Vac has detected a cheater on this server что значит
CS:GO Trolling VACation.
Вот видео
Что бы забиндить так же скопируйте команду из цитаты ниже
> bind КНОПКА БИНДА «say gh VAC has detected a cheater on this server.»
Вы можете заменить «gh» на «gl» или что нибудь другое,но что бы это всё корректно отображалось нужно что бы было написано только 2 буквы.
Ещё есть вариант «кикнуть» рандомного человека,для этого в чат пишем примерно что то такое.
> Guys,write «DEMOS» in console for see who recording demo.
Тот кто введёт «DEMOS» в консоли-вылетит с сервера. (Регистр не важен)
Само зло
После двух лет успешного внедрения, претворяясь одним из фанатов Хабиба, мне удалось стать админом этой группы больных но голову людей и, наконец, завершить мою миссию и сменить заглавное фото группы на это вот. Я надеюсь, что выбесил все 195 тысяч участников. Бее-бее 🐑
Собачий троллинг
Обмен любезностями
На Гран-При Штирии Гюнтер Штайнер непрозрачно дал понять Никите, что его подзаебали его развороты. Он подарил ему волчок «Мазеспиннер», чтоб тот и дальше мог «мазеспиннить» свой болид.
Ответочка не заставила себя долго ждать.
Возвращаемся в наше время. Спустя неделю всё там же в Штирии, но уже в рамках ГП Австрии Никита притащил ответный презент.
Vac has detected a cheater on this server что значит
1 VAC ban on record | Info
114 day(s) since last ban
A VAC ban as old as this is most likely legitimate and would have been under investigation multiple times if there had been doubts. There weren’t, so it won’t be removed. VAC bans are permanent.
A VAC ban always has a very specific reason: Cheats.
A known cheat was detected on a system that was in use by this account directly or indirectly (account, library or phone number sharing) and VAC banned the account permanently.
It doesn’t matter when the ban was issued.
VAC bans are delayed from the time of the detection to the time that the ban is actually applied. Hence, what you did now doesn’t matter, what you did earlier (days, weeks or even months before the ban) however, does.
It doesn’t matter whether YOU consider it to be a cheat or not.
Modifying the game outside its permitted parameters can still be considered cheating. This includes, for example, skin changers (which would even constitute piracy for using a skin without license), FOV enhancers, altered textures or shaders.
As such, VAC doesn’t care who was using the account at the time of the infraction. The ban will not be removed.
VAC bans are also applied to all accounts sharing a phone number at the time of the infraction. Because VAC bans are delayed, removing the phone number after you knowingly used cheats, does not make you immune.
Accounts sharing the phone number that do not own the game the VAC ban is for will still receive a VAC ban and will not be able to obtain the game once the ban is applied.
Family Sharing privileges may be revoked and your account may also be VAC banned if your library is used by others to cheat.
It doesn’t matter who owned the system the cheats were detected on.
You are responsible for the integrity of the computer hardware and what software is or is not installed on it if the account is used on it.
Do not use public systems or systems you cannot be certain about its safety and cleanliness.
If you have doubts about the cleanliness of your own system, it’s best advised to format your system and to reinstall your operating software.
It doesn’t matter how much you paid for your skins or items.
VAC treats all users equally. Bans are non-negotiable.
Once you are VAC banned in a specific game, all items for that game and future ones you obtain through trading for that game you are banned from are permanently bound to the account.
If item transfer was possible, VAC bans wouldn’t have any consequential effect.
It doesn’t matter how good or bad you play, how much reports you got nor how high or low your trust factor is.
VAC bans are automatic and based on signatures of files and processes. Neither Overwatch/Патруль nor anyone else can manually VAC ban you. Neither can mass reports, botted or manual, nor a low trust factor result in a VAC ban. Neither does your play style, behaviour patters or any suspicious or lucky shots result in a VAC ban.
Denial is futile.
Cheats are detected by their files and processes accessing the game’s code and files.
It doesn’t need demos, videos, screenshots or similar to prove that the account cheated. The evidence was in the files and running processes of the infringing computer.
Appealing is futile.
VAC bans are permanent, non-negotiable, and cannot be removed by Steam Support and also cannot be removed by anyone on this forum.
Therefore, trying to appeal on this forum is useless. Please refrain from asking to be unbanned in this thread and future threads.
Vac has detected a cheater on this server что значит
1 VAC ban on record | Info
48 day(s) since last ban
Sorry, you are responsible for the safety of your account and the account credentials. Restoration is not possible. It doesn’t matter who was using the account to cheat.
A VAC ban always has a very specific reason: Cheats.
A known cheat was detected on a system that was in use by this account directly or indirectly (account, library or phone number sharing) and VAC banned the account permanently.
It doesn’t matter when the ban was issued.
VAC bans are delayed from the time of the detection to the time that the ban is actually applied. Hence, what you did now doesn’t matter, what you did earlier (days, weeks or even months before the ban) however, does.
It doesn’t matter whether YOU consider it to be a cheat or not.
Modifying the game outside its permitted parameters can still be considered cheating. This includes, for example, skin changers (which would even constitute piracy for using a skin without license), FOV enhancers, altered textures or shaders.
As such, VAC doesn’t care who was using the account at the time of the infraction. The ban will not be removed.
VAC bans are also applied to all accounts sharing a phone number at the time of the infraction. Because VAC bans are delayed, removing the phone number after you knowingly used cheats, does not make you immune.
Accounts sharing the phone number that do not own the game the VAC ban is for will still receive a VAC ban and will not be able to obtain the game once the ban is applied.
Family Sharing privileges may be revoked and your account may also be VAC banned if your library is used by others to cheat.
It doesn’t matter who owned the system the cheats were detected on.
You are responsible for the integrity of the computer hardware and what software is or is not installed on it if the account is used on it.
Do not use public systems or systems you cannot be certain about its safety and cleanliness.
If you have doubts about the cleanliness of your own system, it’s best advised to format your system and to reinstall your operating software.
It doesn’t matter how much you paid for your skins or items.
VAC treats all users equally. Bans are non-negotiable.
Once you are VAC banned in a specific game, all items for that game and future ones you obtain through trading for that game you are banned from are permanently bound to the account.
If item transfer was possible, VAC bans wouldn’t have any consequential effect.
It doesn’t matter how good or bad you play, how much reports you got nor how high or low your trust factor is.
VAC bans are automatic and based on signatures of files and processes. Neither Overwatch/Патруль nor anyone else can manually VAC ban you. Neither can mass reports, botted or manual, nor a low trust factor result in a VAC ban. Neither does your play style, behaviour patters or any suspicious or lucky shots result in a VAC ban.
Denial is futile.
Cheats are detected by their files and processes accessing the game’s code and files.
It doesn’t need demos, videos, screenshots or similar to prove that the account cheated. The evidence was in the files and running processes of the infringing computer.
Appealing is futile.
VAC bans are permanent, non-negotiable, and cannot be removed by Steam Support and also cannot be removed by anyone on this forum.
Therefore, trying to appeal on this forum is useless. Please refrain from asking to be unbanned in this thread and future threads.
Vac has detected a cheater on this server что значит
It’s a troll keybind
Basically it’s going to console and typing
bind Vac has detected a cheater on this server что значит say «[short message followed by lots of spaces] VAC has detected a cheater in the server.»
I’ve seen this. It’s a troll. When typing a message, press space a lot so it goes to the next line. Then you type «[VAC] Has detected a cheat in the server.»
It’s a troll keybind
Basically it’s going to console and typing
bind Vac has detected a cheater on this server что значит say «[short message followed by lots of spaces] VAC has detected a cheater in the server.»
It’s a troll keybind
Basically it’s going to console and typing
bind Vac has detected a cheater on this server что значит say «[short message followed by lots of spaces] VAC has detected a cheater in the server.»
Oh, poor teammate who shooted an ace. 😀
I have a friend that does this when I get an ace or at half time. A good amount of people know about this but the ones who don’t have the most hilarious reactions.