 | missing whitespace around modulo operator |
E231 | missing whitespace after ‘,’, ‘;’, or ‘:’ |
E241 (*) | multiple spaces after ‘,’ |
E242 (*) | tab after ‘,’ |
E251 | unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter equals |
E261 | at least two spaces before inline comment |
E262 | inline comment should start with ‘# ‘ |
E265 | block comment should start with ‘# ‘ |
E266 | too many leading ‘#’ for block comment |
E271 | multiple spaces after keyword |
E272 | multiple spaces before keyword |
E273 | tab after keyword |
E274 | tab before keyword |
E275 | missing whitespace after keyword |
E3 | Blank line |
E301 | expected 1 blank line, found 0 |
E302 | expected 2 blank lines, found 0 |
E303 | too many blank lines (3) |
E304 | blank lines found after function decorator |
E305 | expected 2 blank lines after end of function or class |
E4 | Import |
E401 | multiple imports on one line |
E402 | module level import not at top of file |
E5 | Line length |
E501 (^) | line too long (82 > 79 characters) |
E502 | the backslash is redundant between brackets |
E7 | Statement |
E701 | multiple statements on one line (colon) |
E702 | multiple statements on one line (semicolon) |
E703 | statement ends with a semicolon |
E704 (*) | multiple statements on one line (def) |
E711 (^) | comparison to None should be ‘if cond is None:’ |
E712 (^) | comparison to True should be ‘if cond is True:’ or ‘if cond:’ |
E713 | test for membership should be ‘not in’ |
E714 | test for object identity should be ‘is not’ |
E721 (^) | do not compare types, use ‘isinstance()’ |
E731 | do not assign a lambda expression, use a def |
E741 | do not use variables named ‘l’, ‘O’, or ‘I’ |
E742 | do not define classes named ‘l’, ‘O’, or ‘I’ |
E743 | do not define functions named ‘l’, ‘O’, or ‘I’ |
E9 | Runtime |
E901 | SyntaxError or IndentationError |
E902 | IOError |
W1 | Indentation warning |
W191 | indentation contains tabs |
W2 | Whitespace warning |
W291 | trailing whitespace |
W292 | no newline at end of file |
W293 | blank line contains whitespace |
W3 | Blank line warning |
W391 | blank line at end of file |
W5 | Line break warning |
W503 (*) | line break occurred before a binary operator |
W6 | Deprecation warning |
W601 | .has_key() is deprecated, use ‘in’ |
W602 | deprecated form of raising exception |
W603 | ‘<>’ is deprecated, use ‘!=’ |
W604 | backticks are deprecated, use ‘repr()’ |
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PEP8: конфликт между W292 и W391
Проверяя свой код python с помощью PEP8, я заметил, что он также утверждает, что в конце файла должно быть \n :
Что странно, он конфликтует с W391:
Как это должно быть? Должен ли я иметь пустую строку в конце файла или нет?
3 ответа
В /tmp/spam.py году : n = 69 if n == True: print ‘potato’ утилита pep8 жалуется на это условно: wim@SDFA100461C:/tmp$ pep8 spam.py spam.py:3:6: E712 comparison to True should be ‘if cond is True:’ or ‘if cond:’ первое предложение-wrong/worse в соответствии с самим pep8 второе предложение изменяет.
W391-это пустая строка, то есть две последовательные \n с. Нет никакого конфликта.
Это то, о чем говорит W391:
Это неправильно согласно W292:
Что правильно, так это:
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В /tmp/spam.py году : n = 69 if n == True: print ‘potato’ утилита pep8 жалуется на это условно: wim@SDFA100461C:/tmp$ pep8 spam.py spam.py:3:6: E712 comparison to True should be ‘if cond is True:’.
Как известно большинству людей, использующих PyCharm, PyCharm имеет встроенный PEP8 ‘rule book’, который (если вы включите его) проверяет ваш код, видит, есть ли в нем какие-либо несоответствия в.
Проект, над которым я работаю, запускает проверку линтинга перед проверкой сборки. Линтер, помимо всего прочего, проверяет соответствие PEP8. У меня есть строка base64 длиной около 5000 символов.
Согласно стандартам PEP, отступы должны стоять перед двоичными операторами. Кроме того, многострочные условия должны быть заключены в круглые скобки, чтобы избежать использования обратной косой.