Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать

Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать

I have a controller problem with Trine: Enhanced Edition and Trine 2 on Linux. My Logitech Gamepad F310 (Xbox 360 controller compatible) has a strange trigger holding issue which is also present for Logitech Gamepad F510. I found some XInput and libSDL related clues. There is a workaround for the issue; using xboxdrv:

Sorry for necromancy. I confirm that this problem still persists on Ubuntu Mate 17.04 x64 as June 2017:

I have a Logitech Gamepad F310 which shows up as a generic xbox controller. It mostly works, except that the game is convinced that one of the triggers is being held down constantly, and all the right joystick axes were reversed by default.

The XInput/DirectInput controller, Logitech Gamepad F310 does show up as Logitech Gamepad F310 in XInput mode; the controls are mapped mostly correctly but triggers kept being held down and right joystick axes are reversed. Right joystick axes can be remapped correctly but trigger hold down issue remains. Interestingly enough, when F310 is set to DirectInput mode via controller’s switch, the controller shows up as Logitech Logitech Dual Action; all the controls are incorrectly mapped but can be remapped correctly and there is no trigger holding problem. Same goes with another controller, Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2 which is DirectInput only; incorrectly mapped but can be remapped correctly and there is no trigger holding problem.

That might be a libSDL related XInput problem which is caused by out of dated libSDL version: v1.3. libSDL 1.3 is an obsolete version which is discontinued. Most GNU/Linux distros use v2.0 nowadays; old distros relied on v1.2. Upgrading game’s libSDL would solve the issue.

This is my mouse BUS=002 Device=003
These number changes computer to computer.

This solved my issue! I needed to quit the game and Steam client. Then installed xboxdrv and run it with following command.

Now, F310 (in XInput mode) is detected as Microsoft X-Box 360 pad and everything is mapped correctly, plus no holding trigger problem. BUT, I shouldn’t rely on a third party tool which requires sudo command to function.


Эмуляция XBox-контроллера для геймпадов без аппаратной поддержки XInput.


А что же делать юзеру, если у него в арсенале оказался геймпад без аппаратной поддержки XInput, DirectInput-совместимый? Выкидывать геймпад? Продавать и покупать XInput-совместимый? Нет, это совершенно необязательно, потому что существуют различные варианты эмуляции XInput для DirectInput Only геймпада. Вот эти варианты мы сегодня и рассмотрим.

Сразу оговорюсь, эмуляторов DS4Windows и InputMapper, предназначенных для DUALSHOCK 4, в этой статье не будет. Для DUALSHOCK 4 существует отдельная статья в блоге, DUALSHOCK 4 в реалиях ПК, где эта тема раскрыта достаточно широко.


Изначально эмулятор появился под названием «XBOX360 Controller Emulator v3.0 by Racer_S». Был он, мягко говоря, сыроват, пока его дальнейшим развитием не занялся пользователь с ником virus, обитающий тогда на сайте В дальнейшем всё это дело переросло в проект x360ce и существует по сей день.

Что представляет из себя x360ce эмулятор? Это кастомные библиотеки:


плюс файл с настройками:


Настроек много и они не универсальные. Эмуляция может работать, а может и не работать, зависит от игры и подобранных настроек. Для 64-битных приложений, нужно использовать 64-битную версию библиотек. Если для вашего DirectInput-геймпада в системе не установлен драйвер с поддержкой вибрации, вибрации не будет и через эмулятор. x360ce не работает с UWP-приложениями.

x360ce-эмулятор был отличным решением несколько лет назад, но сейчас есть варианты поинтереснее. Впрочем, иногда он спасает.

Скачать x360ce можно тут.

В XOutput принцип работы уже более продвинутый. При установке этого эмулятора, в систему ставится virtual bus driver (SCP драйвер-враппер, который также используют утилиты DS4Windows и InputMapper, для эмуляции XInput на геймпадах DUALSHOCK 4):

Но в отличие от заточенных под один геймпад DS4Windows и InputMapper, этот эмулятор всеяден и готов работать с любыми DirectInput геймпадами:

После настройки и активации эмуляции в системе (помимо нашего DirectInput геймпада) должен появиться XBox 360 геймпад:

Чтобы скрыть DirectInput сущность нашего геймпада от системы и игр, следует воспользоваться режимом «Exclusivity»:

. по идее должно стать. Эмулятор достаточно капризный, в том, что касается эксклюзивного режима. Особенно на последних версиях Windows 10. Т.е. может и не работать.

Вибрации через эмулятор, даже если она поддерживается вашим геймпадом, и в систему установлен родной forcefeedback драйвер для DirectInput устройства, не будет:

У этого эмулятора есть неоспоримые преимущества перед x360ce: он работает в UWP-приложениях, он не требует никаких сторонних DLL-библиотек в папке с игрой, он легко включается и выключается, его можно добавить в автозагрузку, он работает с 32-битными и 64-битными приложениями.

Скачать эмулятор можно тут.

Суть та же, но тут работа над софтом и драйвером идёт активнее.

Вот вам необходимые ссылки по новой версии XOutput:

Steam поддерживает большое количество геймпадов «из коробки», т.е. не требуется дополнительных телодвижений для того, чтобы Steam распознал ваш геймпад, а точнее правильно определил раскладку кнопок и прочее.

Но нет ничего страшного, если ваш DirectInput-геймпад незнаком стиму.

Для того, чтобы для вашего DirectInput-друга, в играх из библиотеки Steam (или добавленных туда вручную), заработала эмуляция XInput (и прочие плюшки), нужно проделать следующие шаги.

Подключить геймпад к ПК, запустить Steam и перейти в режим Big Picture:

Перейти в пункт меню с настройками контроллера:

поставить галочку на «пользовательские настройки обычного геймпада»:

выбрать внизу, в обнаруженных контроллерах, ваш геймпад и настроить его в соответствии с подсказками на экране:

нажать «сохранить» и дать имя вашему геймпаду:

Всё. Теперь ваш геймпад поддерживается в Steam, и для него доступны все настройки для любой игры из библиотеки:

В играх (из библиотеки Steam) ваш геймпад будет определяться, как XBox 360 контроллер. Чтобы произвести дополнительные настройки по конкретной игре, нужно вызвать в процессе игры оверлейный экран Steam (кнопкой GUIDE) или комбинацией клавиш и произвести все необходимые манипуляции.


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The Wireless Gamepad F310 supports two different input modes:

Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. f310 trdfront. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать фото. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать-f310 trdfront. картинка Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. картинка f310 trdfront

XInput is the preinstalled, modern gamepad standard on Windows 7 and Vista. It can also be installed on Windows XP (SP1 or greater).

Use XInput to play games in Windows whenever possible. This input mode is intended to make the gamepad work natively with modern games.

If you’re playing a new game with the F310 gamepad, we suggest you set the Input Mode switch to «X». If you want to customize the input functionality, try using DirectInput mode instead.

DirectInput mode works with Windows drivers to enable basic input functionality. This input mode also lets you use the Logitech Gaming Software to customize the inputs for games that don’t normally allow you to do so, or don’t have gamepad support at all.

You can use the Logitech Gaming Software with DirectInput mode to assign a specific key or key combination to any of the buttons or thumbsticks on the gamepad. You can also assign each thumbstick to work like a joystick or mouse.

NOTE: Logitech doesn’t provide configuration software for non-Windows systems, but many games allow you to configure inputs in-game. DirectInput mode lets the gamepad communicate with the drivers on many such systems.

Contact information

If the above solutions do not resolve the issue, please see Knowledge Base article 21704 for instructions on contacting Logitech Technical Support.


Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать

I have /dev/input/js0
I can run jscal and all my buttons and dpad/sticks work.
I even use this gamepad with a couple NES emulators. So I know its working.

But for some reason it won’t work in Steam or any games. I can’t find anything in Steam std out that says anything about joystick. I’m running Openbox, so no big bloated gnome/kde/etc to help me config the JS.

Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. cc48b25eabf78b98675db0f6b99c296585e53be0. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать фото. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать-cc48b25eabf78b98675db0f6b99c296585e53be0. картинка Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. картинка cc48b25eabf78b98675db0f6b99c296585e53be0

I’m in the same situation as you.

Tested Trine 2, Bastion and Eversion, gamepad does not work on any of them.

Investigating for a solution, suggestions are welcome 😉

Thinking to use PlayDeb ( which maps gamepad’s buttons to keyboard keys. But I’d prefer having gamepad working as expect.

Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. 596f3f2ce4755ef6703de4539381776399039464. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать фото. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать-596f3f2ce4755ef6703de4539381776399039464. картинка Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. картинка 596f3f2ce4755ef6703de4539381776399039464

Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. 4090d4a813f033808176584542c5f47327b27928. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать фото. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать-4090d4a813f033808176584542c5f47327b27928. картинка Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. картинка 4090d4a813f033808176584542c5f47327b27928

Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. 4dcca5e792166d626fdf601b7a07e7b218e76c17. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать фото. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать-4dcca5e792166d626fdf601b7a07e7b218e76c17. картинка Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. картинка 4dcca5e792166d626fdf601b7a07e7b218e76c17

XInput VS DirectInput is not an Issue on Linux, this is microsoft stuff as long as I know.

I think it’s better if you report this on Steam bug tracker, here:

Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. 596f3f2ce4755ef6703de4539381776399039464. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать фото. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать-596f3f2ce4755ef6703de4539381776399039464. картинка Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. картинка 596f3f2ce4755ef6703de4539381776399039464

Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. b62774cd0ca0159acdbb0e985faf8870090a6685. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать фото. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать-b62774cd0ca0159acdbb0e985faf8870090a6685. картинка Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. картинка b62774cd0ca0159acdbb0e985faf8870090a6685

I just notice on the Intrusion 2 store page it says «Additional:supports XBox Controller» 🙁 I just bought the game because I thought I could get it working with any controller via Big Picture mode for playing on my TV. I don’t really want to go out and buy an xbox controller.

I’ll def post something to github issues when I get all the details. But if it only supports 1 or 2 MS controllers at the moment they might not jump into it right away.

Here are my USB Adapter details:
usb 7-1: new low-speed USB device number 2 using uhci_hcd
usb 7-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0e8f, idProduct=0003
usb 7-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0
usb 7-1: Product: USB Joystick
usb 7-1: Manufacturer: GreenAsia Inc.
input: GreenAsia Inc. USB Joystick as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.1/usb7/7-1/7-1:1.0/input/input5
pantherlord 0003:0E8F:0003.0003: input: USB HID v1.10 Joystick [GreenAsia Inc. USB Joystick ] on usb-0000:00:1d.1-1/input0
pantherlord 0003:0E8F:0003.0003: Force feedback for PantherLord/GreenAsia devices by Anssi Hannula «>

Will report back if I find out anything else.

Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. 45b3805c0f76cb5c18f334e0494dd844af446b5f. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать фото. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать-45b3805c0f76cb5c18f334e0494dd844af446b5f. картинка Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. картинка 45b3805c0f76cb5c18f334e0494dd844af446b5f

Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. b62774cd0ca0159acdbb0e985faf8870090a6685. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать фото. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать-b62774cd0ca0159acdbb0e985faf8870090a6685. картинка Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. картинка b62774cd0ca0159acdbb0e985faf8870090a6685

Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. fe09c72d4336180693689ffc9fd9924a63aedabc. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать фото. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать-fe09c72d4336180693689ffc9fd9924a63aedabc. картинка Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. картинка fe09c72d4336180693689ffc9fd9924a63aedabc

Interesting. I’m still stuck with no controller detection under BPM. Running Ubuntu 12.10 here.

On Win7 I get all full controller detection/configuration options for these devices, but not under Linux.

Is there a secret nightly build I don’t know about? What’s your client version? I’d love to get past this bloody stupid hurdle. Ironic that Gaben complains that M$ is destroying the openness of the PC platform, but sets up camp on proprietary throwback M$ garbage like xinput.

In any case Steam should be the worst of it, you should be able to remap the axes/buttons with for individual games that only support the X360 mapping. I’ve had to do as much with Super Meat Boy because the menu controls are hard-coded.

mv Intrusion2 Intrusion2-bin

chmod +x Intrusion2

Steam should then be able to launch the game from BPM and apply a temporary remap transparently.

Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. 6489941f6fc24d50735e8d3f121c3fe22e91916e. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать фото. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать-6489941f6fc24d50735e8d3f121c3fe22e91916e. картинка Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. картинка 6489941f6fc24d50735e8d3f121c3fe22e91916e

Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. fe09c72d4336180693689ffc9fd9924a63aedabc. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать фото. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать-fe09c72d4336180693689ffc9fd9924a63aedabc. картинка Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. картинка fe09c72d4336180693689ffc9fd9924a63aedabc

I probably should have posted this fix much earlier.

As it turns out, the Steam Linux client apparently tries to use the uinput event devices (/dev/input/event ) to read joystick/gamepad input. Which is, in fact, the wrong way to go about doing that.

When any input device is registered through uinput, a device stream is created in the uinput event directory (/dev/input on Ubuntu 12.04, which is Valve’s target OS). Now since all input devices, including keyboards, have have event descriptors, it wouldn’t do to to allow free access to them. Freely allowing software to read the event streams is tantamount to allowing any software to ‘wiretap’ your keyboard, thus no password could ever be entered securely.

As you might expect, Linux restricts read/write access to these streams to root-level permissions. Now, when a joystick-class device (this includes gamepads) is registered through uinput an additional stream is created (/dev/input/js for Ubuntu) with user-level permissions so that it can be read without elevated permissions.

Reading /dev/input/js0 would be the correct way to read the first joystick under modern Ubuntu.

What Valve is doing is trying to read the wrong stream, and it doesn’t have access by defaut, and for good reason. Which just really illustrates how in-the-dark Valve’s devs are about properly using linux. There are dozens of other examples of this kind of thing when the Linux Steam client is closely examined. It does seem to be assembled via guesswork.

An easy way to circumvent this problem is to change the permissions that uinput creates devices all event device streams with to be read/written at user-level.

WARNING: changing the uinput permissions to accommodate Steam, is generally a bad idea and should only be done on a system where security implications are acceptable.

I have done this on a completely dedicated custom Linux HTPC without any desktop environment. There are no other users, no passwords or personal information is ever entered via keyboard. Doing this on a desktop system is not recommended. Ye hath been warned.

I’m posting based on modern Ubuntu directory structure since that’s what Valve supports, so for other distros it may be different.

The fix is actually pretty simple.

From a terminal:
sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/85-input-events.rules

Add the following line to the newly created file:
SUBSYSTEM==»input», MODE=»666″

Save the file and reboot.

Steam should now have access to your joystick/gamepad devices.

Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. fe09c72d4336180693689ffc9fd9924a63aedabc. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать фото. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать-fe09c72d4336180693689ffc9fd9924a63aedabc. картинка Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. картинка fe09c72d4336180693689ffc9fd9924a63aedabc

Oh an I’ve recently picked up Intrusion2 from HIB8. Turns out the damn thing is built with flash so my previous suggestion about using jscal is not going to fix anything (obviously, heh).

Adobe dropped flash support for Linux a while back so dont expect them to fix joystick support in their linux flash binary. Ever. Probably not for Mac either.

Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. e086887a16575b10c319664117f2e75268fa181c. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать фото. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать-e086887a16575b10c319664117f2e75268fa181c. картинка Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. картинка e086887a16575b10c319664117f2e75268fa181c

Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. 3244c7ff6bf64f3df0e37ab52928b68f618615a0. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать фото. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать-3244c7ff6bf64f3df0e37ab52928b68f618615a0. картинка Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. картинка 3244c7ff6bf64f3df0e37ab52928b68f618615a0

Just throwing in my few cents here:

Vitriol is mostly correct, and the solution provided will work. However, I believe it’s incorrect that Steam is reading joystick input the «wrong way» or that they are «in-the-dark».

In general, there are two ways for a piece of software to access a gamepad on Linux: using the Input API (/dev/input/event*), or the Joystick API (/dev/input/js*). The Joystick API is the older API, and doesn’t support some of the things that the Input API does (such as force feedback).

So, theoretically, they can both be used, but why use the older API when you can use the newer one? This is what Steam has decided to do.

The problem with this approach is that some Linux distros continue to provide the default security settings of the Input API (the /dev/input/event* files) so high that a user cannot access the file, therefore making it impossible for software like games or the steam client to access them. So long as the Linux distros continue to make the /dev/input/event* files only accessible via root, users will have issues getting the best out of their hardware.

So, yes, the resulting problem, as Vitriol points out, is one of file system permissions. Vitriol’s solution basically makes all of your input devices user-readable, meaning any program run on your system can easily gain access to your keystrokes or other input devices. If you’re playing on your gaming desktop, this probably isn’t a big deal for you, so you can just use that solution. Otherwise, you can do the following to only make the controller available to non-root users (this worked for me on a Debian testing system, your results may vary). You can find more info on this blog post:

1.) Plug in your controller
2.) Identify the input device your controller: you need to know which /dev/input/event* file is your controller. Probably the easiest way to do this is to do the following.

Here I have two controllers plugged in: a Microsoft X-Box and a Logitech Gamepad. The XBox Controllers points to js0 and event11, the logitech to js1 and event12. So, if I want to fix the XBox Controller, I need to remember event11 (/dev/input/event11).

3.) Make sure that your problem actually is the fact that the input system is using bad permissions. Try the following.

Of course, replace event11 with the event file you found in step 2. It will probably say «Permission denied». If it does, then yes, you have a permissions problem. Now try the following:

Then try pressing buttons on your gamepad. You should see the console scroll a bunch of gibberish. This is your gamepad working, but only for root. If these are your symptoms, then continue following these instructions for a fix.

4.) Gaining identifying attributes:

Now you need to find out information that you can give to the Linux system to identify this device whenever you plug it into my computer.

This runs two commands in one and returns a list of things that can identify your controller. Once again, replace event11 with your event. My results were as followed:

Specifically, I’m looking for something that I can use to identify this device, which I see at.

Since there’s very little chance I’m ever going to plug a keyboard in that also has the name of «Microsoft X-Box 360 Pad», I can safely create a rule that says to look for this device and do something special with it.

5.) Now, I create a new file in /etc/udev/rules.d/99-joysticks.rules.

What this is saying is, «Whenever I detect that a device on the input system with the name ‘Microsoft X-Box 360 pad’ is connected, I want to make sure to set the file mode to 0666». Mode of 0666 means «rw-rw-rw-«. In other words; read- and writeable to all users.

Now you can apply the rule so that it can occur on your already plugged in device.


Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать

I have no idea, but I want to blame whatever crack or illegitimate copy you’re using to play the game. No idea how those interfere with the native XInput support of the game.

Edit: I don’t remember seeing any legitimate users have that issue though.

I use a wired 360 controller and the only issue I ran into was the game not saving my custom controls which was immediately fixed whenever I downloaded the mods. Other than that, the controls worked out of the box.

@OP maybe buy the game and then try your controller?

Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. 1622514e4f060a4443044433895e6f11d30b240a. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать фото. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать-1622514e4f060a4443044433895e6f11d30b240a. картинка Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. картинка 1622514e4f060a4443044433895e6f11d30b240a

I am currently having issue using a controller as well. Which is bizarre since it was working fine last time I was playing.

Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. 7c11e86b78434cbc0b733439f4b8e0032d9476ea. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать фото. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать-7c11e86b78434cbc0b733439f4b8e0032d9476ea. картинка Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. картинка 7c11e86b78434cbc0b733439f4b8e0032d9476ea

I have no idea, but I want to blame whatever crack or illegitimate copy you’re using to play the game. No idea how those interfere with the native XInput support of the game.

Edit: I don’t remember seeing any legitimate users have that issue though.

Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. 90b3aeb1b69430c3cbec51d0ebb58a90ae8b1e95. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать фото. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать-90b3aeb1b69430c3cbec51d0ebb58a90ae8b1e95. картинка Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. картинка 90b3aeb1b69430c3cbec51d0ebb58a90ae8b1e95

or you can do what I did which was get the SpecialK mod. There should be options there for controller input.

I have the Special K mod but I don’t know how to use it. What am I supposed to do here to get it to work?

And I tried using Steam config which worked, but that broke the controls on other games when I attempted to use it.

Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. 7c11e86b78434cbc0b733439f4b8e0032d9476ea. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать фото. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать-7c11e86b78434cbc0b733439f4b8e0032d9476ea. картинка Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. картинка 7c11e86b78434cbc0b733439f4b8e0032d9476ea

or you can do what I did which was get the SpecialK mod. There should be options there for controller input.

I have the Special K mod but I don’t know how to use it. What am I supposed to do here to get it to work?

And I tried using Steam config which worked, but that broke the controls on other games when I attempted to use it.

Oh I know what can be problem! Is XBox PAD has direct input switch? On Logitech I got this switch and some games didn’t work with Direct Input. But if this haven’t got you definitelly should work out it in Steam, as it has separate control for each game. Or if games outside of Steam have got problem, you just need to switch off Steam.

Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. f5005e6556b47219571998af4a02781d82d2df4f. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать фото. Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать-f5005e6556b47219571998af4a02781d82d2df4f. картинка Your controller is currently in xinput mode f310 что делать. картинка f5005e6556b47219571998af4a02781d82d2df4f

or you can do what I did which was get the SpecialK mod. There should be options there for controller input.

I have the Special K mod but I don’t know how to use it. What am I supposed to do here to get it to work?

And I tried using Steam config which worked, but that broke the controls on other games when I attempted to use it.

If there’s still an issue then you have something else than Steam that messes with the XInput commands the controller sends. You can post your modules.log and dinput8.log to and link them here and I’ll see if I can spot any third-party software that might interfere.

I have the Special K mod but I don’t know how to use it. What am I supposed to do here to get it to work?

And I tried using Steam config which worked, but that broke the controls on other games when I attempted to use it.

Oh I know what can be problem! Is XBox PAD has direct input switch? On Logitech I got this switch and some games didn’t work with Direct Input. But if this haven’t got you definitelly should work out it in Steam, as it has separate control for each game. Or if games outside of Steam have got problem, you just need to switch off Steam.

You don’t need to mess with Steam’s controller support at all. Disable all that ♥♥♥♥ (it’s cancerous and often useless) and configure your controller to run in XInput mode only. There’s no reason ever to use it in DirectInput mode as that’s a legacy API that Microsoft flagged as such over a decade ago. If the controller supports XInput then you should use it in XInput mode for the best compatibility across the board with all games.

I’ve literally never needed a DirectInput controller since XInput was made the standard back in 2004. Practically every game ever released since then have native XInput support without messing with ♥♥♥♥ like Steam’s controller configuration, x360ce, or similar wrappers/API translators.


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