Water fasting что это
How Water Fasting Can Regenerate the Immune System, Slow Aging, Reduce Heart Attack Risk and More
Water fasting involves only drinking water and not eating any food for a set period of time. Fasting for one, two, or even more days has many health benefits. A water fast can help you lose weight, regenerate your immune system, and may even slow aging. However, for water fasting to be safe and effective, you should fast properly.
Although only drinking water for 2 or 3 days can have its benefits, water fasting may not be for everyone. There can be dangers associated with water fasting if you are underweight, pregnant, or have underlying health conditions. However, if you want to lose weight, a water fast can kick-start your diet.
In this article, you will learn about the benefits of water fasting and how to water fast safely. You will also find out what to do before and after water-only fasting to get the most benefits from it.
What is Water Fasting?
Water fasting is when you don’t consume anything but water for a set period of time. A water fast can last for as short as 24 hours or last as long as 5 or 7 days.
A 2015 review of the benefits of fasting reported that there are different types of fasting. On a water fast, you will usually only drink water at regular times throughout the day. People use water fasting for weight management and to help prevent disease. (1)
Some people like to add lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and honey to their water fasting. One of the popular water fasting methods is the lemon detox cleanse. Other popular water fasting recipes include adding cucumber, watermelon, or ginger to the water.
What are the Possible Benefits of a Water Fast?
Fasting every so often for 1 or 2 days by drinking only water can help to stimulate your metabolism and regenerate your cells.
For example, studies have shown that fasting results in changes in the body’s metabolism. This can result in a process called ketogenesis where the body uses fat as its primary energy source. That is why water fasting is good for a short-term weight loss. (1, 2)
A 2016 review on the benefits of fasting found that it can boost cognitive performance, regenerate cells, lower body fat, and reduce the risk of chronic disease. (3)
Water fasting can also protect your heart against the effects of inflammation. (4)
One of the greatest benefits of short-term water fasting is a process called autophagy. This is where metabolic processes in the body get rid of dysfunctional components of cells. This helps to recycle cells and protect against chronic health conditions and neuro-degenerative diseases. (5)
Is Water Fasting Bad or Good for You?
Water fasting is good for most people when done safely.
A 2018 analysis of the potential side effects of water fasting found that there was only a minimal risk of adverse side effects. Restricting food intake and drinking only water caused mainly short-term problems such as fatigue, headaches, and insomnia. (6)
One study showed that drinking only water on a fast can slightly affect kidney function during the fast. However, in this study, the water-only fast was for 11 days and longer than most people fast for. The study did find that fasting has benefits such as reducing oxidative stress, body weight, and blood pressure. (7)
According to doctors from WebMD, fasting is not good for children, pregnant women, some diabetes conditions, and if you have an eating disorder. (8) Also people with other health conditions shouldn’t do water fasting without consulting first with their doctor.
Water Fasting Side Effects (Dangers of Water Fasting)
Are there any dangers associated with a 2 or 3-day water fast?
One of the reasons why water fasting isn’t recommended for people with eating disorders is that it can encourage binge eating and bulimic behavior after the fast. (9)
Results from studies indicate that most side effects of water fasting are only short-lived. People who water fasted for 2 days or less complained of fatigue, sleeplessness, headaches, back pain, indigestion, and other gastrointestinal upset. Researchers found that water fasting only causes minimal short-term side effects in healthy people. (6)
However anyone who water fasts for extended periods (more than 3 days) or have medical condition should do it only under close medical supervision.
How to Water Fast
There are no specific guidelines on how to fast with a water diet, apart from only drinking water.
During a 24-hour water fast you should aim to drink between 2 and 3 liters of water. This means you should drink a glass of water every hour or so.
Usually, a water fast lasts between 1 and 3 days for best results. If you want to fast safely for longer, it is important to consult with your doctor. Water fast diets that last between 4 and 7 days may not be suitable for everyone.
What to Do Before and After Water Fasting
To get the most benefits from fasting on a water diet, it is important to prepare your body for the fast. For example, you should eat the right foods before and after the water fast. This can help to prevent some of the side effects that a few people experience on water fasting.
It is also important to break your fast correctly to prevent weight gain and to keep your body in ketosis after the fast.
Before fasting
Before starting a water fast, you should eat the right foods so that your body better adjusts to only consuming water.
For example, in a study from 2018 the participants were instructed that two days before the planned water-only fast, they should eat only starchy steamed vegetables as well as fresh fruits and vegetables. They also started increasing their water intake and minimized physical activity. (6)
Before the water fasting you should also eliminate alcohol and caffeine from your diet. Also, try to cut down on sugary foods and beverages. This will help to reduce any adverse reaction from only drinking water for 2 or 3 days.
If you are planning an extended fast of 4, 5, or 7 days, then it’s also a good idea to try and reduce stress as much as possible before and during your fast.
After fasting
One of the biggest mistakes to make after a water fast is to eat a large, calorie-laden meal.
Doctors recommend gently breaking the fast and this should last for half of the time you fasted for. So, if you had a 48-hour fast, then you should take one day to break the fast. If you had a 7-day water fast, it may take between 3 and 4 days until you can return to normal portions of food. (6)
The first phase of breaking a fast should consist of only consuming fruits or vegetable juices or bone broth. You can gradually start introducing solid plant food that doesn’t contain salt, oil, or sugar. (6)
During an extended fast, your body goes into ketosis. This means that your body uses fat and ketones rather than glucose (sugar) as its main energy source and. If you break your fast gently, it should be possible for a short time to stay in ketosis after water fasting.
Water Fast Tips
Water fasting that lasts 2 or 3 days can be challenging, especially if you have never done a water fast before. So, if you are new to water fasting, then trying a 1-day water fast will help you know what to expect.
Other ways to make a success of your water fast to get the most benefits include:
Benefits of Water Fasting
Let’s look in more detail at the many benefits of enjoying a 24, 36, or 48-hour water fast.
Water Fasting May Promote Autophagy
One of the reasons why fasting is good for your body is that it promotes autophagy.
Autophagy literally means “self-devouring” and it is a type of recycling process where old parts of cells are broken down and removed from the body. A 2018 review found that fasting and calorie restriction induces autophagy in the body. (10)
Various studies have linked autophagy to the prevention of certain chronic diseases.
For example, a 2018 review found that autophagy can help prevent cancer and also protect against the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. (11, 12)
One 2016 study found that autophagy can improve cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of heart disease. (13)
Although fasting-induced autophagy has certain health benefits, more research needs to be carried out on its role in protecting against disease. (14)
Water Fasting May Help Lose Weight
Some of the most noticeable effects of water fasting are lower body weight, less belly fat, and a slimmer waistline.
The International Journal of Obesity reported that fasting can help lose weight. Following a fasting regime helped to lower the hormone leptin which is associated with obesity and body fat. Also, fasting reduced inflammatory markers, blood fat (triglycerides), and cholesterol that all are complications of obesity. (15)
One of the reasons why water fasting promotes weight loss is that it puts your body into ketosis. So although initially you will lose water weight, because your body can’t rely on glucose for energy, it starts to use your fat stores. Fasting causes ketones to be produced which provides nourishment for cells. This can help with weight management and weight loss. (1)
Another type of fasting that can help you lose weight is intermittent fasting, or, the 5:2 diet. Learn more about the health benefits of intermittent fasting.
As well as fasting for 2 or 3 days occasionally to lose weight, find out about other great tweaks for losing weight fast.
Water Fasting Could Help Lower Blood Pressure
One of the benefits of water fasting is to help manage hypertension.
Some studies have shown that fasting provides similar benefits to regular aerobic exercise. One of these benefits is a reduction in blood pressure and heart rate. (1)
One study found that water fasting can be used effectively to treat hypertension. Patients with hypertension over 140/90 mmHg were put on a 10-day water fasting diet under the supervision of medical staff. At the end of the study, 90% of patients’ blood pressure had lowered to under 140/90 mmHg. This meant that most of the participants were able to stop taking their blood pressure medication. (16)
Learn about other lifestyle choices you can make to help manage hypertensive conditions.
Water Fasting May Protect Against Chronic Disease
Regularly having a diet for a few days of water only and no food can also help protect against serious diseases.
One study on animal subjects on the benefits of fasting found that it can help to protect against diabetes. Fasting or intermittent feeding helped to reduce blood glucose in non-diabetic subjects. The researchers concluded that fasting can help to reduce the risk of diabetes. (17)
Fasting also has a protective effect on cell health and can help to protect against certain types of cancer. (18)
Other studies have shown that water-only fasting is good for your heart health. People who are in the habit of fasting, usually have a lower risk of heart disease. The research found that fasting induces positive changes in cardiovascular health. (19)
Fasting Can Help Protect Your Brain Health
Having a water-only diet for a day or two can also help to protect your cognitive function.
Water fasting, as with other types of fasting, helps your brain to protect neurons against genetic and environmental factors that cause cognitive decline. Fasting also promotes good cognitive health as it helps release antioxidant enzymes in the brain. Researchers have found that fasting may be a new way to help prevent and treat certain neurological disorders. (20)
Other studies have shown that fasting could play an important role in helping to protect against Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. (1)
Fasting May Slow the Aging Process
As well as helping lower your risk of chronic disease, fasting may help you live longer.
Various studies have shown that fasting has an anti-aging effect on the body. However, for the anti-aging benefits of fasting to be felt, fasting should be used along with other healthy lifestyle changes. (21)
Research into the many benefits of fasting has found that regular fasts have the potential to delay aging. (1)
Fasting Can Regenerate Your Immune System
The positive effect fasting has on your body, in general, can help to strengthen your immunity.
Researchers from the University of Southern California reported that 2-day fasts or 4-day fasts can help to generate new immune cells. The metabolic changes that occur with fasting trigger new white blood cells to be produced. (22)
One study also found that a 72-hour fast can strengthen the immunity and protect against some of the effects of chemotherapy. This can also help a person to recover quicker from chemotherapy treatment. (22)
Water Fasting Benefits, Why Less Can Be More
What is Water Fasting?
Water fasting is a very simple process of literally consuming nothing but pure distilled water for a number of days in a row. It can be a great way to reboot the system so that the foods and superfoods we later consume are absorbed in the highest way possible.
In certain situations this type of fasting might be more appropriate than just a straight juice fast. Water fasting gives the digestive system a «complete rest» so it can more effectively restore balance to areas of the body that may need it.
When it comes to chronic diseases water fasting benefits may not exactly be «fast», like taking a pill or drug, but eventually with perseverance and a will to experience greater health, this form of fasting can offer long term effects that can be life changing.
The idea is to fast on water for as little time as necessary to achieve your desired health goals and this is best accomplished by staying at one of the various health center’s around the world that specialize in the «water-only» fasting.
So the kind of fast we are talking about here, and the only one we personally promote, is called a medically supervised water fast in which there are skilled doctors monitoring your experience throughout the day.
Water Fasting Benefits
Although fasting on just water might sound extreme to some people, it has been successfully practiced by thousands of individuals as a way to restore and rejuvenate the body’s healthy functioning state.
Dietary Excess and Breaking the Cycle
We believe many of the top health problems today are associated with overeating and obesity, especially here in the Western world. Consuming too much meat protein and fat, salt, sugar and refined foods can result in addictive eating patterns. A great book/dvd on this subject and one we highly recommend reading is called «The Pleasure Trap», by Dr. Douglas Lisle and Dr. Alan Goldhamer.
A medically supervised water fast, conducted appropriately, can more efficiently help one to break the cycle of these food addictions. The benefits of water fasting can not only help to cleanse the body, but also helps to «reset the taste buds», so that whole simple fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes actually taste wonderful, the way the are suppose to.
The process of fasting is often a much healthier way to get back on track than other forms of dieting or therapy. In addition, it encourages one to make better health-promoting food and lifestyle choices further down the road.
Water fasting is known to facilitate the body’s own healing and cleansing mechanisms and can be a great gift to an overburdened system. You are basically utilizing the body’s own natural intelligence to do what it does best. cleanse and heal itself!
Many who are unfamiliar with water fasting often equate it with starvation. However, the two are quite different.
How is Water Fasting Different than Juice Fasting?
Water fasting is something completely different than juice fasting. Drinking fresh pressed juice still engages the digestive system because it offers a supply of nutrients to the body.
Although low sugar green juices can be an effective way to detox the cells and tissues, drinking pure distilled water is a much faster way to achieve your desired goals because the digestive system is at complete rest. Healing happens at a much faster rate and changes that might take weeks to achieve with juice fasting may occur in less time when a «water-only» fast is utilized.
Water fasting benefits are more easily achieved when one does not undergo physical exercise and is in an environment of total undisturbed rest. With juice fasting this is not the case and most people can actually function quite well within the activities of their everyday life.
How Water Fasting Benefits Work
Humans are naturally designed to fast as a mechanism of survival in times of famine. It is also a biological adaptation to help the body overcome disease and dietary excess. These are the four phases that the body automatically undergoes when fasting with water.
The Four Phases of Water Fasting
By the end of the 2nd week of fasting the majority of energy is derived from the metabolism of ketone bodies. Even the brain converts to burning predominantly ketones rather than exclusively glucose.
Top Water Fasting Benefits
1) Weight Loss
As we mentioned, water fasting benefits are particularly helpful for those who are obese or suffer from a number of health issues related to excess weight and body fat.
The conditions caused by overeating, like high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, autoimmune diseases (including lupus rheumatoid arthritis, colitis, asthma and psoriasis) are very responsive to supervised water-only fasting.
«There is nothing that is more effective than fasting when it comes to treating the consequences of dietary excess.» Dr. Alan Goldhamer
The biological capacity that allows humans to fast is an adaptation we were designed to utilize to help the body overcome disease and a dietary surplus. The biochemistry of fasting induces metabolic and hormonal changes which help us draw on our supply of fat rather than our vital proteins, thus conserving our nutrient resources.
2) High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is probably one of the leading contributing factors to diseases like congestive heart failure and strokes as stated in the The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2002.
Most people know that when you increase aerobic exercise, eat a low fat vegetarian diet, reduce sodium intake and alcohol consumption you can effectively lower high blood pressure.
In the study entitled «Medically Supervised Water-only Fasting in the Treatment of Hypertension» it was shown that participants were able to significantly decrease high blood pressure with a period of water-only fasting.
3) Detoxification
The process of undergoing a water fast naturally helps to detoxify the body and aid in the elimination of these various toxins via the liver and kidney systems. When these organs are unhindered by digestion they can more effectively do what they do best, cleanse and release unwanted waste material.
4) Autoimmune Diseases and Inflammation
Autoimmune diseases (like leaky gut, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, etc) are all characterized by abnormal immune system functioning and the production of antibodies that attack against the body’s own tissues, believing that they are actually harmful pathogens.
Sometimes it is beneficial at the end of a water fast or during a period of green juicing to consume zeolite or activated charcoal for its benefits at removing heavy metals from the body.
Prolonged inflammation usually goes hand in hand with any autoimmune disorder. When you avoid foods that cause inflammation or participate in water fasting benefits for a period of time, you can more effectively manage the conditions associated with autoimmune disease in combination with sticking to a health promoting diet and lifestyle.
Inflammation can also be the result of too many free radicals in the system caused by excessive smoking, alcohol use, trans-fats and heated animal fats. Fasting can inspire one to give up these unhealthy habits that often degrade the body systems overtime.
Top 10 Benefits of Water Fasting
Medically supervised water fasting in addition to a health-promoting diet and lifestyle can significantly help to:
How Much Water Do You Drink?
For the greatest water fasting benefits it is good to consume between four to six 16 ounce glasses of water a day.
It is a good idea to drink your water slowly, sipping a little bit at a time. Since you are not eating food at this time, it might become something you can actually savor and enjoy.
Steam distilled water is the best water to use when fasting because it contains no mineral content and can hydrate and move through the body without involving normal digestive functions.
Can Anyone Water Fast?
Fasting is not appropriate for everyone. It can be an intense and sometimes unpleasant experience before you get to the good part.
The greatest contraindication to water fasting is actually the «fear» of fasting. In order for a person to go on a fast they need to understand enough about fasting so they can relax and allow the body to do what it does best, which is heal itself.
There are some conditions that can make fasting inappropriate. For example, there are certain types of cancers that can make adjusting to the physiology parts of fasting difficult. There are also particular kinds of medications that may contraindicate fasting.
This is all decided upon on an individual basis with a qualified medical doctor who specializes in treatment through water-only fasting. This involves a thorough review of the persons medical history with a comprehensive physical exam, blood work and any other necessary testing.
Contraindications to Water Fasting
Relative contraindications to prolonged fasting include pregnancy, extreme weakness or low body weight, inadequate nutrient reserves, some kidney problems, the use of certain medications and some types of cancer.
Side Effects Vs. Water Fasting Benefits
To achieve water fasting benefits many people often go through a number of unpleasant experiences that are just simply part of the process. This is part of the reason why it is important to take special time for yourself and take a break from your everyday life.
General Experiences When Fasting
Where to Water Fast?
There are many water fasting centers, you must do some research to find the best in your area.
Our personal favorite water fasting facility is located in Santa Rosa, Ca called True North Health Center. They have been in business since 1984 and are run by a team of medical doctors seeking to find healthier alternatives to the standard medical treatments.
What Is Water Fasting?
Barbie Cervoni MS, RD, CDCES, CDN, is a registered dietitian and certified diabetes care and education specialist.
Verywell / Debbie Burkhoff
At Verywell, we believe there is no one-size-fits-all approach to a healthy lifestyle. Successful eating plans need to be individualized and take the whole person into consideration. Prior to starting a new diet plan, consult with your healthcare provider or a registered dietitian, especially if you have an underlying health condition.
Water fasting might be popular in the wellness world, but it should be approached with caution. While it may help you lose weight in the short-term, water fasting is not a sustainable approach to weight loss and puts you at risk for certain health complications.
Fasting is not a new concept. For centuries, it’s been an integral part of spirituality among many religious communities. Fasting rituals such as those practiced during Ramadan—the month-long Muslim tradition that calls for strict fasting from sunrise to sunset—serve as periods of spiritual renewal and reflection for participants.
In the early 1900s, it was widely believed that fasting played a role in both weight management and disease prevention. One of the most popular liquid diets, the Master Cleanse, was developed in the 1940s by Stanley Burroughs, a self-taught alternative medicine practitioner.
Today, fasting for health or fitness reasons is fairly commonplace. Proponents of fasting often cite spiritual examples as an explanation for why fasting is healthy and acceptable. Some will argue that our paleolithic ancestors went for long periods of time without any access to food, which means we should also be able to as well. Intermittent fasting is popular among those who follow the Paleo diet—of course, the diet itself is a modern interpretation of how our ancestors once ate and not indicative of that ancient reality.
There are many different types of fasts and «detox diets» that promise to cleanse the body of toxins, promote weight loss, and improve health. But there is little scientific evidence to prove these diets—including water fasting—actually detoxify the body and support weight management.
There are some limited potential benefits to medically supervised water fasting diets, but most experts agree that the potential risks, particularly when attempted at home, far outweigh the benefits, and people with certain medical conditions should not attempt to water fast.
What Can You Eat?
A water fast is true to its name: It’s a fast during which all food and drink except water are restricted. That means no coffee, no tea, no alcohol, no zero-calorie sports drinks, or any other beverage. This also means no food.
Water fasts typically last 24–72 hours, but medically supervised water fasts may last up to 40 days. For your safety, you should not try to fast without medical clearance and supervision.
Many popular cleanses are modeled after water fasting, such as the Master Cleanse, during which you drink a spicy lemonade concoction for 10–40 days. Most people embark on a water fast or similar regimen for the purported health benefits, which are mostly anecdotal.
All other foods and liquids
What You Need to Know
Because it is not a practice that is widely endorsed by the mainstream medical or nutritional community, there are no uniform guidelines for water fasting. Most of the available tips and practices come from first-person accounts of fasts shared by advocates without any medical or nutritional credentials.
There are a limited number of alternative medicine clinics that offer supervised water fasts. Many who undergo water fasting in a clinic environment begin the process with a referral from their healthcare provider.
In a clinical environment, patients are monitored regularly for signs of distress such as a foul taste in the mouth, lower back pain, skin rashes, discharges from mucous membranes, headaches, irritability, nausea, or vomiting. Regular blood and urine tests are also performed.
Many who perform water fasts at home do so without professional support and without the safety net provided by medical supervision. Because it is a fairly straight-forward process, people may follow instructions found online or in magazines.
Though water fasting is simple, that doesn’t mean it’s easy or safe. During a fast, you can’t consume anything but water. You generally drink at least 2–3 liters of water per day (ideally water consumption would be at the higher end of that range because you will not get the water you normally get from food).
Water fasting is harmful but can be especially detrimental to people with certain medical conditions. People who should not try a water fast include those with:
Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding and people who are under the age of 18 should also not water fast. Additionally, if you are a smoker, managing an addiction, or regularly take a prescription or over-the-counter medication, seek the personalized advice of your healthcare provider before fasting.
Pros and Cons
May promote quick weight loss
Weight loss is likely to be temporary
Limited health benefits
Numerous health risks
Doesn’t create healthy habits
There are possible benefits of water fasting, but it’s important to note that research on the safety of a water fast is lacking, with substantial evidence pointing instead toward the potential risks.
Additionally, it is unclear whether or not the fasting procedure itself can lead to positive outcomes. For example, simply reducing your sugar or sodium intake for a few days may provide a benefit. And for those who drink regularly, avoiding alcohol for several days or more may eventually lead to weight loss and a reduction in blood pressure even with no other diet changes.
To achieve many, if not all, of the purported health benefits of a water fast, there are often safer, healthier approaches. For example, you might try reducing your sodium or alcohol intake as part of a healthy diet instead.
Is Water Fasting a Healthy Choice for You?
The 2020-2025 USDA Dietary Guidelines offer recommendations and tips for a balanced diet, which should include a variety of vegetables, fruits, grains, lean meats, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, dairy, and healthy oils.
The water fast excludes all of these healthy food groups with the exception of water, so it does not adhere to USDA guidelines and is therefore not considered a healthy way to lose weight. As a short-term diet, however, you may see some weight loss during a water fast, but only for a few days. When you restrict your caloric intake for 24 hours or more, you will likely experience temporary weight loss.
Keep in mind that this weight loss is probably in the form of water weight and glycogen (stored carbohydrates), and not actual fat loss. It takes a few days for your body to begin burning stored fat because it uses available energy like glucose and glycogen first.
A healthy diet and regular exercise are integral to successful long-term weight loss. Use the following tool to calculate how many calories you should consume each day to reach your weight loss goals.
Due to the restrictive nature of water fasting, this diet does not adhere to USDA guidelines and is not considered a healthy way to lose weight. Rapid weight loss in the form of water weight is not sustainable for long-term weight management.
Health Benefits
Despite the risks associated with water fasting, there is some research that suggests there may be a few possible health benefits. When done in the short term, water fasting may have the potential to affect the following.
Lower Blood Pressure
Drinking more water and consuming less salt are two things associated with lower blood pressure readings. A water fast will enable you to do both of these things, which could help manage blood pressure. Medically supervised water fasts have shown to be effective in lowering blood pressure in patients with borderline hypertension.
However, these patients fasted for an average of nearly two weeks—much longer than the recommended 72-hour maximum water fast. It’s unlikely that a one- to three-day fast would create the same effect.
Promote Cell Recycling
Every day, your cells are broken down and recycled. This process is called autophagy, and it’s thought that autophagy may play a role in preventing cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s disease.
Unfortunately, the research on the relationship between water fasting and autophagy in humans is far too limited to know for sure.
Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease
There is limited evidence that water fasting can help with heart disease. One study enrolled 30 apparently healthy volunteers into a 24-hour water fast. At the end of the fast, the participants showed lower levels of triglycerides and cholesterol, two big risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
Help Protect Against Diabetes
Research shows that fasting of any type may help to improve insulin sensitivity. Insulin resistance is the main factor in the development of type 2 diabetes, so it’s possible that short water fasts can improve insulin sensitivity and decrease the risk of diabetes.
There are several potential benefits to water fasting, but the science is inconclusive and does not position water fasts as healthful in humans.
Health Risks
While there may be some health advantages of fasting with water, there are some clear drawbacks that should be considered.
Digestive Upset
After restricting calories for an extended period of time, consuming large amounts of food can cause digestive discomfort and nausea.
Though unlikely, people who reintroduce calories too quickly after extended fasting are at higher risk for refeeding syndrome, a potentially fatal condition that involves rapid metabolic changes, usually in people who are extremely malnourished.
Refeeding syndrome is most often a consideration in managing the health of those living with eating disorders. In clinical settings, some guidelines suggest that calories are introduced very slowly (using nutritional supplements and increasing by only 10–30 calories per day) to avoid refeeding syndrome.
Nutrient Deficiencies
Any fasting protocol can put you at risk for nutrient deficiencies. By restricting calories, you are also restricting your intake of essential vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids, and electrolytes—all things your body needs to function properly.
Even though you drink water during a water fast, you can be at risk for dehydration. For most people, at least 20% of daily water consumption comes from the foods you eat. If you don’t increase your water intake during the fast, you will actually end up consuming much less water than usual.
Unsafe Blood Pressure Changes
If you drink too much water, you may experience hypotension. Hypotension is extremely low blood pressure—the opposite of hypertension, or high blood pressure.
Additionally, you may experience orthostatic hypotension, which involves sudden drops in blood pressure upon standing up. Orthostatic hypotension can cause dizziness and lightheadedness. Clinic directors also say that they monitor patients for orthostatic hypertension during water fasts. Orthostatic hypertension is a sudden increase in blood pressure upon standing.
Also called water intoxication, hyponatremia occurs when the water and salt lost through sweating are replaced by water only. You shouldn’t exercise during a water fast because you will lose salt through perspiration and won’t be able to replace it by eating food or drinking sports beverages.
Dizziness, Fatigue, and Trouble Focusing
Dizziness, fatigue, and brain fog are all symptoms of extreme calorie restriction. In fact, researchers have found that even in healthy young women, balance and stability control may be compromised during fasting.
When you don’t consume the number of calories your body needs, your body will struggle to perform at an optimal level. It may become difficult to focus at work or school during a water fast. Fasting can also cause mild-to-severe headaches.
Binge Eating
Fasting—and dieting or restricting calories in general—often leads to binge eating. Fasting can also lead to obsessive or intrusive thoughts about food, which may cause you to binge eat when your water fast is over.
Recurrent fasting or extreme restriction of calories can lead to the development of disordered eating or an eating disorder.
A Word From Verywell
While water fasting may temporarily lead to weight loss, chances are those pounds are mainly water and glycogen (stored carbohydrates). It takes several days of calorie restriction for the body to begin burning body fat. More importantly, the practice doesn’t come without risks.
Remember, following a long-term or short-term diet may not be necessary for you and many diets out there simply don’t work, especially long-term. While we do not endorse fad diet trends or unsustainable weight loss methods, we present the facts so you can make an informed decision that works best for your nutritional needs, genetic blueprint, budget, and goals.
If your goal is weight loss, remember that losing weight isn’t necessarily the same as being your healthiest self, and there are many other ways to pursue health. Exercise, sleep, and other lifestyle factors also play a major role in your overall health. The best diet is always the one that is balanced and fits your lifestyle.