Xsplit или obs что лучше

Xsplit или obs что лучше

Сравнение программных энкодеров OBS, Xsplit, Wirecast и Vmix

Казалось бы, все просто — установил бесплатное ПО OBS и можешь стримить себе на здоровье. Но почему тогда многие предпочитают платные программы? Давайте разбираться. Для этого рассмотрим особенности четырех популярных программ: OBS, XSplit, Wirecast и vMix.

OBS — бесплатная программа с мощным комьюнити. Но есть нюансы

Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) — свободно распространяемое ПО с открытым исходным кодом. Программа выросла из небольшого проекта, созданного Hugh «Jim» Bailey в 2012 году. В 2014 она была переписана с нуля и получила нынешний вид.

Благодаря открытому исходному коду вокруг OBS образовалось мощное сообщество. Но какой-то централизованной службы поддержки нет. Если во время трансляции возникнут трудности, их придется решать самостоятельно.

OBS предлагается для Windows, MacOS и Linux. Среди ее особенностей:

Но есть у OBS и свои минусы. Один из главных — невозможность одновременно стримить на несколько платформ без «костылей». Также опытные пользователи жалуются на невозможность смены битрейта «на лету». Если во время стриминга возникнут проблемы с интернет-каналом, придется остановить трансляцию для перенастройки.

XSplit Broadcaster и XSplit Gamecaster. Главный выбор геймеров

Программа XSplit Broadcaster увидела свет в 2012 году (хотя разработка велась с 2009 г, а публичная бета версия стала доступной в 2010).

XSplit Gamecaster заточена под геймеров: позволяет начать трансляцию буквально одной кнопкой независимо от того, откуда ведется стриминг — с компьютера или с консоли. Многопоточность встроена — сможете стримить одновременно на несколько площадок без заморочек. Чтобы изменить битрейт или сделать какие-то другие настройки, останавливать трансляцию не потребуется.

Стоимость лицензии на ПО не такая уж и высокая — от 4,2 долларов в месяц. Можно купить пожизненную лицензию за 199 долларов.

vMix. Прицел на профессионалов

vMix — программный видеомикшер от StudioCoast PTY LTD. Одна из особенностей программы — поддержка протокола SRT: с его помощью минимизируются задержки при онлайн-трансляциях через сложные каналы.

Лицензия здесь бессрочная — вы платите только один раз, стоит от 60 долларов. Есть бесплатная версия, возможности которой ограничены 4 входами, 2 камерами и посредственным качеством видео. Фишки, благодаря которым vMix полюбилась профессионалам, в ней не доступны.

Новичку, пожалуй, нет смысла покупать такой софт. А вот для опытных пользователей с большой аудиторией это хороший выбор. Вв сторону vMix стоит смотреть и организаторам событий на профессиональном уровне.

Wirecast. Монстр для самых продвинутых

Wirecast от Telestream безусловно ориентирован на профессионалов, и об этом говорит цена лицензии от 249 долларов. Предлагается для Windows и MacOS.

Это действительно мощный инструмент. Это целый комплекс, который включает функции микшера, стрим-сервиса, сервера графического оформления, звукового пульта и виртуальной студии.

Прежде чем отдавать 249 долларов за программу, вы можете бесплатно использовать ее пробную версию в течение 30 дней.

Так что в итоге?

Первые 2 программы, OBS и XSplit — это массовые решения. Они подойдут как новичку, так и профессионалу. vMix и Wirecast — более профессиональные продукты. Их стоит рассматривать тем, кому действительно нужны мощные инструменты визуального оформления видео и управления процессом.


OBS или XSplit для потоковой передачи, какая из которых потребляет меньше ресурсов процессора?

OBS против XSplit, как они влияют на потребление процессора?

При вещании с разрешением 1080p и 60 FPS потребление ЦП OBS оставалось на уровне от 3 до 12%, тогда как с XSplit оно было немного выше, оставаясь от 10 до 18% от потребления ЦП. Отмечено значительное увеличение потребления в GPU / ГРАФИЧЕСКИЙ ПРОЦЕССОР, с OBS.

Xsplit или obs что лучше. Consumo OBS. Xsplit или obs что лучше фото. Xsplit или obs что лучше-Consumo OBS. картинка Xsplit или obs что лучше. картинка Consumo OBS

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Таким образом, OBS может быть лучшим программным обеспечением для потоковой передачи, если у вас процессор средней мощности, который не очень мощный, и вы заметили снижение производительности игры; С другой стороны, XSplit даже в своей бесплатной версии потребляет больше ресурсов от процессора ПК, но взамен он способен излучать с повышением качества, что, без заметного скачка, заметно.

Что вы можете сделать, если ваш компьютер работает слишком медленно при потоковой передаче?

Само собой разумеется, что чем выше разрешение и частота кадров в секунду, которые вы транслируете при потоковой передаче, тем больше влияние на производительность вашего компьютера, поэтому, если у вас более старый или менее мощный процессор, а потребление ресурсов OBS или XSplit «убивает» вашу трансляцию, из того, что вы можете сделать, это уменьшить выходное разрешение или FPS, на который вы транслируете.

Вы также можете попробовать изменить кодек, особенно если у вас есть NVIDIA и графика OBS поскольку кодек NVENC H.264 даст вам лучшую производительность или снизит его качество, всегда помните, что это, очевидно, приведет к снижению качества вашей прямой трансляции или записываемого видео.

Точно так же, если у вас проблемы с производительностью, вы должны убедиться, что у вас нет других открытых программ, потребляющих ресурсы. Это очевидно, а у кого нет Chrome, Spotify, или другие программы постоянно открываются?


Xsplit VS OBS which is better for live streaming?

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Richard Bennett

Dec 09, 2021• Proven solutions

Common Features of XSplit and OBS

When we talk about live streaming platforms like YouTube Gaming, Twitch and many more then we often come across two popular names: XSplit and Open Broadcaster Software or OBS. You can often hear so many reasons why one is better and where another lacks. But for a beginner it is quite difficult to decide that which one can fulfil his needs in much better manner.

Here are few common features:

For making right decision about your selection, it is good to go through the major differences of both these platforms that are listed as below.

Full Comparison of XSplit and OBS:

1. Pricing and Platform:

2. Features:

OBS is well recognized for its awesome quality but it lacks in other premium features that xSplit offers to its users. The simulated green screen of Xsplit is the biggest benefit.

Overlays are one of the most important tools for a broadcaster but OBS doesn’t provide access to powerful overlays thus users get restricted in easy customization options. But on the other side, XSplit allows its users to access all interesting tools and features on single screen with one touch access. When you are working with OBS it is essential to have second monitor to organize all tasks in much efficient manner.

Xsplit broadcaster tool makes use of power scene tools along with skype integration so you can develop professional live broadcasts with ease.

In case if you have two monitors at your workstation and they make green screen handy then OBS can be a good choice for you, it will not even affect your budget but on the other side, Xsplit is a feature rich tool for professionals, they need to spend money for getting licensed version.

3. Performance:

Both Xsplit as well as OBS support 720p content at 30fps frame rate, you will recognize some performance holes with TF2 and the sad part is that Xsplit cannot continue with 60 fps frame rate during 720p recording. On the other side, OBS can achieve better performance with its 60fps recording capability at 1152×658 resolution level. It leads to better detailing with satisfactory view.

4. Ease of Use:

Although OBS is free and simple to use but when we talk about its initial setup then it demands huge efforts. Beginners will find it a complicated task and they will require some expert advice to get started. Further, lack of in-game overlay is another issue. You need to install additional performance monitor and few other stream adjustment features make it little bad choice for professional shoots.

Xsplit offers an easy and very straight forward kind of setup. You will find its default program extremely easy but users need to work on other settings like tweek resolution etc to get better results. When compared with OBS, the powerful in-game overlays are an advantage for xSplit platform as it initiates easy chats. The setup details for webcam feed and subscribe boxes are also quite easy.

5. Plugins and Customization:

OBS provides so many options for customization as well as organize support for plugins. The broadcasting experience on OBS is much in control of users but you need to make lot of sacrifices regarding customization while working on Xsplit platform. In case of XSplit gamecaster, plugins are a big issue.


There is no doubt that both these tools have rich feature set and are serving large number of user base on routine basis. But if we compare the overall performance then OBS appears to be a good choice for those who care about budget and need open source platform where personalization can be added anytime as per requirement. In case of Xsplit, you will be able to enjoy skye integration along with impressive collection of overlays that enhances communication experience of users. The Gamecaster plugins are also a trouble for professionals as they feel it little restricted during classic video broadcasting needs. Hence in simple terms, you selection completely depends upon your budget and application.


OBS vs. XSplit Broadcaster: Which Is the Better Game-Streaming App

Xsplit или obs что лучше. Arslan Senki x Musou Game Trailer Streaming Featured. Xsplit или obs что лучше фото. Xsplit или obs что лучше-Arslan Senki x Musou Game Trailer Streaming Featured. картинка Xsplit или obs что лучше. картинка Arslan Senki x Musou Game Trailer Streaming Featured

Many gamers enjoy doing a Live Stream on Twitch or YouTube to capture the walkthrough moments of their favorite games. Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) and XSplit Broadcaster are commonly used software that share those intimate play experiences with the world. In this article we will try to determine the better game-streaming app based on a host of selection criteria.

1. Performance

Right off the bat we tested both installed apps with “Call of Zombies 2: World Domination.” OBS felt easy to record despite the heavy CPU demands of a graphic-intensive game. However, the interface did not feel very smooth, and there were a few annoying instances of frozen screens. That being said, everything stabilized within ten seconds after a restart. The system was set at 30 fps for 1280×720.

OBS was designed keeping in mind the extra functionalities that needed to be supported for a community-driven open-source project. As a result, the overall interface can feel slightly spartan. However, you can find all the tutorials on the OBS website itself. Even if you don’t read them, following the steps correctly won’t consume too much time, although it does not feel intuitive. For example, if you want to identify the game correctly, you must first “capture a specific window.”

Xsplit или obs что лучше. OBS Game Screen Capture. Xsplit или obs что лучше фото. Xsplit или obs что лучше-OBS Game Screen Capture. картинка Xsplit или obs что лучше. картинка OBS Game Screen Capture

With XSplit Broadcaster, choosing the game is more automatic. Even within the free version there were no delays or frozen screens. XSplit feels more intuitive due to less steps involved at every stage. The best part is a “drag-and-drop” function that allows you to resize windows and customize webcam videos. It is very useful for adding commentaries.

Xsplit или obs что лучше. XSplit Broadcaster Game Screen Capture. Xsplit или obs что лучше фото. Xsplit или obs что лучше-XSplit Broadcaster Game Screen Capture. картинка Xsplit или obs что лучше. картинка XSplit Broadcaster Game Screen Capture

In the past, one of the biggest limitations of XSplit was its inability to support 60 fps, unlike OBS. However, XSplit has slightly more options today (see screen below). You can select any frame rate you want up to 60 fps and customize it even further. This means even when the game is moving faster than the blink of an eye, you can trust XSplit to solidly recreate your experiences.

Xsplit или obs что лучше. XSplit 60 FPS. Xsplit или obs что лучше фото. Xsplit или obs что лучше-XSplit 60 FPS. картинка Xsplit или obs что лучше. картинка XSplit 60 FPS

Verdict: XSplit wins the performance battle hands-down over OBS thanks to greater stability, increased precision and more intuitive features.

2. Customizations

OBS has far more support for third-party plugins at its website than XSplit’s proprietary interface. This is a really useful attribute. For example, during a fight game you can use a plugin called “Display Fightstick motions” to trace the path of various strikes and blows delivered to the opponent.

Xsplit или obs что лучше. OBS Plugins Listing Website. Xsplit или obs что лучше фото. Xsplit или obs что лучше-OBS Plugins Listing Website. картинка Xsplit или obs что лучше. картинка OBS Plugins Listing Website

Verdict: it’s no contest. Being an open source app, OBS has far greater support for extra plug-ins to give you a more customized experience.

3. Audio/Video Quality

XSplit has numerous options for local recording, including x264 and x265 video codecs, as compared to OBS. This makes it a better candidate for YouTube uploads. There is a well-thought-out feature that allows audio and video optimization for YouTube. While OBS may not have the best features to optimize audio and video, it does offer more file format options, including VLC.

Xsplit или obs что лучше. XSplit Local Recording Settings. Xsplit или obs что лучше фото. Xsplit или obs что лучше-XSplit Local Recording Settings. картинка Xsplit или obs что лучше. картинка XSplit Local Recording Settings

Verdict: XSplit wins this round because of the high-quality video/audio support.

4. Features and Price Comparison

XSplit has more extra features compared to OBS, such as direct uploading of streams to Skype, YouTube or Twitch. This makes it extremely useful for massive multi-player role-player (MMORPG) games. XSplit also allows you to edit videos on the go, though it is only available as a paid feature.

The best thing about OBS is that it is a community-driven project and remains absolutely free. XSplit allows you to make private recordings without any hassles, but the best features are only available in the Premium options which is costly on a monthly basis.

Xsplit или obs что лучше. XSplit Broadcaster Advanced Features opt. Xsplit или obs что лучше фото. Xsplit или obs что лучше-XSplit Broadcaster Advanced Features opt. картинка Xsplit или obs что лучше. картинка XSplit Broadcaster Advanced Features opt

Verdict: with OBS you have nothing to lose as long as you’re willing to learn to use it properly. However, one cannot negate the advanced features of XSplit which has a more professional finish.

Although Free always wins in a price-performance contest, this round should be considered a tie.


Our final verdict is that XSplit has a professional edge over OBS, as it has greatly improved in terms of features and performance. Add that to the fact that the learning curve is low, and you can use it almost immediately. If money is not an object, we have a clear overall winner – XSplit.

OBS and freeware lovers need not despair. At the end of the day, no one can tell the difference once you publish the final gamecasting video.

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Sayak Boral is a technology writer with over eleven years of experience working in different industries including semiconductors, IoT, enterprise IT, telecommunications OSS/BSS, and network security. He has been writing for MakeTechEasier on a wide range of technical topics including Windows, Android, Internet, Hardware Guides, Browsers, Software Tools, and Product Reviews.


Rubbish! OBS is clearly able to do both h264 and h265 as it uses ffmpeg. Something else that makes OBS stand clearly out over XSplit is the fact that OBS is multi-platform support Windows, Linux and Mac. XSplit is Windows only. The best thing about OBS, it is 100% free.

HEVC support would have been a really nice addition but it is not supported in OBS right now. Maybe because it crashes the display? Would really like to learn though.

Does OBS check all criteria for quality? https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/1722171?hl=en Most likely it does. However, XSplit optimizes for YouTube from the point of recording itself. With OBS, the option is to stream from “Settings” for YouTube, Twitch etc. That is called setting up a new output which is different from in-built optimization for a specific Live video.

Besides, XSplit supports even 120 fps. They have an option called Audio Mix Preview which allows you to set up the stream exactly as your viewer would hear! Sorry to disagree but XSplit audio-video output are on a whole another level.

On another note, I agree with you that should have mentioned the extra support for Mac and Linux in OBS. That is a very fair and valid point. XSplit is Windows only.

Free always wins (did mention that) but there are users who are looking for commercial applications, to make some money on their streams. XSplit is cheaper than Wirecast.

xsplit is horrible on FPS

Hi I believe you might be on to something. Could you describe the issue in detail? In our tests, we found that XSplit has multiple options for FPS including 120 fps for paid version. In the past, XSplit did have limitations with FPS but in our tests, it is no longer the case.

Aaand this is the kind of thinking that allows companies like Apple, Alienware, etc. to stay in business and continue selling their overpriced products. Hint: if people were reasonable (and critical thinkers), they wouldn’t be.

Do you hate people doing what they love to earn an income and employ thousands of people? In capitalism, the consumer pays a price based on demand. Should we all just quit our jobs and live in under highway overpasses so everything can be free? :/

Thanks for your respective opinions. XSplit has an edge over OBS because of new feature additions – I am particularly impressed with h.265 support. I didn’t check if OBS supports that thing at the moment. Do add your bit.

That doesn’t make OBS inferior at all. On the contrary it works absolutely fine and is suited for the job.

But a comparison should never be about paid vs free.

I used to be an avid XSplit user before OBS. Although, xsplit was very unstable. There was no better quality streaming platform and competitive drive until OBS arrived. Before I switched, I had crashed nearly every stream on XSplit in 2013-2015. I occasionally swap between the two now to see who the blatant victor is and I can explain my opinion as valid. OBS has a far superior experience over XSplit. Ironically, OBS IS ever so slightly more unstable in some situations. Thankfully, stability patches are much more frequent than XSplit users have to deal with. The customer support XSplit is typically “I have a problem” ” thanks, we’ll pass word to the developers when they’re in office.” Whilst joining OBS discord often leads to the developers working with you on solving the issue first hand and promising and update within their plans. It’s definitely a superior system they have, and I can’t help but feel XSplit has 1 developer working on XSplit. I had reported 3 bugs I had revolving around the unintuitive text sources, files not showing resources properly, and no support for the newest nvenc encoder unless you want more bugs from the ptr. You can’t run it with certain programs or games. Also, there’s absolutely no way to hide game overlays (steam overlay/origin) from XSplit. It just feels dated from the moment I log in trying to come back from obs

OBS has all the features I need to look professional and has an identical interface to XSplit to help all the newer users, a great support team as long as you understand discord, updates very frequently to stay up to date to necessary quality and performance improvement. There’s guides all over the internet for OBS and is now the best standard for streaming in general.

The biggest issue the date of the article was that OBS was slower because each source and scene used memory for each source which slugged down the game or sources. This is the only real reason I was often compelled to use XSplit from time to time, bit after the new nvenc encoder and learning to use collections mode on OBS there’s really nothing XSplit has aside from per source audio splitting. Which is honestly better done through an audio mixer anyways – like voice meter banana our goxlr.

I just want to point out there’s currently plenty of real reasons to go with OBS than there currently is with XSplit.

Thanks for your fantastic views. Much appreciate them. Although I have a hard time believing that XSplit has maybe “1 developer working on it” because it is bug free for the most part. But indeed OBS has far greater support for third party plug-ins and an open source community to fall back on. But as you also said that “OBS felt slower” and there are unstable issues occasionally. However, in the end, you would not find any difficulties in streaming.

“You can’t run it with certain programs or games.”
Which games did you have negative experience for XSplit?

“and no support for the newest nvenc encoder unless you want more bugs from the ptr.”
That could be a valid perception but have you used XSplit lately? It’s because they made DRASTIC improvements in last one year or so. So if you had a negative experience in the past, it might not be the same today. Also Xsplit does support latest nvenc encoders for NVIDIA, Intel, AMD.

What about Streamlabs everyone. Is that not good also?

The “limits” OBS has are bs. I know for a fact I’ve used h264, x264, h265, HEVC, and 144FPS. OBS has none of those frame rate limits or encoding limits you discussed. And it lets you do everything free. OBS is way more robust, but I guess you actually have to know how to use it to get the best of it.

Comments are closed.

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Xsplit или obs что лучше

The Best Streaming Software in 2020: XSplit vs OBS

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Streaming is not just a hobby for many people nowadays, and in the search for professional-looking streams at some point, you will ask yourself which software offers you the best possibilities. In that regard, there has been a rivalry as old as time: XSplit vs OBS, which software is better for streaming?

Choosing Your Software

Before we even talk about XSplit vs OBS, the question you must answer is what version of XSplit and what version of OBS are we even talking about? The thing is that both software solutions have different versions either provided by the same company or different companies working on the same concept.

XSplit Summary

For XSplit you have two main choices: XSplit Broadcaster and XSplit Gamecaster. The differences between them are pretty obvious if you take into account their naming strategy. The Broadcaster software is designed to accommodate most types of streams including gaming, while the Gamecaster software is specifically designed for streaming games.

Since the main focus of Twitch is obviously gaming, choosing the Gamecaster will give you better overlay support and better in-game integrations, but if you do other things on the side as well the Broadcaster software might fit your needs better.

OBS Summary

When it comes to OBS, your choices are between Streamlabs OBS and OBS Studio. SLOBS is a friendlier OBS Studio with UI changes to make everything more intuitive for the new people coming into the streaming world. OBS Studio is just a raw unfiltered software designed to give you all the powerful tools you need for streaming.

The choice between the two comes down to preference. Would you like to click once and be ready to stream? Choose SLOBS. Do you like tinkering around, finding the best possible settings, and making sure everything is set up EXACTLY the way you want? Then OBS Studio is your choice.

XSplit vs OBS – Full Comparison

Once you chose either XSplit Broadcaster/XSplit Gamecaster or Streamlabs OBS/OBS Studio based on your preferences and needs it is finally time to put things in their place and figure out once and for all which is the better streaming software.


When discussing XSplit vs OBS there is no way to avoid the topic of pricing. The reason for that is the fact that to unlock the full potential of XSplit you need to buy a premium subscription, while OBS works full throttle from the very moment you install it. I don’t know about you guys, but I like free. Yes, free is good.

OBS vs XSplit Performance

In terms of performance when it comes to XSplit vs OBS there is honestly not that much of a difference. The truth is that in time both software have developed and their impact on the performance of your system has diminished. This is especially relevant since both programs can use NVENC encoding which is very light on your CPU.

At the same time, if you want to be nitpicking, XSplit does use 1-2% more CPU because it has more side-loading to do with all the overlays and other stuff that comes integrated. We are pretty sure though, that if you loaded about the same amount of external plugins into OBS your results would be equalized.

The argument of performance when discussing the XSplit vs OBS topic would only matter in the case where you stream on a low-end PC, and that extra 2 % of CPU would matter, otherwise, this is a non-issue.

Features & Customization

It is in terms of features out of the box where the XSplit vs OBS debate swings in favor of XSplit. XSplit has the capability of streaming to multiple platforms, a built-in green screen, and even the capability to edit videos inside of the software. It has a very manageable approach to overlays and you can add them in easily. The unfortunate thing is that some of these great features are behind the paywall…

At the same time, OBS has the possibility of adding a bunch of plug-ins that would contribute to its feature set massively and does not fall behind in terms of customizability. In a direct comparison outside of just ease of use and accessibility, OBS has a lot more to offer compared to its pay to use counter-part.

For OBS, the unlimited scene support which is behind a paywall in XSplit, the ACTUALLY useful audio mixer interface with per-source filters, the new “Dock” UI which ads modularity to OBS, availability beyond the Windows OS, really speak for themselves.

There are even hidden “features” like streaming in 120fps for the people with high refresh rate monitors in your streams which can be done only by OBS.

Ease of Use

Once again in terms of ease of use, the win should have been handed over to XSplit from the get-go right? Well unfortunately SLOBS exists. You think OBS Studio is a bit daunting and you don’t like going through settings? Well then use SLOBS!

SLOBS has advanced capabilities just like OBS Studio! The software is extremely easy to use and interact with for the first time AND is absolutely free.

Yes, just like in OBS Studio, not everything is integrated into the software, but exactly just like OBS Studio, if you want an overlay or any other customization feature in SLOBS you just go on Google and get it for free.


In conclusion, when looking at XSplit vs OBS in 2020 it is honestly pretty hard to recommend XSplit over OBS Studio or SLOBS. The things that still stand out for XSplit are it’s great direct support through Discord or Twitter, multi-stream capability, and the fact that it comes pre-loaded with plugins.

Outside of that, you really find yourself hard-pressed to find how XSplit would justify its price tag in comparison to OBS. We tried very hard to make this comparison as unbiased as possible but unfortunately as it stands XSplit just doesn’t have what it takes to dethrone OBS…

If you are curious about other streaming software as well check out this link.


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