Why you the meat is it bad что вставить

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Why you the meat is it bad что вставить. answer avatar. Why you the meat is it bad что вставить фото. Why you the meat is it bad что вставить-answer avatar. картинка Why you the meat is it bad что вставить. картинка answer avatar

1. A friend is known in trouble, it means that you can have a friend, but not reliable and when something happens to you, he can just run away. Therefore, that friend who will help everywhere, he is a true friend!

2. No man is useless, as long as he has a friend, in fact it is also true! Friends they can do together whatever they want! They can play, talk, work, and in general are engaged in all that they want! And if you have a friend, you are not useless! After all, he made friends with you, because he knows that you are not useless, and most likely he likes to be friends with you.

3. A friend for everyone is a friend to anyone, this quote can be understood as the fact that there are only a few merchants, osmalli are just friends. Determine who is still great, what you need, and for this you do not need to specifically jump from the cliff to check who is real and catch. It is necessary to check it safely, for example, if you are friends with him for many years.

Why you the meat is it bad что вставить. answer avatar. Why you the meat is it bad что вставить фото. Why you the meat is it bad что вставить-answer avatar. картинка Why you the meat is it bad что вставить. картинка answer avatar

Why you the meat is it bad что вставить. answer avatar. Why you the meat is it bad что вставить фото. Why you the meat is it bad что вставить-answer avatar. картинка Why you the meat is it bad что вставить. картинка answer avatar

1)is A dirty car near my house?
A dirty car is near my house, isn’t it?
what is near my house?
Is a dirty car is near my house or near the school?

2)Are our girls the best in the world.?
Are our girls or our boys the best in the world.?
Our girls are the best in the world, aren’t they?
Who are the best in the world.?

3)Am U a future programmer?
I am a future programmer, am I not?
Am I a future programmer or a scientist?
Who is a future programmer?

4)Is there a man in the street?
There is a man in the street,isn’t he?
Who is in the street?
Is there a man or a woman in the street.?


помогите решить контрольную, есть ли ответы по данным упражнениям

4. Употребите глагол have got /has got в нужной форме (Past or Present).

. a bicycle when you were a child?

5. Дополните предложения глаголами из списка, употребив их в утвердительной, отрицательной или вопросительной форме Present Indefinite.

Make, come, take, play, rise, eat, translate, flow, cause

It take me an hour to get to work. How long it take you?

I play the piano but I play not very well.

The earth take round the sun.

The sun rise in the east.

Vegetarians eat meat.

An interpreter translate from one language to another.

The River Amazon flow into the Atlantic Ocean.

Bad driving cause many accidents.

6. Дополните предложения глаголами в скобках, употребив их в форме Past Indefinite.

I knew Sarah was very busy, so I didn’t disturb her.

I was very tired, so I left the party earlier.

The bed was very uncomfortable, I didn’t sleep very well.

Sue wasn’t hungry, so she didn’t eat anything.

We went to Kate’s house but she. Wasn’t at home.

It was a funny situation but nobody laughed.

The window was open and a bird flew into the room.

The hotel wasn’t very expensive. It didn’t cost very much.

I was in a hurry, so I had no time to phone you.

It was hard carrying the bags. They were very heavy.

7. Дополните предложения глаголами из списка, употребив их в утвердительной, отрицательной или вопросительной форме Future Indefinite.

Be, get, like, look, meet, do

8. Употребите местоимения some/ any, no там, где необходимо.

9. Употребите местоимения something /somebody/ anything/ anybody/ nothing/ nobody там, где необходимо.

VII. 1. will like
2. will get
3. will be
4. will meet
5. will do/ will look like

VIII. 1. any, some
2. any
3. some
4. any
5. any

IX. 1. something, somebody
2. anybody
3. anything
4. nobody
5. anything


Тест по английскому языку «Местоимения»


«Современная профориентация педагогов
и родителей, перспективы рынка труда
и особенности личности подростка»

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Вставьте личные местоимения.

2. Do you know that man? I work with ____.

2. Вставьте притяжательные прилагательные или притяжательные местоимения.

1. This book belongs to me. This is________ book.

2. She took out__________ purse and gave it to me.

3. My husband never wears _________glasses.

4. This is their car. The other car is___________ too.

5. May I introduce to you one of ___colleagues?

6. There were a lot of people coming back from _________work.

7. Every country has ____________own customs and traditions.

8. He cut ______finger this evening.

10. They’re going to London with some students of _________.

11. This is not my pencil, ________is red.

12. I haven’t got a pen. Can you give me _____?

13. Take off__________ coat, please.

14. We went on holiday with some friends of ________.

15. Ann is married. _________husband works in a bank.

3. Преобразуйте местоимения.

Thank you for the prompt reply. It was great to hear from you again. I’m fine and I hope that you and (YOU ) parents are fine too.

Well, we do a lot of homework because (WE) teachers are very strict and they want (WE) to work hard. My parents think it is okay to have a lot of homework. However, Jenny’s parents say that she needs some free time so that she can play with (SHE) friends. They meet together every evening, go to the park and enjoy (THEY). So what can I do?

Anyway, thank you for (YOU) photo. I think you look so sweet.

Bye. I hope to hear from you soon.

1. her; 2. him; 3. me; 4. them; 5. it; 6. them; 7. us; 8. them; 9. him; 10. Them

2. 1. my; 2. her 3. his; 4. theirs; 5. my; 6. their; 7. its 8. his; 9. your, mine; 10. theirs;

11. mine; 12. yours; 13. your; 14. ours; 15. her

3. 1. your; 2. my; 3. himself; 4. her; 5. his; 6. our; 7. us; 8. her; 9. themselves; 10. your

Why you the meat is it bad что вставить. placeholder. Why you the meat is it bad что вставить фото. Why you the meat is it bad что вставить-placeholder. картинка Why you the meat is it bad что вставить. картинка placeholder

Курс повышения квалификации

Дистанционное обучение как современный формат преподавания

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Курс повышения квалификации

Специфика преподавания английского языка с учетом требований ФГОС

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в образовательной организации

Ищем педагогов в команду «Инфоурок»

Why you the meat is it bad что вставить. a loader. Why you the meat is it bad что вставить фото. Why you the meat is it bad что вставить-a loader. картинка Why you the meat is it bad что вставить. картинка a loader

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Why you the meat is it bad что вставить

В комплект обучения дополнительно входит 14 аудиокниг и 6 компьютерных программ.

Добрый день дорогие друзья.

В сегодняшнем номере рассылки » Курсы английского: изучение английского онлайн » мы рассмотрим тему » Времена Present Simple и Present Continuous «

Однако многозначность этих глаголов английского языка не делает это правило абсолютным.

Упражнение английского языка 1. Определите, в правильном ли грамматическом времени употреблен глагол английского языка.

a. I get up at seven in the morning.

b. I’m liking black coffee.

c. He’s speaking three languages.

d. I think Mexico’s a beautiful country.

e. Restaurants are staying open late in Spain.

f. We usually eat at one o’clock.

g. He’s having a flat near the centre.

h. What are you thinking of Shakespeare?

i. I’m so dirty I need a bath right now.

j. Peter’s in the kitchen. He cooks breakfast.

k. What are you thinking about?

a. He ______ four cars, all of them Rolls-Royces.

b. I _______ lunch with my mother tomorrow.

a. What ________ you _______ of Stephen Spielberg’s latest film?

b. You’re day-dreaming. What ___________ you __________ about?

a. I ______ an important phone call from America. Could you tell me when it comes?

b. I _____ you’re hungry after so much hard work. Shall I get you something?

a. He _________ to understand what you say to him, but when you ask him a question, he isn’t so sure.

b. Roy Pond _________ at Her Majesty’s Theatre in the role of King Lear.

a. Something ___________ good in the kitchen. What’s cooking?

b. Why __________ you __________ the meat? Do you think it’s gone off?

a. I need to know how much the meat _____ to know how long to cook it for.

b. Why _____ you _____ yourself? Do you think you’ve put on weight?

a. I _________ what you mean, but I don’t agree.

b. She ________ a solicitor about her aunt’s will.

a. I usually pick up languages quickly, but I ____ difficulties learning Chinese.

b. He __________ more clothes than a department store.

a. It ________ as if it’s going to rain.

b. What are you doing on your hands and knees? ______ you ______ for something?

a. What _________ you ________ of doing when you leave here?

b. How much ________ you _________ it would cost to fly to Australia?

Упражнение английского языка 3.Вставьте один из глаголов английского языка: hear, listen to, see, look at, watch в правильной форме. С глаголами hear и see часто употребляется can или can’t.

a. I have a lovely view from my room. I _________ the whole city.

b. A What’s Peter doing?

B He ________ music in his bedroom.

c. In winter I like ___________ the photographs of my summer holiday.

d. In the evening I usually __________ the news on television.

e. I find it difficult to sleep because I __________ the traffic all night.

f. Can you speak louder? You’re speaking so quietly that I _______ you.

g. ____________ that strange man over there! What’s he doing?

h. Please __________ what I’m saying. It’s very important.

B Over there. She ________ the picture on the wall.

j. Oh dear! Where are my glasses? I __________ anything without them.

c. I’m expecting; I expect. d. He appears; Roy Pond is appearing. e. Something smells; Why are you smelling. f. the meat weighs; Why are you weighing. g. I see; She’s seeing. h. I’m having; He has. i. It looks; Are you looking. j. You’re guessing; I guess. k. What are you thinking; how much do you think.

a. I can see; b. He’s listening to; c. I like looking at; d. I usually watch; e. I can hear; f. I can’t hear; g. Look at; h. …listen to…; i. She’s looking at; j. I can’t see.

У Вас получится выучить английский с Yanglish.ru

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www.yanglish.ru . Английский язык от Шекспира до mp3.

Курсы для любого возраста

«Высокая эффективность, время и место занятий выбираете Вы сами, выдача сертификата»

В комплект обучения дополнительно входит 14 аудиокниг и 6 компьютерных программ.

Добрый день дорогие друзья.

В сегодняшнем номере рассылки » Курсы английского: изучение английского онлайн » мы рассмотрим тему » Времена Present Simple и Present Continuous «

Однако многозначность этих глаголов английского языка не делает это правило абсолютным.

Упражнение английского языка 1. Определите, в правильном ли грамматическом времени употреблен глагол английского языка.

a. I get up at seven in the morning.

b. I’m liking black coffee.

c. He’s speaking three languages.

d. I think Mexico’s a beautiful country.

e. Restaurants are staying open late in Spain.

f. We usually eat at one o’clock.

g. He’s having a flat near the centre.

h. What are you thinking of Shakespeare?

i. I’m so dirty I need a bath right now.

j. Peter’s in the kitchen. He cooks breakfast.

k. What are you thinking about?

a. He ______ four cars, all of them Rolls-Royces.

b. I _______ lunch with my mother tomorrow.

a. What ________ you _______ of Stephen Spielberg’s latest film?

b. You’re day-dreaming. What ___________ you __________ about?

a. I ______ an important phone call from America. Could you tell me when it comes?

b. I _____ you’re hungry after so much hard work. Shall I get you something?

a. He _________ to understand what you say to him, but when you ask him a question, he isn’t so sure.

b. Roy Pond _________ at Her Majesty’s Theatre in the role of King Lear.

a. Something ___________ good in the kitchen. What’s cooking?

b. Why __________ you __________ the meat? Do you think it’s gone off?

a. I need to know how much the meat _____ to know how long to cook it for.

b. Why _____ you _____ yourself? Do you think you’ve put on weight?

a. I _________ what you mean, but I don’t agree.

b. She ________ a solicitor about her aunt’s will.

a. I usually pick up languages quickly, but I ____ difficulties learning Chinese.

b. He __________ more clothes than a department store.

a. It ________ as if it’s going to rain.

b. What are you doing on your hands and knees? ______ you ______ for something?

a. What _________ you ________ of doing when you leave here?

b. How much ________ you _________ it would cost to fly to Australia?

Упражнение английского языка 3.Вставьте один из глаголов английского языка: hear, listen to, see, look at, watch в правильной форме. С глаголами hear и see часто употребляется can или can’t.

a. I have a lovely view from my room. I _________ the whole city.

b. A What’s Peter doing?

B He ________ music in his bedroom.

c. In winter I like ___________ the photographs of my summer holiday.

d. In the evening I usually __________ the news on television.

e. I find it difficult to sleep because I __________ the traffic all night.

f. Can you speak louder? You’re speaking so quietly that I _______ you.

g. ____________ that strange man over there! What’s he doing?

h. Please __________ what I’m saying. It’s very important.

B Over there. She ________ the picture on the wall.

j. Oh dear! Where are my glasses? I __________ anything without them.

c. I’m expecting; I expect. d. He appears; Roy Pond is appearing. e. Something smells; Why are you smelling. f. the meat weighs; Why are you weighing. g. I see; She’s seeing. h. I’m having; He has. i. It looks; Are you looking. j. You’re guessing; I guess. k. What are you thinking; how much do you think.


Рабочая тетрадь Spotlight 9. Workbook. Страница 67

1. Match the words in the two columns. Then use the phrases in their correct form to complete the speech bubbles. — Сопоставьте слова в двух колонках. Затем используйте фразы в правильной форме, чтобы закончить высказывания.

2. Fill in: key, recipe, physical, balanced, treat, junk, habits. — Вставьте слова: key, recipe, physical, balanced, treat, junk, habits.

My friend Katie is such a health nut! She goes jogging every day, and eats a 1) balanced diet. She says the 2) key to a healthy lifestyle is eating well and exercising regularly. But Katie thinks I don’t get enough 3) physical activity because I prefer watching TV to exercising. She says my lifestyle is a 4) recipe for disaster and that I need to make some changes. Well, I agree that my eating 5) habits may not be the best but I could never do what she does. Avoid all 6) junk food? No, thanks! I think it’s important to 7) treat yourself once in a while! But I see what she means about exercise. So I think I will make some changes in that department!

Моя подруга Кэти помешана на здоровом образе жизни! Она бегает каждый день и сбалансировано питается. Она говорит, что ключ к здоровому образу жизни — это хорошая еда и регулярные упражнения. Кэти думает, что мне не хватает физической активности, потому что я предпочитаю смотреть телевизор, чем тренироваться. Она говорит, что мой образ жизни — это верный путь к катастрофе, и мне нужно что-то менять. Что ж, я согласна, что мои привычки питания, может быть, не самые лучшие, но я никогда не смогла бы делать то, что делает она. Избегать всякой нездоровой еды? Нет уж, спасибо! Я думаю, что важно — побаловать себя время от времени! Но я понимаю, что она имеет в виду упражнения. Так что, думаю, я внесу некоторые изменения в этот пунктик!

3. Underline the correct item. — Подчеркните правильный вариант.

4. Choose the correct item. — Выберите правильный вариант.


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