X11 repo termux что это

X11 repo termux что это

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X11 repo termux что это. build passing green. X11 repo termux что это фото. X11 repo termux что это-build passing green. картинка X11 repo termux что это. картинка build passing green X11 repo termux что это. License GPLv3 blue. X11 repo termux что это фото. X11 repo termux что это-License GPLv3 blue. картинка X11 repo termux что это. картинка License GPLv3 blue X11 repo termux что это. License CC%20BY%204.0 lightgrey. X11 repo termux что это фото. X11 repo termux что это-License CC%20BY%204.0 lightgrey. картинка X11 repo termux что это. картинка License CC%20BY%204.0 lightgrey
Эта работа лицензирована в соответствии с Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. X11 repo termux что это. 78818286 19743180 79dd 11ea 84c5 f629f891dd4b. X11 repo termux что это фото. X11 repo termux что это-78818286 19743180 79dd 11ea 84c5 f629f891dd4b. картинка X11 repo termux что это. картинка 78818286 19743180 79dd 11ea 84c5 f629f891dd4b

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X11 repo termux что это. 78818286 19743180 79dd 11ea 84c5 f629f891dd4b. X11 repo termux что это фото. X11 repo termux что это-78818286 19743180 79dd 11ea 84c5 f629f891dd4b. картинка X11 repo termux что это. картинка 78818286 19743180 79dd 11ea 84c5 f629f891dd4b

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X11 repo termux что это. 78818286 19743180 79dd 11ea 84c5 f629f891dd4b. X11 repo termux что это фото. X11 repo termux что это-78818286 19743180 79dd 11ea 84c5 f629f891dd4b. картинка X11 repo termux что это. картинка 78818286 19743180 79dd 11ea 84c5 f629f891dd4b

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X11 repo termux что это. 78818286 19743180 79dd 11ea 84c5 f629f891dd4b. X11 repo termux что это фото. X11 repo termux что это-78818286 19743180 79dd 11ea 84c5 f629f891dd4b. картинка X11 repo termux что это. картинка 78818286 19743180 79dd 11ea 84c5 f629f891dd4b

Обновление 1.2 Beta от 08.04.20

Обновление 1.1 Beta от 07.04.20

X11 repo termux что это. 78818286 19743180 79dd 11ea 84c5 f629f891dd4b. X11 repo termux что это фото. X11 repo termux что это-78818286 19743180 79dd 11ea 84c5 f629f891dd4b. картинка X11 repo termux что это. картинка 78818286 19743180 79dd 11ea 84c5 f629f891dd4b

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X11 repo termux что это. 78818286 19743180 79dd 11ea 84c5 f629f891dd4b. X11 repo termux что это фото. X11 repo termux что это-78818286 19743180 79dd 11ea 84c5 f629f891dd4b. картинка X11 repo termux что это. картинка 78818286 19743180 79dd 11ea 84c5 f629f891dd4b

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Package Management

Termux uses apt and dpkg for package management, similar to Ubuntu or Debian.



Using the package manager

We strongly recommend to use a pkg utility instead of apt directly. It is a wrapper that performs a number of tasks:

Installing a new package:

It is highly recommended to upgrade existing packages before installing the new one. You can install updates by running this command:

Additionally, we suggesting to check for updates at least once a week. Otherwise there is a certain risk that during package installation or upgrade you will encounter issues.

Removing the installed package:

This will remove package but modified configuration files will be left intact. If you want to remove them, use apt purge instead.

See below for additional supported commands:

List files installed by specified package.pkg list-allList all available packages.pkg list-installedList currently installed packages.pkg reinstall

Re-install specified package.pkg searchSearch package by query.pkg show

Show information about specific package.

Official repositories

The main Termux repository is accessible through https://packages.termux.org/apt/termux-main/.

List of current optional repositories:

RepositoryCommand to subscribe to repository
game-packagespkg install game-repo
science-packagespkg install science-repo
termux-root-packagespkg install root-repo
x11-packages (Android 7+ only)pkg install x11-repo

The mirrors of Termux apt repositories are available. See up-to-date information about them on Github.

Community repositories

In addition to the official repositories, there are repositories hosted by community members. You are welcome to host own Termux repository too.

You can create own repository by using termux-apt-repo from the command line and Github Pages as hosting. Be aware that Github has a strict limit of 100 MB per file and if your repository exceeds total size of 1 GB, you might receive a polite email from GitHub Support requesting that you reduce the size of the repository. So if you have really big packages you may want to use a different hostings. Choose hostings according to filetypes, for example, videos can be hosted at https://YouTube.com or similar.

By its-pointless

Repository of this community member includes gcc, gfortran, octave, r-cran (R language), scipy and lots of games!

To add this repository, execute:

The script essentially installs gnupg on your device, downloads and adds a public key to your apt keychain ensuring that all subsequent downloads are from the same source.

Package requests

Packages can be requested at https://github.com/termux/termux-packages/issues. Note that your opened issue with request can be moved to another repository, like termux-root-packages or x11-packages if it is not suitable for the main repository.

Please ensure that you have read our Packaging Policy.

Other package managers

Some programming languages have their own package managers. We tend not to package things installable with this ones due to issues when cross-compiling them in our build environment.


Graphical Environment

This article is only applicable only to Termux installations running on Android 7.0 or higher.

Termux provides support for programs that use X Window System. However, there no hardware acceleration for rendering and user will have to install a third party application to view graphical output.

X11 repo termux что это. . X11 repo termux что это фото. X11 repo termux что это-. картинка X11 repo termux что это. картинка

To use X11-enabled programs, please, make sure that at least one of the following programs is installed:


Enabling the X11 Repository

X11 packages are available in a separate APT repository. You can enable it by running the following command:

It will automatically add appropriate sources.list file and PGP key.

Setting up VNC


If you decided to use VNC for graphical output, follow these instructions for properly setting up VNC server.

1. Install package `tigervnc`:

2. After installation, execute this:

At first time, you will be prompted for setting up passwords:

Note that passwords are not visible when you are typing them and maximal password length is 8 characters.

3. If everything is okay, you will see this message:

It means that X (vnc) server is available on display ‘localhost:1’.

4. Finally, to make programs do graphical output to the display ‘localhost:1’, set environment variable like shown here (yes, without specifying ‘localhost’):

You may even put this variable to your bashrc or profile so you don’t have to always set it manually unless display address will be changed.


Here will be assumed that you use this Android VNC client: VNC Viewer (developed by RealVNC Limited).

X11 repo termux что это. Vncviewer conn info01. X11 repo termux что это фото. X11 repo termux что это-Vncviewer conn info01. картинка X11 repo termux что это. картинка Vncviewer conn info01

1. Determine port number on which VNC server listens. It can be calculated like this: 5900 + . So for display ‘localhost:1’ the port will be 5901.

2. Now open the VNC Viewer application and create a new connection with the following information (assuming that VNC port is 5901):

3. Now launch it. You will be prompted for password that you entered on first launch of ‘vncserver’. Depending on packages you installed, you may see either entirely black screen or terminal prompt (only if ‘aterm’ is installed).

Setting up XServer

Xserver setup is nearly same as for VNC. The only differences are that you don’t have to configure authentication and variable «DISPLAY» should be set like

Note that you don’t need to set variable «PULSE_SERVER» like application suggests because Termux uses its own Pulseaudio package.

Window Managers

When using Android XServer rather than Android XSDL these are optional.


X11 repo termux что это. . X11 repo termux что это фото. X11 repo termux что это-. картинка X11 repo termux что это. картинка

Simplest way to get a working graphical environment is to install Fluxbox:

It can be started automatically on VNC server startup. To do this, edit file

/.vnc/xstartup as shown here:


X11 repo termux что это. . X11 repo termux что это фото. X11 repo termux что это-. картинка X11 repo termux что это. картинка

Openbox requires a more complicated configuration than Fluxbox. Firstly you need to install some packages:

Put the following lines to your

Don’t put anything else to file

/.config/openbox/autostart ). Edit this file like here:

Desktop environment

It is possible to setup a full blown desktop environment in Termux. Only XFCE, LXQt and MATE is supported.

X11 repo termux что это. . X11 repo termux что это фото. X11 repo termux что это-. картинка X11 repo termux что это. картинка

Recommended way of installation is through metapackage and not the separate components:

VNC server startup configuration (

/.vnc/xstartup ) should contain only

Additional recommended packages for installation:

Recommended way of installation is through metapackage and not the separate components:

VNC server startup configuration (

/.vnc/xstartup ) should contain only

Additional recommended packages for installation:

As of right now, there is no MATE metapackage. So, you need to install all required MATE components serperately

VNC server startup configuration (

/.vnc/xstartup ) should contain only

Additional recommended packages for installation:


X11 repo termux что это

Termux X11 Packages

X11 repo termux что это. badge. X11 repo termux что это фото. X11 repo termux что это-badge. картинка X11 repo termux что это. картинка badge

X11 repo termux что это. powered by fosshost. X11 repo termux что это фото. X11 repo termux что это-powered by fosshost. картинка X11 repo termux что это. картинка powered by fosshost

There are located build scripts and patches for Termux X11 packages.

If you wish to contribute, please take a look at X11 packages contributing guide and developer’s wiki pages.

How to enable this repository

Repository is not enabled in Termux by default. First enable it to be able to install its packages:

Using X11 on Termux

Programs using the X11 Windowing System cannot be used standalone like normal command-line utilities. Termux does not provide a native way for video output and therefore you will need to install additional software.

The recommended setup is a VNC server (package tigervnc ) running on localhost and a VNC Viewer (by RealVNC Limited) Android application for accessing the video output.

There possible to use other Xserver solutions like XServer XSDL, but they are not guaranteed to work properly with our packages.

More information about setting up a graphical environment is on the Termux Wiki.

Only for Termux installations on Android 7.0 or higher.

You can build all packages manually by using the provided docker image. The only requirements are Linux-based host with Docker installed.

Clone this repository:

Enter build environment (will download docker image if necessary):

Choose package you want to build and run:


A set of packages using X11 Windows System.


X11 repo termux что это

X11 repo termux что это. badge. X11 repo termux что это фото. X11 repo termux что это-badge. картинка X11 repo termux что это. картинка badge X11 repo termux что это. . X11 repo termux что это фото. X11 repo termux что это-. картинка X11 repo termux что это. картинка

A Termux add-on app providing Android frontend for Xwayland.

Termux:X11 uses Wayland display protocol. a modern replacement and the predecessor of the X.org server. Pay attention that it is not a full-fledged Wayland server and it can not handle Wayland apps except Xwayland.

The wayland sockets is the way for the graphical applications to communicate with. Termux X11 applications do not have wayland support yet, this kind of setup may not be straightforward and therefore additional packages should be installed in order for X11 applications to be run in Termux:X11

For this one you must enable the x11-repo repository can be done by executing pkg install x11-repo command

For X applications to work, you must install Termux-x11 companion package. You can do that by doing

Or by downloading an artifact from last successful build and installing *.apk and *.deb files.

Running Graphical Applications

to work with GUI applications, start Termux:X11 first. a toast message saying Service was Created indicates that it should be ready to use

then you can start your desired graphical application by doing:

$ env DISPLAY=:1 xfce4-session»>

You may replace xfce4-session if you use other than Xfce

If you’re done using Termux:X11 just simply exit it through it’s notification drawer by expanding the Termux:X11 notification then «Exit»

Font or scaling is too big!

Some apps may have issues with wayland regarding DPI. please see https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/HiDPI on how to override application-specific DPI or scaling.

You can fix this in your window manager settings (in the case of xfce4 and lxqt via Applications Menu > Settings > Appearance). Look for the DPI value, if it is disabled enable it and adjust its value until the fonts are the appropriate size.

X11 repo termux что это. dpi scale. X11 repo termux что это фото. X11 repo termux что это-dpi scale. картинка X11 repo termux что это. картинка dpi scale

Using with 3rd party apps

It is possible to use Termux:X11 with 3rd party apps. You should start Termux:X11’s activity with providing some additional data.


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