Your games will appear here что это
Your games will appear here что это
At the very start of the game, click the option «Free Ticket» in the options menu.
Still at the very start of the game, click «Credits» after fixing the main menu for some fast scrolling credits and a ticket.
After beating the first two levels of Pony Island, click on the portal to reveal a puzzle to the next ticket.
After closing the game and getting to the desktop for the first time, hit ESC and go to the Graphics Settings Menu, then click the «Free Ticket» button. This ticket is accessible for most of the game, with this being the earliest time that you can obtain it.
While you are still on the desktop, open Pony Galaxy and score 50 points for a ticket.
After using the messaging program and being forced back into pony island, hover over the pony on the left to reveal a portal to a ticket. (PS.: This one won’t open anymore after you get its ticket unless you reset your data while others like this might still let you do their puzzle. Not sure if this is intentional or a glitch)
After getting a game over in pony island and exiting back to the main menu, select the ####### option and input the password «Baphomet».
For those who are curious as to where the password was found, go to security settings in the advanced options menu and minimize ALL of the menus.
When looking through the advanced options for the pony laser, go to the sound options and max out all of the sounds then an option with «Free Ticket» will appear.
Before you break down the password input on the CORRUPTED profile, use the password «iamerror» when trying to login.
As soon as you enter the CORRUPTED profile you will notice rapidly changing symbols in the bottom right corner. Click on the corrupted «.exe» file on the bottom (the one circled in blue) to toggle the changing symbol in the bottom right. Use the file until the symbol of a ticket is shown, do the same with the corrupted «.exe» file above that one (the one circled in red) to change the big one in the bottom left. Once both symbols are stopped on tickets, the ticket should print automatically.
After getting to the CORRUPTED profile, click on the eye at the top of the screen to make it stay there. Then go back to the guest account and open up «Triangle.png», and drag the triangle over the eye to get a ticket.
After finding the password and entering lucifer’s account, open and play «Settlers of sAtan» until your resources spell out 666. I suggest clicking «Roll» until you have a lot of bricks then keep building roads and settlements like in the picture until you get all resources 0, then just click Roll 6 times and you’re done.
After getting the previous ticket, open up pony island and click the demon on the left to reveal a puzzle. Complete this puzzle for the next ticket.
In adventure mode, clear the level below «Ticket Lake» and head left. Click on the disconnected level to walk there. Play the level and collect the coin.
Next, head back to the starting point of adventure mode and click on the disconnected level hidden in the bottom left corner.
Follow the path of disconnected levels to find a boat. Use your coin to ride the boat and it will net you a ticket and the achievement «For The Crusade«!
In adventure mode, get the ticket in «Ticket Lake» by doing what is show in the gif below.
When you reach the «Sin Desert» in adventure mode, find and go to the disconnected level hidden at the top of the screen.
Beat the level and continue upwards to reach the «Cave of Truths». Once you enter, type «Vision» to get this achievement.
During the part where you can explore the Adventure Mode map freely, follow the snowmen icons until you find Louey, then go right from there to find sprites that resemble Old Pokemon games.
Then walk down until you see a small lake. Walk up and down near the border of the lake and Missingno itself will appear, giving you a ticket and the achievement «Glitch City«.
As soon as Act III starts, you will be brought to this menu. Click on the pony to the left to get your next ticket.
When you reach the screen shown below, click where my cursor is in the screenshot to get a ticket.
To get this next ticket, simply don’t kill Jesus. This will start getting challenging once you need to start blowing away butterflies while simultaneously avoiding the ones circling around Jesus. Your ticket will be rewarded to you at the end of the level.
Once you get to the puzzle shown below, use the split sign to get a butterfly over to the glitched flower.
This will lead you to a demon who offers you wisdom. Type «Vision» to accept and get this achievement.
Once you get to the desktop shown in the picture, click in the circled areas in the order labeled below.
After opening up devil island, hover your cursor over one of the ponies to make it vomit blood. Do this until the screen is filled with blood and you will get a ticket.
While playing the text-based version of Pony Island, input «Free Ticket» on the options menu.
Epic Games Achievements Are Launching Next Week!
We’re excited to announce the initial rollout of the Epic Achievements system is on its way, including a set of tools for developers to activate platform Achievements quickly and easily. That means that starting next week, you can begin collecting XP by earning Epic Achievements in select games.
Over the last year, we’ve worked closely with some of our development partners to bring Epic Achievements to life. Thanks to their help, once we launch, you can start racking up XP in these games: Rocket League, Hades, Pillars of Eternity, Kena, Zombie Army 4, Alan Wake Remastered, and more. We’re working to get these tools to more developers, so you can expect to see Epic Achievements popping up in your favorite games later this year.
How do XP and Epic Achievements work?
Epic Achievements are sorted into four tiers based on their XP value, with the Platinum Achievement being awarded upon earning 1000 XP in a game. Here are the Epic Achievement tiers and the amount of additional XP you get for the Achievement:
Games with Epic Achievements have a new Achievements detail page where you can share and track your progress. This page outlines all Epic Achievements available for the game, showcases your progress towards each, and highlights Epic Achievements you’re close to unlocking. Epic Achievements and your Achievement progress per game are now displayed in your library. You can also see all available Epic Achievements on Game Detail Pages while browsing in the store.
Keep your eyes out for more updates you’ve been waiting for as we drop new social features and player rewards later this year.
Epic Achievements FAQ
Didn’t Epic already have achievements?
Yes! We launched achievements tooling for developers about a year ago; we’ll call those “developer achievements.” Those achievements are fully owned and operated by developers. This new Epic Achievements system adds additional benefits for players and brings them more in line with achievement systems on other platforms. We expect this new system will roll out all developers on the Epic Games Store in the coming months.
Are developer achievements going away?
No. Developer achievements will remain functional in games if developers have previously integrated them and they don’t wish to engage with the new Epic Achievements system.
What happens to developer achievements I’ve earned in the past?
12 английских пословиц, которые не имеют аналога в русском языке
Пословицы и поговорки – это отражение народной мысли, установок, моральных ценностей. Обычно они имеют аналоги в других языках, поскольку воспроизводят “простые истины”, свойственные любому человеку каждой нации. Пословица может иметь другие образы, но будет доносить тот же смысл:
Английские пословицы | Русские эквиваленты английских пословиц |
When in Rome, do as the Romans do. | В чужой монастырь со своим уставом не ходят. |
The early bird catches the worm. | Кто рано встаёт – тому Бог подает. |
Too many cooks spoil the broth. | У семи нянек дитя без глазу. |
Но есть высказывания, которые вообще не имеют эквивалента в русском языке. Такие пословицы в наибольшей степени отражают отличия менталитета, поэтому составляют для нас особый интерес.
Кстати, сегодня мы узнаем не только смысл этих английских пословиц, но и связанные с ними занимательные истории.
Обрати внимание: если вдруг ты не согласен с описанным примером и точно знаешь русский аналог, то обязательно пиши об этом в комментариях – подискутируем! 🙂
Уникальное наследие: пословицы на английском языке с переводом
1. If you can’t be good, be careful.
Дословный перевод: Если не можешь быть хорошим, будь осторожен.
Если ты собираешься делать безнравственные вещи, убедись, что они не опасны для тебя или общества. Когда ты планируешь сделать что-то аморальное, удостоверься, что об этом никто не узнает.
Первое упоминание именно этой формулировки датируется 1903-м годом, но смысл выражения намного старше и берет свое начало из латинской пословицы “Si non caste, tamen caute” (если не целомудренно, то по крайней мере осторожно).
2. A volunteer is worth twenty pressed men.
Дословный перевод: Один доброволец стоит двадцати принужденных.
Значение пословицы по сути прямое: даже маленькая группа людей может быть полезнее, если у нее есть энтузиазм, стремление и т.д. Зародилась эта пословица в начале 18-го века.
В то время Королевский флот имел группу матросов, вооруженных дубинками, чья цель была “насобирать” моряков на флот. Они могли делать это, рассказывая о небывалых преимуществах службы, или же просто силой (все же вооружены дубинками они были неспроста).
Такое стечение обстоятельств не делало принужденного хорошим моряком. Отсюда и “вытекло” это умозаключение.
Заметь, что в этой пословице можно менять соотношение цифр:
100 volunteers are worth 200 press’d men.
One volunteer is worth two pressed men
3. Suffering for a friend doubleth friendship.
Дословный перевод: Страдание за друга удваивает дружбу.
Значение этой шотландской пословицы понятно без особых объяснений. Казалось бы, в русском языке есть довольно похожая пословица “друг познается в беде”. При этом очень интересен сам смысл “страдания за друга”. Если в русском варианте говорится о том, чтобы не отвернуться от друга и помочь ему в трудной ситуации, то здесь именно страдать вместе с ним, тем самым усиливая дружбу.
Еще одна интересная с точки зрения образов английская пословица о дружбе: Friends are made in wine and proven in tears (дружба рождается в вине, а проверяется в слезах).
4. A woman’s work is never done.
Дословный перевод: Женский труд никогда не заканчивается.
Ну вот и о нашей нелегкой женской доле английские пословицы позаботились 🙂 Выражение пошло от старинного двустишия:
Man may work from sun to sun,
But woman’s work is never done.
Получается, значение пословицы в том, что женские дела (в отличие от мужских) длятся бесконечно. Видно это из примера:
“A woman’s work is never done!”, said Leila. She added: “As soon as I finish washing the breakfast dishes, it’s time to start preparing lunch. Then I have to go shopping and when the kids are back home I have to help them with their homework.”
(“Женский труд никогда не заканчивается!”, – Сказала Лейла. Она добавила: “Как только я заканчиваю мыть посуду после завтрака, приходит время готовить обед. Потом я должна идти по магазинам и, когда дети возвращаются домой, я должна помогать им с домашним заданием”.)
5. Comparisons are odious / odorous.
Дословный перевод: Сравнения отвратительны / воняют.
Люди должны оцениваться по их собственным заслугам, не стоит кого-либо или что-либо сравнивать между собой.
Два варианта пословица имеет не просто так. Первый вариант (Comparisons are odious) очень древний, и впервые он был запечатлен еще в 1440 году. А вот измененный вариант (Comparisons are odorous) был “создан” Шекспиром и использован им в пьесе “Много шума из ничего”.
6. Money talks.
Дословный перевод: Деньги говорят (сами за себя).
Значение – деньги решают все. Происхождение выражения является предметом споров среди лингвистов. Одни считают, что пословица зародилась в Америке 19-го века, другие – что в средневековой Англии.
Кстати, пословица использована в названии песни австралийской рок-группы AC/DC.
7. Don’t keep a dog and bark yourself.
Дословный перевод: Не держи собаку, если лаешь сам.
Значение этой английском пословицы: не работай за своего подчиненного. Высказывание очень древнее: первое упоминание зафиксировано еще в 1583 году.
По поводу отсутствия аналога: в разных источниках дана разная информация. Кто-то согласен с тем, что аналогов в русском языке нет, другие в качестве эквивалента предлагают пословицу:
За то собаку кормят, что она лает.
Однако, в Большом словаре русских пословиц такой пословицы о собаке нет вообще. Возможно, то что предлагают нам в качестве альтернативы, это адаптированный перевод именно английской пословицы (такое бывает).
8. Every man has his price.
Дословный перевод: У каждого есть своя цена.
Согласно этой пословице, подкупить можно любого, главное предложить достаточную цену. Наблюдение впервые зафиксировано в 1734 году, но, скорее всего, имеет и более давнюю историю.
9. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Дословный перевод: Подражание – самая искренняя форма лести.
Значение пословицы прямое. Эта формулировка восходит к началу 19-го века. Но сама мысль еще древнее и встречалась в текстах 18-го века, например, в 1714 году у журналиста Юстаса Баджелла:
Imitation is a kind of artless Flattery (Имитация является своего рода бесхитростной лестью).
10. It’s better to light a candle than curse the darkness.
Дословный перевод: Лучше зажечь свечу, чем проклинать темноту.
Вопрос об аналоге снова спорен: в некоторых источниках, где даны английские пословицы с переводом на русский, эквивалентом называют:
Лучше пойти и плюнуть, чем плюнуть и не пойти.
Хочу с этим поспорить. Значение русской пословицы: лучше сделать, чем жалеть, что не сделал. Смысл английской – лучше исправить положение, чем жаловаться на него. Лично мне смысловая составляющая про жалобы кажется первостепенной, поэтому приравнивать эти пословицы я бы не стала.
11. Stupid is as stupid does
Дословный перевод: Глуп тот, кто глупо поступает.
На самом деле это не совсем “народная пословица”, а фраза, которой Форест Гамп отбивался от назойливых вопросов о своем интеллекте:
Фраза ушла в народ 🙂 Прародитель этого выражения – пословица “Handsome is as handsome does” (красив тот, кто красиво поступает), уже имеющая аналог в русском языке: “Не тот хорош, кто лицом пригож, а тот хорош, кто для дела гож”.
12. You can’t make bricks without straw
Дословный перевод: Нельзя сделать кирпич без соломы.
Опять же в некоторых источниках в качестве аналога указывается русское “без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда”. При этом английская пословица говорит не о трудолюбии, а о невозможности выполнить задачу без необходимых материалов.
“It’s no good trying to build a website if you don’t know any html, you can’t make bricks without straw.” (Не пытайся создать веб-сайт, если ты не знаешь HTML: ты не можешь делать кирпичи без соломы).
Согласно википедии выражение берет начало из библейского сюжета, когда Фараон в наказание запрещает давать израильтянам солому, но приказывает делать то же количество кирпичей, как и раньше.
Где искать пословицы и поговорки на английском языке по темам?
Возможно, это не все высказывания, не имеющие русских аналогов, ведь английских пословиц (и их значений) огромное множество. Кстати, ты вполне можешь поискать их самостоятельно в нашей Библиотеке материалов по запросу “proverb”, чтобы насытить свою английскую речь чудесными выражениями. Успехов! 🙂
До чего полезная статья! Расскажу про нее друзьям!
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71 Комментариев
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В “прослушке” услышал/увидел фразу “I like my piss in bottles”, перевели это как “что я за это получу”, но я что-то не уверен в однозначности перевода. Спасибо, если сможете помочь.
2. A volunteer is worth twenty pressed men. Похоже на поговорку: “Невольник не богомольник”
Есть точный эквивалент – “охота пуще неволи”. Она к тому же двусмысленная. Одно значение – шутливое, означает примерно “Пристрастие к охоте – хуже тюрьмы”. Основное же значение “Добрая воля сильнее принуждения”. Еще в 19-м веке “охотник” означало “доброволец”.
If you can’t be good, be careful – Бережёного Бог бережёт небережёного-конвой стережёт
Don’t keep a dog… – “Зачем тебе собака, если лаешь сам” – 15-16 век.. И никто не сказал про культуру поведения в обществе. …Роботы всё время думают о робот’е…
“Деньги заговорят…” – множество смыслов как прямых, так и обратных, основной – это подкуп, реже – статус ” (его) Деньги говорят (сами за себя)”.
1) Русский аналог: “Не пойман – не вор”
3) “Сам погибай, а товарища выручай”
12. You can’t make bricks without straw
аналог – не разбив яйца яичницу не приготовить.
Правда, это не русская пословица, кажется.
посольная, от посул, мн.ч. послы = рус. “дела”; (всемирные языки) гл. солить /sell-sold/ – “продавать, торговать”] – “дельный совет/завет” как вести дела.
Источник пословиц – переводы греческих и латинских религиозных формул, европейскиe литературные списки/кальки.
поГОВОРКА – уговор/договор, сговор, приговор, заговОр – “клятва во исполнение”. Проклятие.
ПРИСКАЗКА – повтор, приписка.
Здесь вроде бы статья об английских пословицах, а не клуб коммунистов с деменцией.
Последние обзоры American Tragedy
+ Adaptation of the Space Hulk board game with some minor changes
+ Tactical battles, where you have to ponder each of your moves carefully
+ Two big campaigns to finish: Blood Angels and Genestealers
+ Top notch graphics
+ Ability to customize your squads, level up your units and equip new weapons
+ It is very atmospheric
+ Map editor, where you can create your own maps and share it with a community
+ Dialogue dubbing is quite good and professional, and the whole audio is pretty much great in general
— It can feels really imbalanced sometimes
— Inability to fast-forward actions
— Multiplayer is pretty much dead in here
— A little bit buggy during the animation and camera movements during switching the view
— Can become repetitive and boring quite fast
— Price is a bit too high for a game like this
The story in Space Hulk: Tactics follows the original plot which was set back in the days, when the whole Space Hulk series was started. In the Warhammer 40.000 universe, the term Space Hulk refers to enormous derelict ships, which were sent to colonize new systems and explore the galaxy. During this journey, some of these ships were destroyed or just went missing in the Warp, which is another realm through which spaceships are able to travel between the stars way more quicker than they could through the normal realm. So, lots of these space hulks could have stayed lost for centuries.
After appearing here and there around the space all of a sudden, these space hulks have gained way too much interest from Imperium, as they are being a source of forgotten technologies and ancient relics. However, these derelict ships can be dangerous sometimes. Most of the times, space hulks are infested by Genestealers, followers of the dark gods of Chaos. To protect these ships from the bloody enemies and to retrieve these ancient relics, special forces called Space Marines have has been formed. These guys are huge terminators, who wear special power armor and are armed to the teeth with enormous guns and chainsaws.
So at the beginning of the game you choose the race and start playing through the story. If you feel like playing real heroes, with gigantic sizes, fighting for the truth, calling themselves brothers and looking forward to smashing another horrible creature and drowning him in his own blood, then you are good to go! Or maybe you feel like you wanna play a campaign of these bloody Genestealers, aforementioned above, preventing these big guys from retrieving the relics? You are welcome to do so!
Each campaign starts with a tutorial, explaining how the game mechanics work and it’s not skippable, simply because it won’t be easy for you to understand everything by yourself. Note that Blood Angels and Genestealers have a different playstyle, so they both have their own tutorial, explaining everything on the go.
In this game, you have to tactically arrange your units, facing them into the right directions, trying to predict where the enemies will appear and to count how much Action Points you will need to do this or that action. These points are used to shoot enemies, overwatch the zone, open doors, load your guns, etc. Changes are fairly minor in these two race’s playstyle, but the whole idea is the same. You have to fool your enemies and outsmart them. You should also know that there is little free space on these ships, and all the battles will take place in small hallways where there is always a chance, that you will be cornered.
For example, Blood Angels are very slow units and if your squad will follow one soldier after another, you should be really careful and watch your backs. If one of them is stabbed in the back, he will not be able to move around and protect himself and his brothers will be just staying, listening to his death screams. It’s a good idea to put one soldier to move backwards, so your squad can watch the whole place without being ambushed.
The main difference between the board game and the video game is this Card system that has the ability to turn the game upside down. Basically these cards are just powerful abilities, which can deal enormous damage and help you a lot if used in a right time. Or you can even convert a card to turn it into some Action Points, if it’s needed. Genestealers use them a bit differently, bringing new creatures, instead of adding some more points.
The whole idea of Space Hulk: Tactics is to explore copy-pasted levels full of narrow corridors and doing the same missions again and again. Every single mission kinda repeats activities that have already been seen few missions ago. You have to either move your squad from point A to point B, or you have to activate few terminals in a limited amount of turns, or eliminate every single enemy on the map, etc.
After finishing each mission you will be back on the map, where you have to choose the path you want to move on and follow it picking keys to unlock the doors on your way to the main goal, or finding tech components, needed to upgrade your soldiers. There is also a chance of dropping a blueprints after some of the missions, which are essential if you want to strengthen your units.
The first thing that you notice in the game is its astonishing graphics. Compared to other Space Hulk games, this one is really well designed and polished. Animation of the moving units and in cutscenes simply looks fantastic and professional. The same can be said about the UI, which is simple, but this is a case where simplicity looks best and helps not to overload the whole screen with redundant information. Even the minimap which you open during the mission to see the simple empty rectangles, identifying the squares on which your units stay, looks just right in its own place.
There is not too much that I can say about sound here, as it is just good. Every single dialogue is voice dubbed and the whole audio effects during your explorations make your game experience atmospheric. A great job has been done here.
When you first start the game and finish the tutorial, you feel hyped about it, especially if you are a Space Hulk fan, or if tactic turn-based games are your cup of tea, because it definitely looks interesting and promising at the start. But then you realize that it becomes very repetitive and sadly it starts to get boring pretty fast. Everything is way too slow and I can’t even remember how many times I was forced to reload my game once again, because I accidentally wasted too much Action Points rotating my unit instead of moving him. You can’t even fast forward or skip the whole part where your units slowly move and you just have to sit and watch.
Even the fact that this game has multiplayer and its own map editor, which should have been driven by the community, doesn’t save the game from boredom. To be honest, online is pretty much dead here and it can take up to 10 minutes to search for a player.
+ Interesting and unique visual design
+ Very sweet and kind atmosphere
+ Simply amazing sense of British humor
+ It was meant to be played with your buddy and this is amazing, since cooperating is really important here and will bring you lots of fun and laughs during your gameplay
+ Casual and creative puzzles
+ Steampunk look and feel
+ Relaxing piano music on the background
— It’s awfully short! You can finish it in just two hours or even less
— A bit tedious process of tasks to complete
— While developers state, that this game can be played solo as well as with a buddy, keep in mind that it will be much harder, because you will need to hit all the buttons, that was intended to be pressed by your buddy
39 Days To Mars is a game that has to put a smile on your face. It’s a gorgeous co-op adventure, set in the 19th century steampunk era in England, telling us a story about two explorers Sir Albert Wickes and The Right Honourable Clarence Baxter, who decided to leave this planet behind and travel to Mars on their big self-made HMS Fearful ship.
Cups of tea play an important role in explorer’s lifes and in 39 Days To Mars. Same as scones, they have to be prepared at the certain time no matter what. But what’s more important is that it has to be perfect and our heroes remind us about it literally all the time during the game.
First of all, it’s important to state, that this game is better when played in co-op with a buddy of yours on the couch. If you will decide to play it in a solo mode like I did, be prepared to struggle a bit, at least at the beginning, until you get used to the controls.
And it’s really interesting how they managed to design this whole process of making a tea. You see a list of requirements on the screen, like, for example it has to be hot, sweet and milky and during this puzzle you have to add all these ingredients in your cup and make a perfect drink. Next time, our sir will be in a completely different mood and you will need to make something new for him. After his drink is ready he will move on to his task on fixing another device.
Fixing puzzles are way more trickier than making a cups of tea. Here you will end up with matching mini games, pairing objects, cutting off redundant stuff or building a pathway mechanics. Most of these activities should be done at the same time, so these actions require a coordinated effort and that’s the main reason why it is much funnier to play with your buddy and a bit harder to play solo. Although not being that challenging, all these puzzles are greatly designed and fun to solve.
And after 10-15 minutes of playing 39 days to Mars, you understand that this is pretty much it and there is nothing more, what game can offer you in terms of gameplay. Make tea, cook some scones, fix all the issues on the ship and watch the calendar on the upper left corner of the screen, showing you how much time is left before landing on Mars.
Graphics are pretty much simple in 39 Days to Mars and this is what makes that game so lovely and charming. It’s one of this rare occasions when developers show us that it’s much more important to create the right and pleasant atmosphere, rather than spending millions dollars on creating something ultra special and it really works here. Here you will see nothing more than a crafted brown paper with a hand drawn ink illustration on it and it looks great, reminding you of Victorian artist’s blueprints.
If you prefer the relaxing piano music on the background, you will definitely love the sound of 39 Days to Mars. And what is really cool about it is that this music perfectly works with the whole vibes of the game and it doesn’t feel out of place at all. Piano sounds are calm and easy most of the time, but when it comes to showing us some dramatic or danger moments, it spices up a bit with a more higher tones.
39 Days to Mars is just another good experience for one night, to spend it, preferably, with your buddy or alone, if the circumstances don’t allow you to enjoy it with someone else. The whole gameplay process can become a bit tedious and repetitive pretty much fast, but the game is really short and it can be completed in a less than two hours, so you won’t be bored that much at all.
I would say that this little gem will perfectly fit someone who cares about cute and kind atmosphere in games and looking for an easy game just to sit back and relax after a hard work day, enjoying casual puzzles and smart British jokes. Simply perfect add for the indie lovers into their collection!
+ Interesting and addictive gameplay
+ Deep and complex battle mechanics
+ Deck building card combat system
+ Stunning audio accompaniment with a vibes of synthwave music
+ Unique comic book visual style
+ Big variety of enemies, weapons, modifications and contracts to complete
— Poor UI, which can confuse you at the start of the game
— Random factor can be frustrating sometimes
— A lot of text in dialogues during the contracts with a redundant informations
— The game was designed to be replayable, but it feels like you will see all the content during your first run
— Overall, the whole story is weak and shallow
Deep Sky Derelicts successfully left Early Access and launched officially few weeks ago after being in this condition for almost a year. It’s a turn-based spaceship exploration survival dungeon crawler, filled with deck building mechanics in original way.
The storyline featured in Deep Sky Derelicts is really primitive and there is nothing that will make your jaw drop. You are a mercenary who lives on a planet with a class-based society, where everything works in a simple way: either you are a happy citizen, who lives happily and enjoy your life to the fullest, or you are just a dirty worker, who has to do whatever it takes to make these citizens happy. Of course, you’re not gonna play as a happy citizen here and you understand this straight after the first conversation with a quest giver, represented as a sub-governor.
After that short conversation you will go on your first assignment and your journey will officially begin. You have to board all the ships you will meet in the galaxy, explore them all to search the information about the Mothership on each of them. The trick is that desperate feeling will not leave you till the end of the game. Your crew is in a constant need of credits and resources, especially at the beginning of the story. This main story will vary with different side quests, taken from the random strangers on these ships. Usually, these quests don’t provide you great or unique stories, their main purpose are to fetch you some credits or useful information.
Straight at the beginning of the game you have to create your own three-man crew. At this point, you should understand, that the class choice is not something that you have to worry about right now, simply because it’s hard to understand which classes are be the best for you and there are no proper/detailed explanations for the classes at this point. Your crew will die and change eventually during the game, so keep this in mind. Every class has its own good and bad sides: some of them are good in dealing enormous damage, others are perfect for healing and some of them can be your best buddies in putting shield on you, whenever you need it the most, you will get the idea during your first playthrough.
After starting the game and looking through the first dialogue with a Sub-Governor you will get on the ship and travel to your first derelict. There are two resources that will make you nervous from time to time: energy and credits. Energy is something that you should keep an eye on literally all the time, because it is used for moving when you are aboard the derelict. It can be replenished every time you successfully come back to the space hub. At the same time, you need credits to upgrade your gear, revive your crew or buy new modifications for the weapons and your ship. But it’s much harder to earn credits, as you get the small amount of them by completing contracts and side quests or selling loot you find on derelicts. Once you are short on money, unable to refuel your ship or heal your crew, your game is over.
And then, when it comes to the fight, this is where Deep Sky Derelict starts to shine! The whole combat is based on a deck building card system, where each piece of gear equipped by one of your guys has a couple of cards, which can be played against the enemies. You get these cards randomly each turn, helping you to attack, apply some effects on yourself or enemies and buff your crew.
It’s almost impossible to predict which card will be drafted next, so there is no chance for you to build the overpowered deck, which will make your life super easy. But one way or another, closer to the middle of the game, you will understand the game mechanics and after playing around with your crews, changing classes and different weapons with mods on it you will find the perfect solution for yourself.
Graphics in Deep Sky Derelicts is represented as comic book that has gone alive. This decision to make such a visual gave the game a completely unique look and feel. All these grunge stylized illustrations with a washed out colors add a right mood to the game’s universe and it nicely fits the aesthetics of the game.
Every time you start a battle and take another action you will see an animated comic panel literally jumping out of the screen. Instead of making complex video animations, developers replaced all this routine with a typical comic signature speech bubbles with a text and some atmospheric sound effects, indicating your damage.
Life is Strange 2 starts much cheerful than it was with the original game. This time devs give player only half an hour to explore the starting location, meet all the main characters, understand the relationships between each other and then dive deep straight into a drama. Two Mexican brothers live peacefully with their father at a nice and cosy house and then their nice and quiet life is about to be turned upside down.
Straight in front of their native home, policeman being scared of seeing a fake blood running over a teenage t-shirt, being accompanied by two young Mexican kids pulls out a gun and things turn pretty much ugly. Older brother understands that this situation is out of control all the way down and for a guy like him, in “America like this” the best option will be to grab his little brother and run away as far as possible.
This game has made a giant leap in graphic aspect and you can feel it straight after they reach the forest and start to explore it. The whole nature and details on the specific locations make you feel like this is a part of one big world instead of being just a small boarded zone, that you run through and never come back, forgetting it forever. It also has a surprise Easter egg that I won’t spoil for you, if you still didn’t watch it on Youtube before.
It feels like Dontnod proves us once again that they are simply one of the best devs on the market nowadays, who know how to tell the story in a proper way. First you feel a bit awkward seeing these new characters and you wish to see Chloe and and Max again, but a bit later, when you get into the story and start to empathize heroes of our story, you really feel like you wanna know how this whole story will end.
The main problem of the first episode, that it doesn’t have any puzzles to solve, no challenging activities. While it was time rewind mechanics in original game and all these Chloe’s witty comments and “facts and arguments war” mini games in its prequel all we have in Life is Strange 2 at this moment is only highlighted with a blue actions, that you can do with a brother from time to time. Basically, all you have to do for this first three hours is to explore, talk and interact with every possible object.
Another fact that can be shocking and unpleasant for most of the potential buyers/players is the decision of Dontnod to talk about politics and racism problems directly through the game’s plot. They never mention Donald Trump directly, but you can always understand what this is all about. You can hear loud racist screamings to Sean’s address and one character also mentioned why “America decided to build that wall”. Another character says that it will be a good idea to get away from America, as it’s “dangerous in its current state”.
I enjoyed this game so freaking much that now I only worry about the developer’s support. It happened to me a lot of times already, when I was enjoying the game a lot, was hyped as a child and then it turned out to be a financial disaster for developers and they were forced to shut it down and stop supporting it. Right now it only has a two board game maps and dozens of mini games and I just really do hope that it’s not where everything is going to stop. So I wish best of luck to the developers with their freaking awesome game and looking forward for new and fresh content on a regular basis!
Okay, to sum everything up!
You should grab this game if you:
+ Looking for a cool fun party game for you and your friends
+ Wanna test your friendship 🙂
+ Also a great game for a couples as well
+ Love board games with dice mechanics
+ Enjoy cool indie projects made with a soul
Recommend to avoid if you:
— Don’t have friends and company to play it with. It surely has bots option and possibility to play it online with randoms, but it’s not the same at all, this game should be played with someone you know very well.
We all have our own special childhood memories. Some of us had an amazing childhood, full of joy and happiness, others childhood has been ruined by parents’ divorce or father’s alcoholism, but one way or another, usually childhood memories are the one that stays in our memory for the long time, quite longer that any other. Every time we face a real life adult problems we start to think “Gosh, how it was good back in the childhood, spending care-free days, building tree houses and pillow forts, watching cartoons and eating mom’s food..”
In The Gardens Between we have an opportunity to dive deep into all these childhood memories and enjoy a small, but memorable adventure with two charming kids Arina and Frendt. The game opens at the moment, when two friends, who live side by side in neighboring houses and have grown up together play on the backyard treehouse and suddenly bolt of thunder strikes across the sky. At this moment time stops and the mysterious lightning ball/orb appears in the air. Kids are brave enough to reach out to it and touch it and the everything disappears and our little heroes fall into the exact space, where the whole game starts.
The whole gameplay thing is represented by telling us a story without words: no dialogues at all, completely text free game, built only on your interactions with a world and experiencing all the events, that Arina and Frendt came through their childhood. Eight different world with with 3 stages each, tells us the complete story, straight from the moment when their parents moved to the neighbor houses to all the memorable events, like building a treehouse or some routine days like playing old 8-bit console at home, while it was raining outside.
Frankly speaking, I wasn’t hyped about the upcoming new Lara Croft game. I even forgot about it to be honest and I remembered about it only because I check my friend’s activity feed every day for like hundreds times and bunch of them were waiting for it, gathering all the information about it and talking about how cool this game would be. And yeah, I thought like, whatever, I’ll take it. I even got a Croft Edition game with a thought that I would play it 2 days earlier. However, I was kinda busy these days and wasn’t able to fulfil that desire.
Following the old good tradition, third game smoothly brings us to the dramatic narrative, where devs want to show us another side of Lara, where she slightly comes to the point of realizing how miserable she is asking herself all these questions like “what the hell am I doing, what all this for and why do I have to kill so many people on my way”. All her thoughts cross with flashbacks from her childhood, telling us for the 1000th time about her family tragedy and showing us how she was reaching for the adventure since the early childhood.
It’s a good tendention for the fans of the series, for someone who was looking forward for the next game, but it’s not that good for a new players. Playing this game without its predecessors ( since the 2013 reboot, of course) can be embarrassing and awkward, because you have to follow the story and empathize the protagonist.
But it’s just my opinion and it’s not the biggest problem of Shadow of The Tomb Raider, you know. Not even mentioning the weak marketing campaign, that led game to the completely low sales and not even appearing on the lowest positions of the game charts, the main problem of the game is its bugs. Such a shame for a game like this, but yeah, I wasn’t expected that at all. It has its annoying bug called stuttering and audio bug in general. Imagine that during your gameplay, the sound would appear and disappear all of a sudden, and then appear 10 seconds later, continuing the dialogues from the point in the game, that has been 10 seconds ago. It is something that can kill all the experience, especially when it comes to action scenes, or the scenes full of dramatic dialogues and revealing the important information. Of course, they found a solution already somewhere on Reddit that you can set the priority of the game to the highest in task manager and this issue will disappear and it helps, not for the 100%, but it helps quite a lot. However, keep in mind, that doing this will consume more power for your PC, so this method is only good for someone with a great setup.
Another weird problem that I can’t remember dealing with in previous games is that jumping and grappling from one ledge to another, from one building to the rock, or mountain, etc. Sometimes, Lara can’t even make it for some reasons, even when the gap is just minimal, or she just jumps to completely different way, other than that she was directed and it’s really awkward, I mean, seriously. I guess, I don’t even have to say about all this texture falls and glitches at the most inopportune moment.
Other than that, if you will be able to close your eyes on all these issues listed above, you will enjoy this game. It has astonishing graphics, action scenes, lots of QTE and a good story. Just another Tomb Raider game, where you can rush through the the main story and then start to explore jungle for collectibles, solve puzzles in tombs, complete challenges and level up Lara with some cool perks. It will be safe to say, that if you won’t expect way too much from this game, you will enjoy it and spend a lot of great time playing this.
Okay, to sum everything up!
You should grab this game if you:
+ Fan of Tomb Raider series
+ Looking for another action game full of exploring and collectibles
+ Love the adventure feel
+ Eager to play a game with awesome graphics
Recommend to avoid if you:
— Can’t stand bugs in games
— Never played previous games since the reboot
It took me around few days to rest a little bit from the original The Banner Saga game and continue the story with its sequel. The beauty of the Banner Saga’s ending was that it never had any mind-blowing cliffhanger ending, but everybody knew, that you can rely on the continuation of the story, as this game’s rich universe with its deep characters, depressive memorable atmosphere and unforgettable audio has soooo much to offer.
This time our heroes face almost everything they have already been facing during the events of the original game, but even harder. Stakes are higher, enemies are tougher and the whole world is even more doomed than it used to be. Our heroes remember good about every loss they had in the past and this is the main source of the power, that force them to move forward.
What I like about Banner Saga series, is that it has a genious mix of storytelling, great tactical combats and the desperate feel comparable to Game of Thrones, where you don’t know which one of your squad members is going to die next. For example, I had a warrior which was one of my favorites during the battles and I enjoyed the way he was blending into the story, but suddenly he started to act like a greedy SOB and I decided that I won’t tolerate such attitude at my camp and killed him. That decision had it own consequences, but what goes around comes around, so I accepted it as a true warrior 🙂
Meet new enemies, who can disappear in the middle of the battle, just to appear a bit later and to deal damage to one of your heroes, new class, which vanishes on the battlefield as well and unleash an unexpected attack to the enemies’ back and of course, improved level up system. Compared to the original game, now you can evolve and improve your character’s skills even more and add new perks to the existing one, such as higher damage, critical chance, or getting higher chance to evade the attack.
Banner Saga 2 is a unquestionably a great game, that you have to buy, if you played the first game and want to know what happened next. It doesn’t change a lot or bring you a new experience, it’s more about satisfying yourself if you have a feeling like “I want mooooore” since the original game. The improvements have been made feel small but mandatory, nothing out of the plate, but also nothing that you will feel like you really needed in original game. It ends with a powerful cliffhanger making you want to play the final Banner Saga game ASAP, so I suggest not to rush through this one and simply enjoy it, as the last game has been already released.
Okay, to sum everything up!
You should grab this game if you:
+ Tactical turn-based games lover
+ Played the original game and looking for more
+ Enjoy the idea of two stories to follow
+ Love it when devs improve their games
+ Fan of amazing aesthetic in games
Recommend to avoid if you:
— The only thing that really annoyed me during the game was adding an obstacles on the battle map to make your battles harder and last longer. Instead of hitting enemies, you are forced to destroy these obstacles first. It can be tedious and just boring.
Our poor guy has been possessed by a demon and his body was fully uncontrollable for quite a period of time. During these days he made a lot of trouble and now he counts as a dangerous wanted criminal. He was lucky enough to be found by group of guys, who call themselves Unavowed. Unavowed is some kind of a supernatural police, which shows up everytime when some weird stuff happens. This time they showed up a bit late, but they managed to help a protagonist to get rid of this possession. After the demon has been released, they ask you a few questions about your past and your answer will affect the origin story and dialogue options in the future.
In this adventure you play literally as yourself. That means, that you have to give the name to the poor guy and follow the story. So, it won’t be any notable protagonist, that we will remember in decades, like Manny Calavera or Guybrush Threepwood, for example, you will only remember the blank character, which you can name however you want.
During your adventure, your Unavowed saviours always follow you and help you throughout the story. They can give you hint if you are stuck or even help you when you are in need. For example, Eli is an old mage (like really old) who can burn everything down and his special ability of fire reading. This power will be handy everytime you’ll need to recreate a burned papers or documents. There is also a Mandana, a Jinn woman, who uses her sword everytime you need to cut something down or unlock the doors. The same goes to all other characters that you will meet following the story and every ability will be mandatory.
Unavowed has an anthology structure and this is what makes this game so special. Every case starts in the mansion, where you have to gather the meeting, listen to the briefing and proceed to the location using subway. Before leaving the subway, you have to choose two characters to follow you on the next mission. But keep in mind, that some cases force you to keep specific characters in the team. You never know what kind of a creepy stuff will wait for you on the next stop, but all these cases are connected and lead you to your main objective. Solving each case will help you to investigate and recreate all the events, that took places during protagonists’ possession to confront the demon in the end.
Let me say, that Unavowed is one of the best point and click games in decades and I enjoyed it to the fullest. It has so much stuff that you will love and adore. Guess the most important one is of course the whole game atmosphere and game dialogues. All these dark empty streets of New York with ghosts wandering around the alleyways make the perfect urban fantasy that you will not forget for quite a long time. Also, add this charming mesmerizing jazzy noir soundtrack on the background and this pixel art style graphics and if you love all these aspects then you are good to go with Unavowed.
In conclusion, I can say that Unavowed is simply outstanding game for point and click lovers, for someone who spent their 90s playing Grim Fandango or Escape from The Monkey Island series. Unavowed is one of these perfect examples where quality meets interesting story, amazing characters, brilliant environment design and nostalgia feeling for the games from our childhood.
Okay, to sum everything up!
You should grab this game if you:
+ Are point and click lover (obviously)
+ Enjoy all that supernatural stuff
+ Love rich story with all these funny dialogues and witty comments
+ Like well developed characters with their own story each and useful abilities to use during the journey
+ Looking for a great atmospheric and relaxing game for a few evenings
+ Are a casual player, who would rather enjoy the story than torture his brains trying to solve another puzzle
Recommend to avoid if you:
— Love challenges. Well, like I said before, Unavowed is pretty much easy and casual, this is a game where story and atmosphere goes before ridiculously difficult puzzles
I was waiting for State of Mind for quite a long time, since the day it first appeared on the Steam’s store. Daedalic Entertainment has always brought me a lot of good times with their games and I was looking forward to the next one. The trick was that few days before the release date, when all these stupid dirty journalists lay their hands on their free copies of the game, I started to see all these stupid articles, that this game reveals the themes, which haven’t been revealed in Detroit: Become Human. Whaaaaaat? Seriously? Was it something, that was supposed to intrigue me and make me wanna buy this game ASAP? Lol, never, let’s just stay my review by saying, that State of Mind has nothing to do with a David Cage’s new game and it has like, I don’t know, 0,00001% of similarity.
Okay, if this one is cleared, then we can move on. In general, I can say, that I have very mixed feelings about this game. It’s that kind of a game, where you can see how devs were limited with a budget for their new project and this one was the case. This game caught my eye with an interesting graphics and unusual visual style, so I felt like it was going to be an interesting experience for me. But the more I played, the more I felt like this graphic move has been made only to save more money.
However. yeah, there is always a place for “however”. I know, I know, but what kind of a review would that be, if I would just tell about good sides. State of Mind has less of a gaming, more of a watching and experiencing. You just simply travel from different locations (and this “travel” thing is pretty much limited) and check your laptop, then speak to someone, then pick an object, then interact with other object, then call another playable character, etc. It’s more like an interactive story, than a high-grade game and I guess that a lot of people will not like it.
In conclusion, I can say that this game is awesome for someone, who like interesting, captivating, thrilling games, with a deep story, where you have to investigate, think and always ask questions. Perfect choice for someone, who just feel like playing something chilling and unusual, with a deep atmosphere and a bit of a melancholic mood. State of Mind may be a bit disappointing for the second half of the game, but at least it doesn’t feel like a waste of time, cause in general, the game is great for the genre lovers.