World of warcraft voice proxy что это
Thread: WoW Voice Proxy Problems
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I had sometimes up to 10 of those Tasks open and each of them was using about 9% cpu load.
In one case i was 15min afk, WoW and Bnet were closed before going afk. As i went back on my PC i realized a pretty high cpu load for an idle situation and looked into Task Manager where i found this
My WoW clients are still open (just DCed) and I checked my task manager and don’t see Voice Proxy tasks anywhere.
Right now they just say ‘World of Warcraft’ & I don’t remember seeing ‘World of Warcraft Voice Proxy’ anywhere.
When having 5 clients open in the stress test this weekend I don’t remember seeing any Voice Proxy tasks anywhere but I never had any CPU load issues so I really never had a need to look (I run a 16core i7-6900K with 128GB of RAM so maybe that is why).
Maybe the Voice Proxy can be turned off somewhere. If I can remember to check once I get what names reserved I will try to circle back after and let you know what I see.
Last edited by nodoze : 08-12-2019 at 08:43 PM
Are you loading WoW from the launcher?
In the retail version, you can safely delete WoWVoiceProxy.exe and BlizzardBrowser.exe from your /retail/utils/ folder. Many people have been doing that for privacy reasons as it completely disables voice chat.
I would assume you can do the same for Classic version.
filecheck .ru
Вот так, вы сможете исправить ошибки, связанные с WowBrowserProxy.exe
Информация о файле WowBrowserProxy.exe
Важно: Некоторые вредоносные программы маскируют себя как WowBrowserProxy.exe, особенно, если они расположены в каталоге c:\windows или c:\windows\system32. Таким образом, вы должны проверить файл WowBrowserProxy.exe на вашем ПК, чтобы убедиться, что это угроза. Мы рекомендуем Security Task Manager для проверки безопасности вашего компьютера.
Комментарий пользователя
Лучшие практики для исправления проблем с WowBrowserProxy
Если у вас актуальные проблемы, попробуйте вспомнить, что вы делали в последнее время, или последнюю программу, которую вы устанавливали перед тем, как появилась впервые проблема. Используйте команду resmon, чтобы определить процесс, который вызывает проблемы. Даже если у вас серьезные проблемы с компьютером, прежде чем переустанавливать Windows, лучше попробуйте восстановить целостность установки ОС или для Windows 8 и более поздних версий Windows выполнить команду DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth. Это позволит восстановить операционную систему без потери данных.
WowBrowserProxy сканер
Security Task Manager показывает все запущенные сервисы Windows, включая внедренные скрытые приложения (например, мониторинг клавиатуры или браузера, авто вход). Уникальный рейтинг надежности указывает на вероятность того, что процесс потенциально может быть вредоносной программой-шпионом, кейлоггером или трояном.
Бесплатный aнтивирус находит и удаляет неактивные программы-шпионы, рекламу, трояны, кейлоггеры, вредоносные и следящие программы с вашего жесткого диска. Идеальное дополнение к Security Task Manager.
Reimage бесплатное сканирование, очистка, восстановление и оптимизация вашей системы.
World of warcraft voice proxy что это
Использование прокси-сервера может вызвать затруднения при подключении к серверам, установке и обновлении игр Blizzard. Воспользуйтесь следующими советами, чтобы отключить прокси-сервера.
Примечание: Большая часть пользователей не используют прокси-сервера, но эти настройки могут быть включены случайно или вредоносными программами. Если настройки прокси-сервера были включены, воспользуйтесь антивирусом после их отключения.
My WoW clients are still open (just DCed) and I checked my task manager and don’t see Voice Proxy tasks anywhere.
Right now they just say ‘World of Warcraft’ & I don’t remember seeing ‘World of Warcraft Voice Proxy’ anywhere.
When having 5 clients open in the stress test this weekend I don’t remember seeing any Voice Proxy tasks anywhere but I never had any CPU load issues so I really never had a need to look (I run a 16core i7-6900K with 128GB of RAM so maybe that is why).
Maybe the Voice Proxy can be turned off somewhere. If I can remember to check once I get what names reserved I will try to circle back after and let you know what I see.
WoW Voice Proxy Problems
I had sometimes up to 10 of those Tasks open and each of them was using about 9% cpu load.
In one case i was 15min afk, WoW and Bnet were closed before going afk. As i went back on my PC i realized a pretty high cpu load for an idle situation and looked into Task Manager where i found this
Currently no way to disable in game voice chat
You can mute yourself and others, but the data is still received. This effectively just eats up data. If anyone can figure out a way to disable this feature I would greatly appreciate it!
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I basically have the opposite problem of OP, the game tell me everytime i join a dungeongroup to press non defined button to join voice chat. I trryed everythin the said something with chat or voice, but nothing works
You are defaulted to not being in any voice channels. You have to actually click on it to join. I fail to see the issue here
There is a simpler way to block unwanted applications, but will require either a manual regedit or a reg file merge:
I personally prefer the reg file method as I keep said file in a shared datastore$ folder on each machine so I can both keep track of and easily reapply the blocks on each system.
Either method requires administrative privileges
Run regedit (WINKEY+R > “regedit” > enter)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Policies > Explorer
o Right-Click Explorer > Edit > New > Key> type in “Explorer” > Enter
Right Click Explorer Folder > Edit > New > DWORD (32-bit) > type in “DisallowRun” > Enter
Double-Click DisallowRun > Change value to «1» > click OK.
Right-Click Explorer > Edit > New > Key > type in “DisallowRun” > Enter
Right-Click «DisallowRun» folder > Edit > New > String Value > type in “1” > OK
Double-Click the 1 string value > in the Value data field, type in “WowVoiceProxy.exe “> OK
Close regedit, system restart may be required for changes to take effect.
create a txt file, name it dissalowrun.
Copy/paste the following:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
save > close > change txt extension to reg
right-click dissalowrun.reg > merge > YES > YES > OK
system restart may be required for changes to take effect
Using either method, if you want to add other programs, add string values as necessary (in numerical order) to the Dissalowrun folder:
Step 1: Always use battlenet to patch update the game to keep it current. just dont USE battlenet to open up wow and sign in, keep battlenet OFF and inactive once you patch.
Step 2. Open your game client WITHOUT battlenet. use the wow.exe icon built into your wow folder instead.
Step 3: Once you allow battlenet to patch your game shut it all down and open your wow official game folder and go into UTIL folder and DELETE BOTH WOW VOICE PROXY ITEMS at the bottom of the list.
Step 4. As you are opening and running the wow game client to log in to play open your task manager and KEEP SHUTTING DOWN the following program in task manager by selecting it and hitting «end task»: Blizzard Battlenet Update Agent.
Simple. This breaks wow voice proxy and deletes it from folder not to come back (unless you have to officially use battlenet to update and patch your game client) so it doesnt keep running and putting itself back into the folder to run as you play.
If you dont disable this as you are opening running wow game client to log in and play it will silently patch and make you open battlenet to patch it thusly putting wow voice proxy items back into your wow game client folder and thusly running it as soon as you open the game log in and are playing.
Youre welcome. 😀 if you need any help from this Goblin/Worgen on this, just PM me on here and I will get back to you. I use Teamspeak and have an email addy too.
I even posted on the battlenet forums about my displeasure at this FORCING of the wow voice proxy:
«knowing them. they will release a patch that FORCES a user to have wow voice proxy and run it to run the game or block people from being able to unless they do. watch. 😛
I just make it so wow voice proxy cannot run while I play. IT LAGS MY PC AND MY GAME. And I DONT WANT IT BLIZZ! Stop force cramming your voice tool down my throat and let me play a lag free game. I use teamspeak so I dont NEED your in game voice chat thingy ma doodle. PLEASE PUT IT BACK to where it was our CHOICE to disable it or not.»
Thread: WoW Voice Proxy Problems
World of warcraft voice proxy что это
My WoW clients are still open (just DCed) and I checked my task manager and don’t see Voice Proxy tasks anywhere.
Right now they just say ‘World of Warcraft’ & I don’t remember seeing ‘World of Warcraft Voice Proxy’ anywhere.
When having 5 clients open in the stress test this weekend I don’t remember seeing any Voice Proxy tasks anywhere but I never had any CPU load issues so I really never had a need to look (I run a 16core i7-6900K with 128GB of RAM so maybe that is why).
Maybe the Voice Proxy can be turned off somewhere. If I can remember to check once I get what names reserved I will try to circle back after and let you know what I see.
Are you loading WoW from the launcher?
In the retail version, you can safely delete WoWVoiceProxy.exe and BlizzardBrowser.exe from your /retail/utils/ folder. Many people have been doing that for privacy reasons as it completely disables voice chat.
I would assume you can do the same for Classic version.
Thx for your replies.
Maybe the Voice Proxy can be turned off somewhere.
a few days ago i disabled the voice chat in the Bnet Parental Controls, which worked fine for wow retail. I no longer have any options to join a voice chat. In Task Manager the Voice Proxy still gets loaded but did not use any resources so far.
Can Addons in Classic use the Voice Proxy Interface and could cause these problems?
i had the same issue. It caused major slow downs after some time.
I managed to fix it by deleting the voice proxy files in the game folder. Then as isboxer launches the team, i just kept killing the Blizzard Update Agent. It stopped the voice proxies from restarting.
I had exact same problem, was especially annoying when I tried setting up UI and quitting/reopening the game a bunch of times and forgetting about it, would lock up the computer for a time.
Came across this issue myself while 5 boxing,
None of the suggested solutions worked for me, so ended up writing a small app that basically checks running processes every 10 secs and closes any Wow Voice Proxy processes it finds.
Came across this issue myself while 5 boxing,
None of the suggested solutions worked for me, so ended up writing a small app that basically checks running processes every 10 secs and closes any Wow Voice Proxy processes it finds.
The following is how I manage it via firewall:
Yup, this works but depends on the firewall solution / software and sometimes fails (I still get rogue WowVoiceProxy instances running even with the firewall rule)
That’s why I made the small simple app, but ofc, if the firewall you use does the job, its a better solution 🙂
edit: it is only able to kill left over ones from previous runs, not ones attached to currently running wow. working on a fix
(Решено) Голосовой чат WoW не работает
Wow Voice Chat Not Working
Возникли проблемы с голосовым чатом в World of Warcraft? Хотя это может быть неприятной проблемой, обычно ее совсем нетрудно исправить.
Попробуйте эти исправления
Возможно, вам не придется пробовать их все. Просто просмотрите список, пока не найдете тот, который вам подходит.
Исправление 1: Проверьте устройство ввода звука
Если с вашим устройством ввода все в порядке, попробуйте следующий метод.
Исправление 2. Настройте параметры системного микрофона.
Обычно, когда вы подключаете микрофон, Windows устанавливает его в качестве записывающего устройства по умолчанию. Но это не всегда так. Иногда вам нужно настроить этот параметр вручную.
Вы можете использовать эти шаги, чтобы проверить:
Если этот метод не решает вашу проблему, перейдите к следующему.
Исправление 3: Проверьте свои игровые настройки
Если ваш микрофон работает вне игры, вам следует проверить, правильно ли вы настроили внутриигровые настройки.
Если настройка внутриигровых настроек не приносит вам удачи, обратите внимание на следующее решение.
Исправление 4: Обновите свой аудиодрайвер
После обновления аудиодрайвера перезагрузите компьютер и проверьте голосовой чат в WoW.
Если обновление аудиодрайвера не помогло решить вашу проблему, просто перейдите к следующему методу.
Исправление 5: Установите все обновления Windows
Windows 10 включает в себя 2 типа обновлений, которые соответственно предлагают исправления безопасности и повышение производительности. Иногда обновления Windows автоматически устраняют конфликт программного обеспечения или драйверов. Учитывая это, проблему с голосовым чатом можно легко решить, обновив систему.
Кстати, обновлять тоже на удивление легко:
Если проблема не исчезнет после установки обновлений системы, перейдите к окончательному исправлению.
Исправление 6: сканирование и восстановление WoW
Эта проблема может возникнуть, если у вас отсутствуют некоторые игровые компоненты. Чтобы проверить целостность файлов игры, просто выполните следующие действия:
Итак, вот решения вашей проблемы с голосовым чатом в World of Warcraft. Надеюсь, вы устранили проблему и теперь можете общаться с другими игроками. Если у вас есть вопросы или предложения, не стесняйтесь оставлять комментарии.
World of warcraft voice proxy что это
Использование прокси-сервера может вызвать затруднения при подключении к серверам, установке и обновлении игр Blizzard. Воспользуйтесь следующими советами, чтобы отключить прокси-сервера.
Примечание: Большая часть пользователей не используют прокси-сервера, но эти настройки могут быть включены случайно или вредоносными программами. Если настройки прокси-сервера были включены, воспользуйтесь антивирусом после их отключения.
My WoW clients are still open (just DCed) and I checked my task manager and don’t see Voice Proxy tasks anywhere.
Right now they just say ‘World of Warcraft’ & I don’t remember seeing ‘World of Warcraft Voice Proxy’ anywhere.
When having 5 clients open in the stress test this weekend I don’t remember seeing any Voice Proxy tasks anywhere but I never had any CPU load issues so I really never had a need to look (I run a 16core i7-6900K with 128GB of RAM so maybe that is why).
Maybe the Voice Proxy can be turned off somewhere. If I can remember to check once I get what names reserved I will try to circle back after and let you know what I see.
WoW Voice Proxy Problems
I had sometimes up to 10 of those Tasks open and each of them was using about 9% cpu load.
In one case i was 15min afk, WoW and Bnet were closed before going afk. As i went back on my PC i realized a pretty high cpu load for an idle situation and looked into Task Manager where i found this
Currently no way to disable in game voice chat
You can mute yourself and others, but the data is still received. This effectively just eats up data. If anyone can figure out a way to disable this feature I would greatly appreciate it!
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I basically have the opposite problem of OP, the game tell me everytime i join a dungeongroup to press non defined button to join voice chat. I trryed everythin the said something with chat or voice, but nothing works
You are defaulted to not being in any voice channels. You have to actually click on it to join. I fail to see the issue here
There is a simpler way to block unwanted applications, but will require either a manual regedit or a reg file merge:
I personally prefer the reg file method as I keep said file in a shared datastore$ folder on each machine so I can both keep track of and easily reapply the blocks on each system.
Either method requires administrative privileges
Run regedit (WINKEY+R > “regedit” > enter)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Policies > Explorer
o Right-Click Explorer > Edit > New > Key> type in “Explorer” > Enter
Right Click Explorer Folder > Edit > New > DWORD (32-bit) > type in “DisallowRun” > Enter
Double-Click DisallowRun > Change value to «1» > click OK.
Right-Click Explorer > Edit > New > Key > type in “DisallowRun” > Enter
Right-Click «DisallowRun» folder > Edit > New > String Value > type in “1” > OK
Double-Click the 1 string value > in the Value data field, type in “WowVoiceProxy.exe “> OK
Close regedit, system restart may be required for changes to take effect.
create a txt file, name it dissalowrun.
Copy/paste the following:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
save > close > change txt extension to reg
right-click dissalowrun.reg > merge > YES > YES > OK
system restart may be required for changes to take effect
Using either method, if you want to add other programs, add string values as necessary (in numerical order) to the Dissalowrun folder:
Step 1: Always use battlenet to patch update the game to keep it current. just dont USE battlenet to open up wow and sign in, keep battlenet OFF and inactive once you patch.
Step 2. Open your game client WITHOUT battlenet. use the wow.exe icon built into your wow folder instead.
Step 3: Once you allow battlenet to patch your game shut it all down and open your wow official game folder and go into UTIL folder and DELETE BOTH WOW VOICE PROXY ITEMS at the bottom of the list.
Step 4. As you are opening and running the wow game client to log in to play open your task manager and KEEP SHUTTING DOWN the following program in task manager by selecting it and hitting «end task»: Blizzard Battlenet Update Agent.
Simple. This breaks wow voice proxy and deletes it from folder not to come back (unless you have to officially use battlenet to update and patch your game client) so it doesnt keep running and putting itself back into the folder to run as you play.
If you dont disable this as you are opening running wow game client to log in and play it will silently patch and make you open battlenet to patch it thusly putting wow voice proxy items back into your wow game client folder and thusly running it as soon as you open the game log in and are playing.
Youre welcome. 😀 if you need any help from this Goblin/Worgen on this, just PM me on here and I will get back to you. I use Teamspeak and have an email addy too.
I even posted on the battlenet forums about my displeasure at this FORCING of the wow voice proxy:
«knowing them. they will release a patch that FORCES a user to have wow voice proxy and run it to run the game or block people from being able to unless they do. watch. 😛
I just make it so wow voice proxy cannot run while I play. IT LAGS MY PC AND MY GAME. And I DONT WANT IT BLIZZ! Stop force cramming your voice tool down my throat and let me play a lag free game. I use teamspeak so I dont NEED your in game voice chat thingy ma doodle. PLEASE PUT IT BACK to where it was our CHOICE to disable it or not.»
Thread: WoW Voice Proxy Problems
World of warcraft voice proxy что это
My WoW clients are still open (just DCed) and I checked my task manager and don’t see Voice Proxy tasks anywhere.
Right now they just say ‘World of Warcraft’ & I don’t remember seeing ‘World of Warcraft Voice Proxy’ anywhere.
When having 5 clients open in the stress test this weekend I don’t remember seeing any Voice Proxy tasks anywhere but I never had any CPU load issues so I really never had a need to look (I run a 16core i7-6900K with 128GB of RAM so maybe that is why).
Maybe the Voice Proxy can be turned off somewhere. If I can remember to check once I get what names reserved I will try to circle back after and let you know what I see.
Are you loading WoW from the launcher?
In the retail version, you can safely delete WoWVoiceProxy.exe and BlizzardBrowser.exe from your /retail/utils/ folder. Many people have been doing that for privacy reasons as it completely disables voice chat.
I would assume you can do the same for Classic version.
Thx for your replies.
Maybe the Voice Proxy can be turned off somewhere.
a few days ago i disabled the voice chat in the Bnet Parental Controls, which worked fine for wow retail. I no longer have any options to join a voice chat. In Task Manager the Voice Proxy still gets loaded but did not use any resources so far.
Can Addons in Classic use the Voice Proxy Interface and could cause these problems?
i had the same issue. It caused major slow downs after some time.
I managed to fix it by deleting the voice proxy files in the game folder. Then as isboxer launches the team, i just kept killing the Blizzard Update Agent. It stopped the voice proxies from restarting.
I had exact same problem, was especially annoying when I tried setting up UI and quitting/reopening the game a bunch of times and forgetting about it, would lock up the computer for a time.
Came across this issue myself while 5 boxing,
None of the suggested solutions worked for me, so ended up writing a small app that basically checks running processes every 10 secs and closes any Wow Voice Proxy processes it finds.
Came across this issue myself while 5 boxing,
None of the suggested solutions worked for me, so ended up writing a small app that basically checks running processes every 10 secs and closes any Wow Voice Proxy processes it finds.
The following is how I manage it via firewall:
Yup, this works but depends on the firewall solution / software and sometimes fails (I still get rogue WowVoiceProxy instances running even with the firewall rule)
That’s why I made the small simple app, but ofc, if the firewall you use does the job, its a better solution 🙂
edit: it is only able to kill left over ones from previous runs, not ones attached to currently running wow. working on a fix