Year to date что означает
year to date
Смотреть что такое «year to date» в других словарях:
year to date — ˌyear to ˈdate written abbreviation YTD noun [singular] ACCOUNTING the period from the beginning of a calendar or financial year until the present time, used especially to talk about the amount of sales or profit in a particular period: • For th … Financial and business terms
Year-To-Date — is a period starting January 1 of the current year and ending today. Year to date is used in many contexts, mainly for recording results of an activity in the time between today s date and the beginning of either the calendar or fiscal year.In… … Wikipedia
year-to-date — ( YTD) The period beginning at the start of the calendar year up to the current date. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * year to date ˌyear to ˈdate written abbreviation YTD noun [singular] ACCOUNTING the period from the be … Financial and business terms
year to date — noun The period from the beginning of a fiscal year to the end of a reporting period. Syn: YTD … Wiktionary
Base Year/Base Date — The year chosen to set an index at 100. Any year can be chosen as a base year, but it is generally desirable to use a fairly recent year; widely used in the compilation of macro economic data … Financial and business terms
Year-ending — (or 12 months ending ) is a 12 month period used for financial and other seasonal reporting.In the context of finance, Year ending is often provided in monthly financial statements detailing the performance of a business entity. Providing current … Wikipedia
year — [jɪə, jɜː ǁ jɪr] written abbreviation yr noun [countable] 1. also calendar year the period of time beginning on January 1 and ending on December 31: • The Small Business Administration arranged 55,000 small business loans last year. 2 … Financial and business terms
date (Unix) — Unix date command The Unix date command displays the time and date. The super user can use it to set the system clock. Contents 1 Usage 2 Formatting … Wikipedia
date — ▪ I. date date 1 [deɪt] written abbreviation d noun [countable] 1. the words you use to talk about a particular day, month, and year: • The date on the letter was 30 June 2006. ˌaverage ˈdate … Financial and business terms
Date (Unix) — The Unix date command displays the time and date. The super user can use it to set the system clock. Usage With no options, the date command displays the current date and time, including the abbreviated day name, abbreviated month name, day of… … Wikipedia
year to date
1 year-to-date
2 year to date
3 year to date
4 Year To Date
5 year to date
6 year-to-date
7 year to date
8 на данный год
См. также в других словарях:
year to date — ˌyear to ˈdate written abbreviation YTD noun [singular] ACCOUNTING the period from the beginning of a calendar or financial year until the present time, used especially to talk about the amount of sales or profit in a particular period: • For th … Financial and business terms
Year-To-Date — is a period starting January 1 of the current year and ending today. Year to date is used in many contexts, mainly for recording results of an activity in the time between today s date and the beginning of either the calendar or fiscal year.In… … Wikipedia
year-to-date — ( YTD) The period beginning at the start of the calendar year up to the current date. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * year to date ˌyear to ˈdate written abbreviation YTD noun [singular] ACCOUNTING the period from the be … Financial and business terms
year to date — noun The period from the beginning of a fiscal year to the end of a reporting period. Syn: YTD … Wiktionary
Base Year/Base Date — The year chosen to set an index at 100. Any year can be chosen as a base year, but it is generally desirable to use a fairly recent year; widely used in the compilation of macro economic data … Financial and business terms
Year-ending — (or 12 months ending ) is a 12 month period used for financial and other seasonal reporting.In the context of finance, Year ending is often provided in monthly financial statements detailing the performance of a business entity. Providing current … Wikipedia
year — [jɪə, jɜː ǁ jɪr] written abbreviation yr noun [countable] 1. also calendar year the period of time beginning on January 1 and ending on December 31: • The Small Business Administration arranged 55,000 small business loans last year. 2 … Financial and business terms
date (Unix) — Unix date command The Unix date command displays the time and date. The super user can use it to set the system clock. Contents 1 Usage 2 Formatting … Wikipedia
date — ▪ I. date date 1 [deɪt] written abbreviation d noun [countable] 1. the words you use to talk about a particular day, month, and year: • The date on the letter was 30 June 2006. ˌaverage ˈdate … Financial and business terms
Date (Unix) — The Unix date command displays the time and date. The super user can use it to set the system clock. Usage With no options, the date command displays the current date and time, including the abbreviated day name, abbreviated month name, day of… … Wikipedia
Что в финансовой системе означает YTD
Чтобы отслеживать котировки акций, их динамику и прогнозировать ценовые движения, а также осуществлять финансовую отчетность к компании, необходимо рассчитывать и выбирать временные интервалы. Для расчетов финансисты используют специальные временные промежутки по конкретным датам или периодам, например, ежемесячные, ежеквартальные или полугодовые отчеты.
Часто используют динамически изменяющийся временной интервал, который берет свое начало отсчета с первого января текущего года. Данный интервал носит название YEAR TO DATE или сокращенно YTD. Рассмотрим поподробнее, что это такое и как применяется.
Определение и назначение YTD
Year to Date начинает отсчет с начала года и продолжается по настоящее время. Т.е. его правая временная граница изменяется. YTD используется во многих финансовых контекстах, главным образом для записи результатов деятельности в период между датой (эта дата исключается, т.к. сегодняшний день не является полным) и началом года.
В контексте финансов с начала года в финансовых ведомостях часто приводится подробная информация о результатах деятельности компании. Предоставление текущих результатов с начала года, а также результатов с начала года за один или несколько прошлых лет на одну и ту же дату позволяет владельцам, менеджерам, инвесторам и другим заинтересованным сторонам сравнивать текущие результаты компании с результатами прошлых периодов. Подоходный налог работников может быть основан на общей прибыли в налоговом году на сегодняшний день.
Примеры использования YTD
YTD описывает возвращение показателей относительно данного года. Например: с начала года доходность акций составляет 8%. Это означает, что с 1 января текущего года на сегодняшний день акции выросли на 8%.
Сравнение показателей с начала года может ввести в заблуждение, если год только начался или не определена дата контроля. Показатели с начала года более чувствительны к ранним изменениям, чем к поздним.
Пример: для расчета текущего выставления накладной для компании итоговые накладные за каждый предыдущий месяц текущего года добавляются к итоговым накладным за текущий месяц на сегодняшний день.
Пример по продажам
Допустим, компания А торгует товаром бренда Б. анализируется ежемесячное количество проданного товара в течение двух лет. С помощью рассчитанного показателя YTD можно оценить силу тренда и роста или падения спроса на товар. Пример приведен в таблице.
Продажи по месяцам | 2017, штук | 2018, штук | 2017 YTD, штук | 2018 YTD, штук | Рост относительно прошлого года, % |
Январь | 50 000 | 60 000 | 50 000 | 60 000 | 20% |
Февраль | 45 000 | 55 000 | 95 000 | 115 000 | 21% |
Март | 45 000 | 65 000 | 140 000 | 180 000 | 28% |
Апрель | 55 000 | 65 000 | 195 000 | 245 000 | 26% |
Май | 50 000 | 60 000 | 245 000 | 305 000 | 24% |
Июнь | 55 000 | 70 000 | 300 000 | 375 000 | 25% |
Июль | 60 000 | 75 000 | 360 000 | 450 000 | 25% |
Август | 55 000 | 65 000 | 415 000 | 515 000 | 24% |
Сентябрь | 65 000 | 75 000 | 480 000 | 590 000 | 23% |
Октябрь | 60 000 | 75 000 | 540 000 | 665 000 | 23% |
Ноябрь | 60 000 | 80 000 | 600 000 | 745 000 | 24% |
Декабрь | 70 000 | 85 000 | 670 000 | 830 000 | 24% |
Из данного примера видно, что минимальный рост наблюдался в начале 2019 года (20-21%), а максимальный рост в марте – 28%. Средний рост YTD по сравнению с предыдущим годом составил 24%. Поэтому с помощью YTD можно корректировать план, наблюдать на его выполнением, анализировать спрос и предложение и возможное количество товара, которое понадобится на следующий год.
Пример по акциям
С помощью YTD можно исследовать поведении цен на акции.
Продажи по месяцам | 2017, рост/падение | 2017 YTD, штук |
Январь | 1% | 1% |
Февраль | 2% | 3% |
Март | -1% | 2% |
Апрель | 2% | 4% |
Май | 2% | 6% |
Июнь | -6% | 0% |
Июль | -8% | -8% |
Август | 4% | -4% |
Сентябрь | 3% | -1% |
Октябрь | 3% | 2% |
Ноябрь | -1% | 1% |
Декабрь | 6% | 7% |
Таким образом, YTD может показать ежемесячную динамику цен на акции, а также годовой рост или снижение стоимости.
Year to Date позволяет:
year-to-date statement — отчет за период с начала года по настоящий момент
Смотреть что такое «year-to-date» в других словарях:
year to date — ˌyear to ˈdate written abbreviation YTD noun [singular] ACCOUNTING the period from the beginning of a calendar or financial year until the present time, used especially to talk about the amount of sales or profit in a particular period: • For th … Financial and business terms
Year-To-Date — is a period starting January 1 of the current year and ending today. Year to date is used in many contexts, mainly for recording results of an activity in the time between today s date and the beginning of either the calendar or fiscal year.In… … Wikipedia
year-to-date — ( YTD) The period beginning at the start of the calendar year up to the current date. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * year to date ˌyear to ˈdate written abbreviation YTD noun [singular] ACCOUNTING the period from the be … Financial and business terms
year to date — noun The period from the beginning of a fiscal year to the end of a reporting period. Syn: YTD … Wiktionary
Base Year/Base Date — The year chosen to set an index at 100. Any year can be chosen as a base year, but it is generally desirable to use a fairly recent year; widely used in the compilation of macro economic data … Financial and business terms
Year-ending — (or 12 months ending ) is a 12 month period used for financial and other seasonal reporting.In the context of finance, Year ending is often provided in monthly financial statements detailing the performance of a business entity. Providing current … Wikipedia
year — [jɪə, jɜː ǁ jɪr] written abbreviation yr noun [countable] 1. also calendar year the period of time beginning on January 1 and ending on December 31: • The Small Business Administration arranged 55,000 small business loans last year. 2 … Financial and business terms
date (Unix) — Unix date command The Unix date command displays the time and date. The super user can use it to set the system clock. Contents 1 Usage 2 Formatting … Wikipedia
date — ▪ I. date date 1 [deɪt] written abbreviation d noun [countable] 1. the words you use to talk about a particular day, month, and year: • The date on the letter was 30 June 2006. ˌaverage ˈdate … Financial and business terms
Date (Unix) — The Unix date command displays the time and date. The super user can use it to set the system clock. Usage With no options, the date command displays the current date and time, including the abbreviated day name, abbreviated month name, day of… … Wikipedia
Year to Date (YTD)
What Is Year to Date (YTD)?
Year to date (YTD) refers to the period of time beginning the first day of the current calendar year or fiscal year up to the current date. YTD information is useful for analyzing business trends over time or comparing performance data to competitors or peers in the same industry. The acronym often modifies concepts such as investment returns, earnings, and net pay.
Key Takeaways
How Year to Date (YTD) Is Used
If someone uses YTD for a calendar year reference, they mean the period of time between January 1 of the current year and the current date. If they use YTD for a fiscal year reference, they mean the period of time between the first day of the fiscal year in question and the current date.
A fiscal year is a period of time lasting one year but not necessarily beginning on January 1. It is used by governments, corporations, and other organizations for accounting and external audit purposes.
For example, the federal government observes its fiscal year from October 1 to September 30, and Microsoft’s fiscal year is from July 1 to June 30. It is common for nonprofit organizations to have a fiscal year of July 1 to June 30.
YTD financial information is useful for management, as it is a good way to check in on the financial health of a company on an interim basis rather than waiting until the end of the fiscal year.
YTD financial statements are routinely analyzed against historical YTD financial statements through the equivalent time period. For example, if a company’s fiscal year begins on July 1, a three-month YTD financial statement would run through September 30.
The September YTD financial statement for the current year may be compared to the September YTD financial statement from the prior year or years, to identify seasonal trends or abnormalities.
Examples of Year to Date (YTD)
Year-to-Date Returns
YTD return refers to the amount of profit made by an investment since the first day of the current year. Investors and analysts use YTD return information to assess the performance of investments and portfolios.
Year-to-Date Earnings
YTD earnings refer to the amount of money an individual has earned from Jan 1 to the current date. This amount typically appears on an employee’s pay stub, along with information about Medicare and Social Security withholdings and income tax payments.
YTD earnings may also describe the amount of money an independent contractor or business has earned since the beginning of the year. This amount consists of revenue minus expenses. Small-business owners use YTD earnings to track financial goals and estimate quarterly tax payments.
Year-to-Date Net Pay
Net pay is the difference between employee earnings and the withholdings from those earnings. To calculate net pay, employees subtract the tax and other withholdings from their gross pay. YTD net pay appears on many paycheck stubs, and this figure includes all of the money earned since Jan 1 of the current year minus all of the tax and other benefit amounts withheld.
Month to Date vs. Year to Date
Month to date (MTD) refers to the period of time between the 1st of the current month and the last finalized business day before the current date. Typically, MTD does not include the current date because business has not yet ended for that day.
For example, if today’s date is Aug. 21, 2021, MTD refers to the period of time from Aug. 1, 2021, to Aug. 20, 2021. This metric is used in similar ways as YTD metrics. Namely, business owners, investors, and individuals use MTD data to analyze their income, business earnings, and investment returns for the month so far.
What is meant by year to date?
Year to date (YTD) is a term that covers the period between the beginning of the year and the current (present) date. YTD covers the first day of the year in question up to the day of calculation. It can apply to fiscal or calendar years, where the fiscal year might not begin on Jan. 1—thus, YTD is the start of the fiscal year to the current date.
How do you calculate year to date returns?
What is the difference between month to date and year to date?
Month to date includes an important caveat when used in business. Here, month to date refers to the first of the month to the last business day before the given current date. For instance, if today were Aug. 21, the month-to-date would equal Aug. 1 to Aug. 20. This is because business has not been finalized for the current day. Month to date is used for similar metrics as the year to date, such as measuring earnings, return, and income.